Autos - Bubblelicious & Blue Mystic - Soil - LED - 1st Grow - Indoor

No man i was too anxious to think of that. I noticed it cause a little part of root was out of soil and i could see the way was going and also the baby plant couldn't stand up. So i took a big spoon, dig a deep and wide circle around the baby plant, lift all together without moving root or allow light to root, dig a hole in soil and replace it carefully as a whole piece. Its very important not to move the root it has to be a solid piece. this is the girl you can see that after that she isnt at the center of pot...

ithink this is before surgery on day 2 after pop from soil thats when i saw the root and plant starting to fall the oposite way of root

there she is day 11 i think or 12

It is more compact then I would like it to be. As the pots are drying I am noticing the edges of the soil crumbling as it pulls away from the pot when I lift them. However closer to the plant it looks pretty compact and I was wondering if the roots are able to push through. Guess I just need to let them dry out as much as possible. Or as much as I can stand it lol.

when they are young the root isn't spread at the sides of the pot so you could try the finger method if you can't tell from lifting the pot.
My pots are so big that i cant understand with lifting the pot. i mean when the pot is 6 kilos dry and 6.5-7 wet i can't really sense the deference. maybe lifting the pot will be more accurate for me when they start drinking 1,5-2 liters daily. For now they drink 500ml the small ones and a liter the big ones every other day or 2.
As far as i've seen and understand by now is that 9 out of 10 noobs like us are over watering the plants not under watering. so just keep calm and focused i'm sure you will do fine
best regards mate
when they are young the root isn't spread at the sides of the pot so you could try the finger method if you can't tell from lifting the pot.
My pots are so big that i cant understand with lifting the pot. i mean when the pot is 6 kilos dry and 6.5-7 wet i can't really sense the deference. maybe lifting the pot will be more accurate for me when they start drinking 1,5-2 liters daily. For now they drink 500ml the small ones and a liter the big ones every other day or 2.
best regards mate

i think her problem was more that the soil have been compacted by irrigation and maybe when putting the soil in the pot. and worther the roots will grow true the soil or struggle to much?
i think her problem was more that the soil have been compacted by irrigation and maybe when putting the pot in the soil. and worther the roots will grow true the soil or struggle to much?

you're right mate of course compact medium gives hard time to roots to expand causing slow growth:goodjob::thumb::thanks:
Hey, Mz S!

They look great and they'll be fine, don't mess too much with them and try not to react too much :) Let them figure things out -- they know how to be plants and they know how to grow. Our biggest job, I think, is just to give them a nice place to do it and let them do their thing :)

But I totally know it's so natural to fuss over them and try to MAKE them grow through our sheer force of will, heh heh heh :) You WILL grow, damnit! Or worry about every spot, which is my personal bugbear.

I think sometimes we choose the pastimes that will most teach us things about ourselves ... I'm a real control freak in the rest of my life and growing anything requires me to let go. I can't help researching and reading and planning pretty obsessively, but the actual growing? It's not on my timetable, especially with autos!

All the best to you and your girls and your garden!
Hey, Mz S!

They look great and they'll be fine, don't mess too much with them and try not to react too much :) Let them figure things out -- they know how to be plants and they know how to grow. Our biggest job, I think, is just to give them a nice place to do it and let them do their thing :)

But I totally know it's so natural to fuss over them and try to MAKE them grow through our sheer force of will, heh heh heh :) You WILL grow, damnit! Or worry about every spot, which is my personal bugbear.

I think sometimes we choose the pastimes that will most teach us things about ourselves ... I'm a real control freak in the rest of my life and growing anything requires me to let go. I can't help researching and reading and planning pretty obsessively, but the actual growing? It's not on my timetable, especially with autos!

All the best to you and your girls and your garden!

You know Glimmer, Its just hard to look at the progress of others and not wonder if you will get any good results
Yeah, I know. It's hard being competitive, eh? I look at the photos of amazing plants and think, "Shouldn't I be doing THAT?" But that's a pressure we put on ourselves, it's not fair to put it on the wee plants as well, heh heh heh

You will get good results! "You are good enough, you are smart enough and, gosh darn it, you are going to grow your own awesome cannabis!" And we will all cheer you every step of the way!

Thanks Klov and Gyft! Maybe I can try to loosen the soil without touching the roots since they probably aren't very big.g

i would't loose the soil. if it was not autos but regular seeds i would not argue againt a little light root massage or in this case soilcube massage better litsten to glimmergrass's advice let em do their think it will take a bit longer but they will get there im sure also..

but next time you have small plants use a small syringe to feed instead of a vup or something plunging to much water on to the soil and compressing it. also always never pot your soil in to your pot when potting a plant let the dirt set by itself and then refill if nessadery :) for think grow i would just join glimmergrass and cross my fingers and wish your wee ones the best
Hello my Hemp Homies! :byebye:

So I wanted to do an update mainly for my reference, but still feel free to chime in as always. So, none of mama's babies have been watered since the 10th..... I think. Gotta check my earlier posts. The (3) 3 gallon fabric pots are almost dry. They are moist about a fourth of the way down and around the plant where I previously twice with 4oz of water. The 2 gallon pot is still moist throughout.

So, first up is Who. You all may not be able to notice but the next set of leaves are beginning to form. Yeah!:cheer:


Up next is Am. She has the sturdiest stem of them all. She hasn't grown much, but mama loves her anyhow:love:


And there is I. She is still as small she wants to be, but mama's just gonna let her be her!


Finally there is Grace. She started stretching a bit so I decided to lower my lights 2 more inches. The lights are now 29inches away from the plants.


All looks well in mzs land,, good stuff,, once they get an inklin to run,, they be to the moon Alice,, not long,, cheers mz
Crossing my fingers for ya. They still look healthy. Ya got a scale to weigh the pots? I really found that helpful to know what "light" and "heavy' actually are.

If those sprouts haven't had any water for 10 days, I'd suggest giving them maybe 500ml straight down around the stem, shoot for golf or baseball sized damp spot after.
Crossing my fingers for ya. They still look healthy. Ya got a scale to weigh the pots? I really found that helpful to know what "light" and "heavy' actually are.

If those sprouts haven't had any water for 10 days, I'd suggest giving them maybe 500ml straight down around the stem, shoot for golf or baseball sized damp spot after.

Yeah Arteekay, I am going to get a scale because I read it in your journal. I'm just waiting until I can afford it. Some asshole tried to steal my car a couple of weeks ago, but didn't know it had a kill switch. They messed up my door and whole steering column. Unfortunately I only have liability (on a fixed income) so I am shit out of luck. I wish they would have stole it so I could have gotten a new car. But I am definitely going to get one when I can.
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