420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By ChefDGreen

Mind if I pull up a chair?

Can't wait to see what you do with these girls!
Welcome Lime, so glad to see you!
I've only briefly looked over a journal of yours but you grow some beauties. I hope these 3 GSC plants fare me well. I have confidence in @Weed Seeds Express!

In for another GSC! :ciao:
Welcome Shed! this should definitely be interesting! Hopefully I can grow them well!

Welcome to the grow bud :green_heart:
Thanks for the warm welcome Fuzzy!
:passitleft: following along
glad to have you Ljb!
Love the setup of your lights. Good luck with your grow journal! :green_heart:
Thank you Atreum! And thanks again for the panel! It’s so incredibly bright!
In for the show Chef !
Good to see you kismet.:passitleft:
I like your set-up there Chef :thumb: I imagine you'll grow some beautiful ladies, I'll stop in from time to time and see for myself if ya don't mind :yummy::snowboating:
Welcome Mocha. Glad to have you here. We’ll see what I can do with these girls.
Well everyone,

it looks like yesterday morning we had some subaqueous spelunkers.

so of course I tossed them into solo cups of promix that have been premoistened with the prescription blend seedling strength mixture.

hopefully arriving home tonight we’ll see some sprouts popping through the surface.

I played around with my macro lens a bit last night. Here’s a link to those photos. I didn’t want to post them here cause they’re not GSC!
That’s all for now folks.
Well here we are at last! Time to join in the fun!

I'm proud and humbled to be invited to participate in this massive :420: sponsored comparison. It's going to be a lot of fun, and collectively we'll basically be sifting (without the intention of propagating) this @Weed Seeds Express strain. Speaking of, a big thanks to WSE for putting up the gear to make this happen! Not to mention the headache of sending (and resending) seeds to all 40 of us. A big thanks to @420 for putting this thing on, helping to coordinate many different sponsors with all us growers, and trying to keep things in order. It can't be an easy task. :bravo::bravo:

Now, lets see what we are getting into in my tent. This time around we've got some new sponsors to showcase. As I'm sure many of you have heard, @Prescription Blend has teamed up with many a-grower, and I include myself, happily in that group. I think their products are very promising and I love the idea of microbe forward chelates. Creating balance is always the name of the game, (not just in growing) so I've got very high hopes/expectations with their products. As others have mentioned I'm slightly aprehensive about having to mix 6 different things every time I need nutrients, but I've seen Matthew say their nutes can be saved for up to 1 week (2 with aeration). I've got an AACT setup, so I very well might mix up 4 gallons to store and aerate before applying. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Another sponsor of ours that I'm very excited to bring to you all is our friends over at @GreenSafe . They make some incredible all purpose products that can be used with any nutrient system and set up. Indoor or outdoor, the results they've seen with their client base so far has been astounding. They sent me their foliar spray, their nutrient amendment, and their all purpose cleaner. The foliar spray i'll use at lights off, it's supposed to help with opening and cleaning stomata for more efficient transpiration. Their nutrient amendment goes into the irrigation water and allows for more efficient uptake of water and nutrients by lowering the waters surface tension. The all purpose clean is just that, good for all surfaces, tools, and containers. The bottle says you can even clean trimming snips with it, so i'll be putting that to the test. I'm sure you all know how much of a chore that can be.

Last but absolutely not least, I'm proud to present to you all my 2'x3' tent being lit up by @Atreum Lighting. I had a nice chat with Mike over at Atreum. He did some research into the panel I had been using in this space to try and bring me a similar experience but with a lot less power via the markets top efficiency lighting. We landed on the Hydra-1000, and I've got to say at first I was wary about how small it is, then I plugged it in. This thing is brighter than the other panel i was using before that draws 2x the wattage. I love the watt readout on the dimmer also, that's just a fun addition. I do have one gripe already though, the female side of the power cord has the rounded configuration for an outlet like you see on some laptops. It doesnt have the standard trapazoid with slots that you see on almost every other panel. I'll have to keep track of this lights particular power cord which is mildly annoying. I can't complain about the functionality though.

That's almost everything I'll need to get this grow going and to bring 'er on home! Just one final piece that I mentioned briefly before. The Girl Scout Cookies seeds from @Weed Seeds Express. The specimens they sent me looked great, dark and striped. I took a nice macro shot of the ones I'm planning to germinate (3). I'll grow these plants probably in 3 gallon pots, and I'll be training them as low as I can. I may try and find some square pots which will allow me to go slightly bigger on root space. I've got time to figure that out though.

And that's pretty much it! I've scarified the seeds and plopped them into a cup of water. I'll prepare their solo cups and water in the first round of very light nutrients. I'm opting to do some nutrients in their initial soak to try and combat the slow start I've seen others have already. hopefully it'll be the boost they need to get going quickly.

Until tomorrow! :blunt:
Thank you so much for your compliments!
Hey folks!

nothimg crazy to really show yet, but the babies are coming along great. I had the atreum panel at full blast and I could tell it was too much cause the girls were starting to get a bit of yellowing going on. So I dimmed the panel down to 40w

That was yesterday, now everybody is looking awesome. They’re just setting up their root structures before they blast off.

I’ve decided my final pot size, I’ll be using rectangular 6 gallon pots. Their dimensions are 16”x11”x8”. I should be able to fit 3 in my small tent just fine, and I’ll be manifolding these plants.

That’s it for now. Slow going until they get established, as always.
Hey everyone,

things are still progressing slowly. The girls are getting close to needing their first watering, and when that happens, it should help them take off. One of the three has some serious variegation going on. Pretty common especially for plants at this age. Nothing much else to say, except that I’ll be giving this babies a dose of week 1 veg nutes when I water either tomorrow or Monday.

Seeing how leggy the big one got I turned the atreum panel up to 65w. That’s all for today, thanks for stopping by folks.
Do you need to pay for more electricity raising it to 65 w or could you maybe lower the panel a little? You know me I'm frivolous.
alright folks lets do an update,

this part of the grow is always (hopefully) uneventful. we're just waiting around for them to hit their stride and need an up pot. It's pretty clear who the golden child is here of the three plants. The second biggest is staying basically in stride with the largest, but shes completely variegated. The runty seedling is looking variegated, and twisty leaf'd. I'll still leave her to grow and hopefully she'll catch up to the other two and yield... something.

big sprout is looking very good though. she's getting those ridges to her stem that make me think she'll be quite vigorous indeed. thanks for stoppin' in.

day 12
Hi Chef! This looks like it is going to be a great one!
Hey Emilya, thanks for checking it out. It will be fun to see the flower quality. You and I both know that organic flower is head and shoulders over not, but @Prescription Blend has created a microbe forward chelate system. Should be interesting to see how it measures up.
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