CFL - Bag Seed - Soil - First Grow

Update time!!

Ok so first off, is this what i think it is???

if soooo :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

So do i wait alittle longer for the roots to grow, or do i just put it right into my soil now? I'm on day 6 since clipping.

Those bumps are the beginnings of where roots will grow in you cutting. Let your cutting develop roots that are several inches long before transplanting for the best results.

now a question about the random nute burn. It's only on about 10 total fan leaves.. and i haven't fed any nutes in over 8 days.. any ideas why this is happening? I've only been watering 1 time a week. I water/fed last sunday with 1/3 strength nutes.. i figured if it was to much she would show burn on all or most of the leaves..

Can you please take some photographs of your plant and some close up shots of the leaves and where they are on your plant so I may diagnose this problem?
Can you please take some photographs of your plant and some close up shots of the leaves and where they are on your plant so I may diagnose this problem?

WOW king, this right here sums up everything about this site and what it means.. You are the man.. You want to help me and diagnose my problems.. Thats amazing.. i wish there were more people that were like people on this forum, but in day to day life.. what an amazing world we would have then.. ok enough with the high philosophy crap.. hahah lets have some pics...

So king alittle back story.. yesterday i did a little defoliation and of course the first to go were anything sick and unhealthy.. but because i wanted to see how those leaves progressed i did leave a few..


Now with my newbie eye, i would diagnose this as potassium deficiency in the late stage.. just from matching up that bad ass chart you guys have.. i'm not sure i'm in late stage tho.. i'm currently 65 days into the grow..

Now as you can see, there were only literally like 7 leaves that had this issues.. the new grow seems to be coming along beautifully.. it was a weird issue when i saw it, cause it was mid week (no water for 3 or 4 days) and it only happened like 1 fan at a time.. lol here's some more shots of her sexy bushiness i got this morning..


So i'm in day 9 of the clones.. I'm down to 2 cause 1 never grew, and the other one had this wierd white mold on it.. so i remeoved i toutta the cab and put it on the back porch for some regular sun.. i'm not to sure whats going on with that one. The remaining 2 tho, are looking good.. about a 1/4 inch of growth on the roots.. the lower leaves are yellowing, but i think thats cause there touching the plastic there on. doesn't seem like to much of an issue, as they're probably gonna be plucked when soil time arrives..

So again KingJohn, you got +reps for that last post buddy.. that was awesome. you are so helpful and genuine, it's refreshing..

Stay greeeen..
Thank you kindly! I do not agree with a potassium deficiency, the leaves are too green for a potassium deficiency. Your leaf damage appears to either be from nutrient burn, heat stress or an evaporation problem, over watering or under watering. What are your grow area temperature and humidity levels? Your leaves also show low humidity levels or an evaporation problem. Were the damaged leaves directly in front of a fan? Is the soil still moist or dry when you water again? Place your finger 1"-2" into the soil and feel how moist the soil is.

You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Here is a nutrient availability chart


Here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
Thank you kindly! I do not agree with a potassium deficiency, the leaves are too green for a potassium deficiency. Your leaf damage appears to either be from nutrient burn, heat stress or an evaporation problem, over watering or under watering. What are your grow area temperature and humidity levels? Your leaves also show low humidity levels or an evaporation problem. Were the damaged leaves directly in front of a fan? Is the soil still moist or dry when you water again? Place your finger 1"-2" into the soil and feel how moist the soil is.

amazing.... ok well lets rule out potass then.. lol me and my newbie eyes.. lol

current cab temps are 74ish with lights off and 79-82 with lights on
current cab RH 40-55 all day every day.. it ranges with weather outside as well. like right now it's raining in my neck of the woods so it's alittle high at around 55.. normally tho it's in the low 50's to high 40's...

now evaporation problem, can you elaborate on this.. i've not read or really heard about that..

regarding the soil and moister, when i water i PH a 1/2 gallon at 6.5 with my drops..
then i water
then i take the runoff, ph that, and then adjust my 2nd 1/2 gallon to get the run off at be at 6.5. with out having an accurate soil PH tester, it's been hard to know what my soil is.. it's been running around 6-7ish..

once i water, then she seems to be good and heavy for around 6-7 days.. i have been trying to stay away from the "finger the soil" trick as i feel thats pretty inaccurate. this soil doesn't have alot of perlite in it so it seems pretty moist all the time.

Now with the plant and the fan situation, yes and no.. i have the fans kinda close to the tops, where the heat from the lights build up.. thats where it's blowing on. but before she went into the flower cab, it was open during the day. now in the flower box it's closed up.. I've been monitoring the heat and it's not getting that hot in there.. maybe peaking at 82 then it drops to 80.. then peaking again.. i'm not sure why it's doing that, other then maybe when my a/c kicks on it drops...

i'm not really seeing it as a major issue, as you can see in the pics, the new growth is coming in green and lush.. maybe it was heat stress for a short period of time so it only effected a handful of leaves and then stopped..

Thanks again for the help.. hope these answers can provide a clearer picture...
If you look at the photograph of your leaf damage you will notice the edges of the leaves are all slightly curled upward, that is an indication the plant is either loosing moisture to too fast of evaporation, windburn or being grown in low humidity.
If you look at the photograph of your leaf damage you will notice the edges of the leaves are all slightly curled upward, that is an indication the plant is either loosing moisture to too fast of evaporation, windburn or being grown in low humidity.

Ok so i would guess it's the low humidity. I've been battling this from the beginning of the grow.. is this something i should be worried about. i mean it's no super low, max lowest i've seen is 38%.. most of the time it's in the 40's-50's..

now that i look at all the leaves i see you are correct.. they are all pointed upwards..

is this something i should be worried about? as i am now 4 days into flower.. woohoo.. nothing of sex yet..
i'll post some pixs this afternoon.

i'm gonna change the clones over to soil. i'm seeing new growth on the tops of both, so i thing it's time..

I did also get some great concentrate last night.. mild honey fluffy wax.. it's very taasty..

Keep it green...

First off again, happy saturday.. So i decided after seeing more new growth from the clones, and about a 3/4 of a inch root growth i put them into the soil today.. I removed the damaged leaves and put them under a single 26W CFL going 12/12 as well..
We started with this----

and now we have this---

I think they both look alot happier.. SO it appears that out of the 4, the one without a humidity dome of any sorts died cause of some wierd white mold, as i was spraying all the time cause it looked dry all the time.. One clipping that was very small, died cause it was so small i think.. SO 50% i'm very happy with.. now lets just hope they enjoy the new soil home for the remainiing flower period..

SO heres the current states..
66 days since germination
35 days under CFL's
5 days into flower
Current temp is 79
RH is 47%
lots of new inside growth that will all be budd spots.. the weed small is starting. shes' stinking up the cab pretty good. when i open it it's a weed hit to the face..

anyone see any signs of sex?

i figure what, maybe another 3 or 4 days and we should know..

Any comments, questions, concerns???

Happy saturday all my fellow green lovers..
I bet you love opening the doors and getting a breath of fresh Cannabis. I know I do!

As for sex, I don't see any male or female signs yet, but you're looking in the right place!

You want to see something like this:

They're going to be really small, so you'll need to keep looking closely. This one was about 1-1.5mm. So it's small, but visible without magnification.
You want 70°-90° Fahrenheit and 50%-70% humidity in vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity in flowering. For vegetative growth I would either use a cool mist humidifier in the grow area or in the area where the air intake is. Your temperature and humidity are perfect for flowering.

Here is the female cannabis pre flower

Hey PG, everything is looking good and I love your LST, you did a great job.

My only advice would be to move the CFL over the clones a little lower, maybe 2-3 inches, so they are 3-4 inches above the clones.

We have a cabinet room building section here on 420 with lots of DIY projects that I think you would love and be really good at, you should look around for the section. I know I have read one on making a DIY carbon filter for under 20 bucks.

P.S. Sending over positive vibes for a female for you.
Hey PG, everything is looking good and I love your LST, you did a great job.

My only advice would be to move the CFL over the clones a little lower, maybe 2-3 inches, so they are 3-4 inches above the clones.

We have a cabinet room building section here on 420 with lots of DIY projects that I think you would love and be really good at, you should look around for the section. I know I have read one on making a DIY carbon filter for under 20 bucks.

P.S. Sending over positive vibes for a female for you.

holy crap.. how did i miss this section.. i now have bathroom reading material for days.. yes you are correct lab, I love DIY's... i come from a family full of carpenters and my father owned a construction company so i'm very well versed in making things with my hands, especially cheap.. i'm def going gonna check out those threads.. i'm loving this idea of DIY CO2 and free wine, oh man.. i dont' think my sunday funday can get any better....

Haven't looked at the girls today.. i took a peek at the temp when the lights came and it was like 72.. my room mate got wasted last night and turned the a/c down to like 69 so the house was alittle cooler then normal..

Lab, i wanna say thanks for saying something about the LST'ing i've been doing.. You know its funny, not one person has said anything about it.. i was starting to think that maybe i wasn't doing it correctly or it was wrong.. hahaha so i'm glad to hear from experience that it's looking good. i honestly think i'm at my limit of pulling the main top stems down.. i feel if i do it anymore there gonna break.. it's making them into some tree like trunks tho, which can support all those FAT buds i'mma be having.. lol

Now my understanding is that she will stop stretching in flower around what like day 16-18? i've got about another 14" i'm working with, then i'm outta space.. should i keep tying down the new growth, or let her stretch here? i need some help there..

alittle later i'lll do a quick photo shoot with her.. i check my google drive (where i'm keeping the pics) and i'm up to 250... in 2 months.. WOW.... hahahahahahah i feel like such a bitch... lol

Happy sunday funday to you ALL!!!
Update time...

Well, not really.. i'm on day 7 of flower.. still no signs as far as my newbie eye can see.. i've got lots of pics... so i'm just gonna post the pics and you guys see if theres anything good...

those are all from different parts of the plant..
i lowered the overal plant today by 4 inchs..

again can anyone tell me the time she will stretch.. is 16 days around the right time or is it longer? or is it strain specific? i've only got 10 more inches i'm playing with.. so i kinda have to be strategic about this..

theres some over all plant pics..

questions comments concerns??
Still to early from the pics i see no pistils YET. I do however see a "nub" at where either the pistils or seeds will form... Give it a few more days "shes" almost showing her sex! (trying to give you good luck) :thumb:

I have circled the growth that will show your sex.

Also to answer your other question the stretch for my girl lasted all the way to day 30 or so..... She grew 3-4 times her size in these 30 days of flower. It depends on a lot of factors so be ready for it if it does happen....
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