1st Try At DWC/Soil Grow - Huckleberry - Cherry Pie - Dogwalker OG - Malawi Gold

My grow would do so much better if I could only eliminate one thing from the equation...... ME OMFG I almost killed them today I am such an idiot. I just walked into the house from work and went in to give the girls their normal gallon of water but to my surprise when I opened up the tent, it felt like a sauna inside, LITERALLY! It was 101 degrees F and everything was soaking wet, the walls the floor everything.I ran to the door and opened it to let some of the cooler outside air in then looked at the air vent from the exhaust fan, it was not running, oh crap my t-stat went south on me, so I ran over and unplugged it from the t-stat and plugged it right into the socket but nothing.. oh crap my fan went south on me, wait a second, I see no light on the power strip? Could it be, naw no way only an idiot would knock something on the cord and unplug the power strip without noticing. Oh wait, thats exactly what I did, SOB, so now I have ever fan in the house sucking air through my tent trying to dry it out. I only have about an hour before lights out so I have to hurry, Oh wait, isn't the air pump powered by that same power strip? SOB can my day get any worse...Every fan is now pointed at full speed on the Huckleberry, the buds are whipping around like a big wind storm I can only hope that I caught it soon enough and am able to get her dry enough to prevent her from molding. On the bright side, the MG looks like she actually enjoyed being baked alive, her leaves are all reaching up all perky and happy. Go figure? Wish I could say the same for the Huckleberry. My only excuse is the fireworks last night kept me up till after midnight and getting up at 3:45 to go to work was a killer today, I was in a total fog most of the day. Apparently so were my plants.

Hope your day went better then mine
Well yeah shit happens, but assume they're all right now after their sauna treatment. MG might even like these tropical conditions better than the previous ones, however I'm nit sure about the rest of the plants.
Bummer. Hopefully they all will pull thru. Watch close now so if it hermies you can catch it. B-1 might help. Keepem Green
Bummer. Hopefully they all will pull thru. Watch close now so if it hermies you can catch it. B-1 might help. Keepem Green
Yeah I had figured I would have to keep a close eye on them from here on out. So far everything looks ok though once the MG starts packing on the weight on the buds I may be screwed, I am working on a couple of ideas at the moment but nothing is set in stone just yet.
I'm wishing I had your ScroG setup about now. With all the rain yesterday, I lost a branch on a plant because it wasn't supported and couldn't take the added weight. No big loss. Have a great weekend!
Rain sucks don't it? I got to have this kid that lives next door, bring his auto's in before they get a dose of PM. I set him up with his first grow and I don't want to see him fail so I'll give him alittle help, I've had to keep my auto's, the ones that fit in the greenhouse on rainy days. Sad thing is my greenhouse has evergreens all down it's back side, blocking alittle of the 'little' sun we get. Keepem Green
Sorry if I only have pictures of the outdoor girls this week, I have been pretty busy with residing the house which we pretty much finished up today. I still have a few things left to do, like finish chalking the top trim piece and trimming out the windows, but for the most part I am done.... YAY Even squeezed in time to change out the buckets on Sunday morning.

So my gal in the 200 gallon pot got her skirt lifted and a 2nd screen put up this weekend. Ran out and did it while I was waiting on the wife to get back from the store with more paint.
here are a few before pictures

Granted it is not as good of security as what Major Pita has with Duggans full security team but one of my security team decided to pose as he was making his rounds

and a few after pictures along with some of the trimming I removed.


While I was out at my brothers I figured I would peek in on his girls and see how they are doing

He seems happy with how his grow is doing and his plants are doing well especially his Pineapple Express which is doing much better this week.

My view from my back door, not sure if you will be able to see it or not but Thursday evening my neighbors dog got into my back yard and raised all kinds of hell with my chickens. Feathers everywhere.


The MG under the SCROG will need another layer of netting very soon.

The other MG is doing just fine though it is now reaching the top of the fence

Apparently the Huckleberry Kush did not want to be 2nd fiddle when it comes to height so it has grown as high as the fence as well.

Last but not least, my Cherry Pie

Not much else really to report, it has been a busy week getting the house fixed up, next week the new roof goes on...ewwwwww

Hope everyones week has started out well and you have a great week ahead :circle-of-love:
Hope you can hide your girls from the roofers
your garden is beautiful:thumb:
Sorry if I only have pictures of the outdoor girls this week, I have been pretty busy with residing the house which we pretty much finished up today. I still have a few things left to do, like finish chalking the top trim piece and trimming out the windows, but for the most part I am done.... YAY Even squeezed in time to change out the buckets on Sunday morning.

So my gal in the 200 gallon pot got her skirt lifted and a 2nd screen put up this weekend. Ran out and did it while I was waiting on the wife to get back from the store with more paint.
here are a few before pictures

Granted it is not as good of security as what Major Pita has with Duggans full security team but one of my security team decided to pose as he was making his rounds

and a few after pictures along with some of the trimming I removed.


While I was out at my brothers I figured I would peek in on his girls and see how they are doing

He seems happy with how his grow is doing and his plants are doing well especially his Pineapple Express which is doing much better this week.

My view from my back door, not sure if you will be able to see it or not but Thursday evening my neighbors dog got into my back yard and raised all kinds of hell with my chickens. Feathers everywhere.


The MG under the SCROG will need another layer of netting very soon.

The other MG is doing just fine though it is now reaching the top of the fence

Apparently the Huckleberry Kush did not want to be 2nd fiddle when it comes to height so it has grown as high as the fence as well.

Last but not least, my Cherry Pie

Not much else really to report, it has been a busy week getting the house fixed up, next week the new roof goes on...ewwwwww

Hope everyones week has started out well and you have a great week ahead :circle-of-love:
Drive bye. Man the girls are looking sweet. Your getting a roof? To me, unless you know them, that's a scary part of growing. I've never been too worried about the law, kind of a lie, but more so from the ripoff's. And you got some pretty girls going. Really wood look impressive from the roof........
Keepem Green
Hope you can hide your girls from the roofers
Not even going to try, no need.

your garden is beautiful:thumb:
Thanks Sara

Drive bye. Man the girls are looking sweet. Your getting a roof? To me, unless you know them, that's a scary part of growing. I've never been too worried about the law, kind of a lie, but more so from the ripoff's. And you got some pretty girls going. Really wood look impressive from the roof........
Keepem Green
In the days when it was illegal I would have agreed but for Oregon those days are gone, and it is my belief that the longer we hide, and grow in secrecy because we are afraid someone may steal it, the longer people will feel inside that the whole "It is Legal" thing is just a scam and it will not always be. My wife is the same way, she thinks I should be hiding it, then last night she was floored when they advertised on TV the Oregon Cannabis Growers Fair next month, where they will be having Ed Rosenthal judging plants and the top 9 plants will be exhibited at the Oregon State fair. As a free legal human being, I refuse to live in fear that people may or may not steal from me. I do not hide my car, I do not block out my windows because I have a computer and flat screen TV and I sure as hell am not going to hide my weed. I see growing weed much like the way gay people felt over the last 50 years, yes at one time you had to hide in the closet in fear, but until you come out of that closet, you are not really free. Once everyone started coming out of the closet people started realizing it was not just one or two people that were that way, there were thousands, and that is how movements gain momentum, with numbers. Instead of hiding it from your neighbor, offer him a clone, yeah I may be a bit weird but hey what can I say, I am who I am
No one says fear,,, but it's a bitich to wake and find a entire crop gone to the stumps. I don't say fear,, I fear if I ever caught someone in my yard, for their sake. Man sure is great to be legal. But as long as weed has value, theives are everywhere. Either the kid down the road, or these 'kick ins', I've got a friend some little gang banger punks from LA area robbed him and his wife and kids at gun point and ripped off a small warehouse of 'legal' weed. Found out later it was a family's friend sold the address for 500$. I've heard of 3 kick in in the Portland area in the last 2 years. Makes no sense to me to show a thing that is untraceable and has a big dollar value, to anyone but who needs know. Wood you let people know you got 10,000$ laying around in the back yard? In a perfect world one woodn't worry but it is a drug, and it's a high value target, and dope fiends can be scary people. Not that anyone has fiends around. I like my quiet house and I hope no one ever feels that pissed off feeling you get looking at your years growth gone. And even worse you really can't grow there again. because anyone who knows anything about weed, and is a thief, will be looking over that fence again next year close to harvest time. I understand what you are saying, and if a perfect world, but untill it's perfect, I'll just keep my grows private or as close to as posiable. Just the fact that it's pot will lure some teenagers to steal. He might not break in your house, but he might jump a fence. Just my 2 cents, but I keep rock salt handy. Short Brass. To each rite. Keepem Green
And here I really stand for gun ownership even as a scare tactics. Maybe put a sign on the fence that you're armed and dangerous. It really doesn't feel good to get raped by a bunch of thugs looking for an easy haul.
Gotta love Oregon. What a view! Nice and green my friend! :thumb:
No one says fear,,, but it's a bitich to wake and find a entire crop gone to the stumps. I don't say fear,, I fear if I ever caught someone in my yard, for their sake. Man sure is great to be legal. But as long as weed has value, theives are everywhere. Either the kid down the road, or these 'kick ins', I've got a friend some little gang banger punks from LA area robbed him and his wife and kids at gun point and ripped off a small warehouse of 'legal' weed. Found out later it was a family's friend sold the address for 500$. I've heard of 3 kick in in the Portland area in the last 2 years. Makes no sense to me to show a thing that is untraceable and has a big dollar value, to anyone but who needs know. Wood you let people know you got 10,000$ laying around in the back yard? In a perfect world one woodn't worry but it is a drug, and it's a high value target, and dope fiends can be scary people. Not that anyone has fiends around. I like my quiet house and I hope no one ever feels that pissed off feeling you get looking at your years growth gone. And even worse you really can't grow there again. because anyone who knows anything about weed, and is a thief, will be looking over that fence again next year close to harvest time. I understand what you are saying, and if a perfect world, but untill it's perfect, I'll just keep my grows private or as close to as posiable. Just the fact that it's pot will lure some teenagers to steal. He might not break in your house, but he might jump a fence. Just my 2 cents, but I keep rock salt handy. Short Brass. To each rite. Keepem Green

1st off everything has value, even my old bicycle out in the shed, I get there are bad people out there who would steal my crop but this is where you and I have a difference in opinion of value You see that old bicycle in the shed has more value to me, then my whole crop, it was a gift to me from my wife, where as that weed in my back yard, if someone stole it, it would be much as if someone hopped my fence and stole my tomato plant, yeah it would be a bummer but far from anything to sweat, I would just grow another. Perhaps you grow for profit or to cut costs of having to buy it. I grow because I enjoy growing the plant. One plant would give me more then enough weed to medicate for a year maybe longer, hence the reason I give most of what I grow away. I give it to people who can not afford to buy it, so I give it to them for free because for me it is the right thing to do. So if someone hops my fence and steals my grow, well karma will make it's way around to them.

And here I really stand for gun ownership even as a scare tactics. Maybe put a sign on the fence that you're armed and dangerous. It really doesn't feel good to get raped by a bunch of thugs looking for an easy haul.

While I own a few guns, I would never get them out unless I intended to kill someone, no plant, car, TV or even cash is worth killing another human being. Everyone makes bad decisions in their lives and I would not want to end their life over something that can be easily replaced.

Gotta love Oregon. What a view! Nice and green my friend! :thumb:
Thank you Major, yep we have to love the whole Pacific Northwest. One of the few places in this country that has seen the light and is not afraid to stand up and say, enough is enough. I have a lot of love for Alaska and Colorado as well. I noticed the view down in your neck of the woods was looking pretty nice and green as well.
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