2 Liter Hempy SOG

really wish I could get some bpn products in the UK :( are there any plans to ship over here? would it help if I pestered my local grow shop to stock bpn stuff?
Hey 420 I pm'ed you a while ago, but I guess you are busy. Well I'm going to give the 2l hemp grow a try over my aeroponics so basically I'm going to use my same equipment ( two magnum xxxl 8" 1000 watters). I was thinking I could get about 112 to 132 bottles inside a secret jardin 5x10 or 8x8 tent. I already have about 142 bottles. Just trying to get your opinion on how many bottles my two lights can cover. Thanks
getting a collection of 2l's going and going to order some BPN soon. Can't wait to try the 2l runs.

My bag seed 1st grow turned out ok despite some setbacks and seeding from light poisoning and herm issues. One of the 3 strains is KILLER. I have a small 2x4 tent I want to try the 2l run in and figure I can get 36 ---2l's in there. Going to try with 2x 240 blackstars and some t5 supplimental actinic blue bulbs. Probably only about 370w total light true, so not sure how yields will be, but if decent I can upgrade lighting more to up yields.

My 5x5 tent and 940w true LED was decent in a gpw measure.

I'm wanting to do the 2l hempy run, but I'm a bit worried about the time for watering. Right now I run about 9-12 plants in a 5x5 tent under about 940w of true draw LED lighting. Yields are ok, but I'm new too. Anyway, I was considering doing a flood tray with 2l hempy's and letting the nutes "soak" into the bottles for their water/feeding. If I did that, do you see any problems with that. Also, I chose the 2 part chem line based on Cory's recommendations. I guess that is part Organic and he said that should be very good for hydro as well. I'll ammend that with the bloom booster. Just wanting your imput as I value your judgement. I don't have time to feed 36-72 hempy pots each night or two. If I had a resevoir mixed up with nutes etc... I could just let the "timer and table" take care of all that I would imagine????

thx for the imput

I'm wanting to do the 2l hempy run, but I'm a bit worried about the time for watering. Right now I run about 9-12 plants in a 5x5 tent under about 940w of true draw LED lighting. Yields are ok, but I'm new too. Anyway, I was considering doing a flood tray with 2l hempy's and letting the nutes "soak" into the bottles for their water/feeding. If I did that, do you see any problems with that. Also, I chose the 2 part chem line based on Cory's recommendations. I guess that is part Organic and he said that should be very good for hydro as well. I'll ammend that with the bloom booster. Just wanting your imput as I value your judgement. I don't have time to feed 36-72 hempy pots each night or two. If I had a resevoir mixed up with nutes etc... I could just let the "timer and table" take care of all that I would imagine????

thx for the imput

The problem I see. You will have different nutrient concentrations due to the different times the plants are put into flower. If you put them all in once it would probably work but it defeats the perpetual grow.
I can do one tray= 14 2L in about 10 mins after water prep. And I have just finished leaving them for 5 days with no stress signs( still wouldn't recommend). I honestly don't think that amount of time is worth the quality compromise you may be facing. Also makes it impossible to diagnose a single plant.
The problem I see. You will have different nutrient concentrations due to the different times the plants are put into flower. If you put them all in once it would probably work but it defeats the perpetual grow.

well I'll make runs together. 36 x 2l in a 2x4x5 tent and another 36+36 staged in a 5x5x6 tent about 2 weeks apart, so while nutes won't be optimal for a few weeks early in that 5x5 tent, it should be ok.
Hi everyone.

Moving into the new setup has taken longer than expected but I'm finally making a little progress.

Last night I recycled some of my Perlite/Vermiculite mixture so I decided to snap some pics so I could pass along how I do it as I know there are quite a few growers here who use this same mix. It saves money and trips to the local Greenhouse for big bags of Perlite.

Anyway, here's how I do it.

I gathered up approx 25 pots that needed recycled


I have a larger, white trash can that I store my recycled medium in and for washing the medium, I use a 10 gallon tote with 1/8" holes drilled in the bottom. You want to be sure and keep your holes small or you'll lose lots of Vermiculite. I wouldn't go any larger than 1/8".



The first thing I do is squeeze the pot to break the medium from the sides as it gets pretty compact. After I loosen it up I pour out the dried portion which, of course, is the top 1/3 of the 2 liter.



Now you'll see your exposed root mass. I give her another good squeeze and turn her upside down, catching the root ball in my hand. I then shake out as much of the medium as I can and what I'm left with is a disposable root ball.



After you shake out each pot be sure to sift through your tote and pick out as much of the root pieces as you can. You won't get ALL of it but you'll get most of it and that;s plenty good. After you fill your tote, take it to the tub and rinse it. I don't use anything but tap water. I probably run 10 or 15 gallons of water through the tote while it's in the shower....agitating the medium with my hands as it gets rinsed.



After a good washing, I let the tote drain for 5 or 6 hours and then dump it out onto some plastic where it dries out. After it's dry it goes back into my trashcan, ready for another run.



Good growing everyone

I wanted to give you guys just a little peek.

There's still much to be done but I am on site now. I barely have anything running. It's all about growing more Moms and clones at this point. I'm still working in the Flower room as you can see but it does have a nice big sink which makes it easy on me. I decided to stay with the open hoods as opposed to the Air cooled hoods for reasons I will explain when I open the new journal.

I will provide more pictures later, obviously.




looking tidy fied. Very neat and clean. I have done couple hempy grows now with nice results but for me it takes too much work and time to feed manually wen doing it commercially. I have switched to wilma system irrigation in 6.5 litre pots now with sog style grow and it saves so much work and time in a possitive way. I have been thinking if it could be modified for hempy style grow it would make life alot easier. It would actually be ideal for hempy on a recirculating system as u could use a 1x1m res with trays on top then add more irrigation lines instead of the 16 i use. are u familiar with the wilma system? I know u have ur grows dialled in but it might be worth u looking into mate especially now u have a new area to work with.
looking tidy fied. Very neat and clean. I have done couple hempy grows now with nice results but for me it takes too much work and time to feed manually wen doing it commercially. I have switched to wilma system irrigation in 6.5 litre pots now with sog style grow and it saves so much work and time in a possitive way. I have been thinking if it could be modified for hempy style grow it would make life alot easier. It would actually be ideal for hempy on a recirculating system as u could use a 1x1m res with trays on top then add more irrigation lines instead of the 16 i use. are u familiar with the wilma system? I know u have ur grows dialled in but it might be worth u looking into mate especially now u have a new area to work with.

Thanks. The rooms are actually still dirty -- the floors are anyway -- but as I progress, I will tidy up even more. I'm familiar with the Wilma System. Actually, I plan on building an irrigation system which will be very similar to the Wilma. I agree that hand feeding the quantity that I plan to run when at full go(140-150) would be too labor intensive. I already have the system designed and I plan to lay it out in detail for everyone in the new journal. Thanks for stopping by.
Im interested in purchasing the the line up up nutrients, im curious after looking at your feeding schedule is that a everyday feeding? Also do I need to contact a certain person for the nutrients? Im also wondering how the does the ph do with using the RO water?
Just order through the BPN website. On the sponsor list or just search blue planet nutrients. Not sure about ph with RO, I use tap water that usually is about high 7's ph. On a full feed I need a little pH down to get in range. RO would probably be closer, but I'd keep some ph adjustment just in case. I use the feeding schedule posted on their website. You may have to adjust a little give or take based on the genetics you grown and that's plants preferences for nute ratios.
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