CFL - Bag Seed - Soil - First Grow

Update time...

Soooo i had a change in plans. As i've stated this is a super cheap grow.. Lots of materials were found around the house, as well as in a dumpster from a house clean-out. hahaha i had plans for 2 separate cabs, but as we progress thru this grow, and my up coming 7 day vacation i've had to slightly adjust my plan for cost savings.

So what i've done is transferred everything (lights, plants, fans) to the lower flower cab. I re-rigged the lights in a aluminum hood. I rigged the lights all the way at the top of the cab, and i'm bringing the plant to the lights instead of the lights to the plant. I figured it would be easier.

For the ventilation i installed a fan to push air into the cab. there is a gap at the top of the cab where i will be installing a light baffle for the exhaust. Last night it appeared all sealed up to maintain a temp of 78ish and when i looked this morning with lights off it was under 75.. the girls must be loving it.. so it appears the ventilation seems to work, i just need to light proof everything..

My goal here is to flower this girl and get a decent yield so i can get the correct lights and setup for the 2 cabs. I'm going to test the ventilation for another day then probably tomorrow change her over to 12/12. I wanted to clone this plant, but as this was a bag seed, i didn't want to invest to much more time in it. I know i can germ and keep a plant alive and healthy, so i want to buy some seeds so i know the genetics i'm working with.

So i'm not to sure what i'm gonna about the odor once she starts her flower.. I'm just exhausting the air right into my bedroom. Now i personally don't think i'll mind, but it's the pesky terrorist neighbors that i worry about it.. Again i dont' have much money so once it gets stinky i might just try an odor bucket in the room.. at least maybe it will deodorize enough to make it super not noticeable..

So any thoughts on this move.. I'm fairly confident in my decision. I hate breaking a plan that has been in the works for over a month but sometimes the wallet has to dictate your actions.. lol If anything i know on my next grow i'll be able to sustain life.. So hopefully i can get a few dollars back from this girl over the next 2 months. As it's a bag seed, i don't know the flower period.. I'm hoping less the 60 days, but i'm sure it won't be.. lol

Now my question here is what do i do with my clones? It appears that 3 of 4 are growing roots. Can i just leave them alone? Then in like 4 days when i was planning on putting them into soil, just put them straight into 12/12? obviously this will effect yield, but they'll still produce right? Because i know they won't be strong with no veg time, i just don't want to kill them. Any comments here..

Once the lights come on i will take a few pics of the new set up. Ironically enough on Saturday i turned the lights to 18/6 hoping i would maybe get a start to some pre-flowers. I was thinking maybe that why she hasn't grown them yet cause of the 20/4 schedule.. Looks like she's getting around 5 days of 18/6 then going to 12/12 which i guess on the natural light scale is good. Thinking like fall time, where the days get shorter quicker.. Am i kinda right here, or did i just :tokin: to hard.. lol

Thanks again for everything guys.. This has been soo much fun. I'm so happy i got into gardening thing.. Not to mention i look at plants in nature so much differently now. I kinda feel like i have a better understanding of how things grow.. it's cool shit.. thanks guys..
Yes, you can do 12/12 from root. Others have done 12/12 from seed for a faster harvest, and yes, Yield is reduced.

They will produce buds though.

I don't think how slow/quickly you introduce 12/12 to the plants matters, but I could be wrong!

Okey well i'm gonna let them run under lights from 1 pm till 8 pm. then start the 12/12 tomorrow from 8-8. See that all the lights i have are in this one cab, everything will be going to 12/12.. this will be a good experiment i guess.
Thanks for this journal, I'm just a couple weeks into my grow and all your questions are helping me along, Thanks! :bravo:

awesome man.. i'm glad i could help someone.. thats pretty sweet.. these guys are amazing.. like for real.. they know shit that only encyclopedias know.. but it's in there brain.. it's amazing.. if you havn't started a journal do it.. it's so worth it.. maybe alittle bit if time, but you can see how i helped you with mine, i'm sure you'll help some newb too.. just jump in head first.. worst thing you can do is kill some plants.. lol i have never grown anything, and this thing is growin' like a weed..

welcome to the cool MJ forum.. this place roocks!!!

Well it's official.. the flowering period has begun. I shut the lights off at 8 tonight.. she will be sleeping from 8 pm to 8 am.. oh man.. it's like all this time and preparation.. lol i'm nervous and excited to see what this plant brings..

now i know this is gonna be female. i know it.. buttt what if she is a he.. (god forbid. i'm probably gonna cry) is it still gonna produce something that i can smoke?? i know that when you get really shitty trees with seeds, it's normally just a bunch of males that were eff'ed up during flower.. does it produce buds, and will the THC level be high enough to do the trick. theres not alot of info out there other then just KILL IT!!! seeing that i'm not growing any other plants right now other then the mother and her 4 clones, i would like to get soooomething smokable outta this.. even if i just have to grind it all up and make a concentrate, i'm down for that.. as long as i get a smokable product..

any info here?
The THC content of males is undoubtedly lower. I have read some folks claim the upper parts of a male plant can be smoked (unsure which parts), and you can make hash and such from males.

I personally wouldn't smoke a male, It seems like it could be harsh smoke. If I ended up with a male, I'd look into juicing (just to consume the low quantity of cannabinoids produced), possibly making tea, or making hash. That's about it. This is why growers will plant a few regular seeds at a time, so if/when males appear, they can remove them and still keep the females to harvest.
The THC content of males is undoubtedly lower. I have read some folks claim the upper parts of a male plant can be smoked (unsure which parts), and you can make hash and such from males.

I personally wouldn't smoke a male, It seems like it could be harsh smoke. If I ended up with a male, I'd look into juicing (just to consume the low quantity of cannabinoids produced), possibly making tea, or making hash. That's about it. This is why growers will plant a few regular seeds at a time, so if/when males appear, they can remove them and still keep the females to harvest.

It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl...
how many more times do you think i need to put it there.. come on universe.. do me right on this one... lol
lookin forward to those pics grape,,ya know? if you were to see the area I started in and now..its totally different. and got plans for this add.4, 65 watt 6500 k non spiral cfls. I am thinkin 4 on " y " adapters will cover a nice area
best of luck to you and all the good folks at :420:
will be watching!
ok ...It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl. It's gonna be a girl :bravo:
Okey dokey.. Update with pics as promised..

Sooo this morning when she woke up after her longest nap ever, she looked so green and happy.. she really started to bush up in the middle where i've been spreading her out.. so after staying up till well after my bedtime watching videos on how to defol and lollypop, and other methods of increasing yeild, today i decide to give her alittle bit of a trim. I think i did well. i can see how you get in there, and just start hacking away.. lol Now i do have a question here, these leaves and very small bottom branches that i'm trimming. can i do anything with them? i put em in a bag and am freezing them. are there any oils or goodness in a plant thats been vegging for 63 days?

Now on to the progress of the ongoing flower cab. I think i have enough ventilation. with lights on it's around 80ish. it's fluctuating alittle +-2 degress. i'm not sure why.. the house is a constant 75. odd. i know its not totally light proof as i can see some cracks of light when the lights are on. So i'm going to walmart for a black out curtain. i think this will do the light trick without lose of ventilation. as you can see now i'm just hanging a stylish blanket there.. lol

ok so lets have some pictures shall we?

This is where she was in the veg cab.

now she's been moved to the lower flower cab..

boarded up for security..

as you can see the blanket there now, i'm gonna put the black out curtain there.

This is thru the intake. I designed it so it's always blowing on the top of the plant. it's multi useful. hahaha

here is some of the new growth.. if anyone of you awesome peeps some something...

Now to the defol. this is the before pic

heres after her clipping..

see not to bad.. here's what i took from her

SO thoughts questions comments anyone?
I can dig it!!..loving the roasting pan reflector! cant wait to see some buds!:bravo:

Thanks rick.. yeah i'm happy with the set up so far.. and MAN I NEEEEEEEEED some buds!!

SO the reason for the roasting pan reflector was i needed something nice and reflective with a short lip. i found these at the dollar store. buck a piece baby. i thought they were gonna be super flimsy so i actually bought 2 thinking i might need both to support the weight of the lights.. i was wrong.. my dollar store pans work GREAT.. i haven't found any hot spots or anything yet.. so i'm happy..

Heres an idea of how cheap i've done this grow..

Bag seed = FREEE
5 CFL's = FREE there were in my house
60CFM fan = Free, took from old computer
25 CFM fan = Free took from old computer
Extension cords = Free
SHeet of plywood = FREE
AIR ducting =FREE
Power strip = FREE

FF Ocean Forest = $15.00
3 plug adapters = $9.00
3 gal pot = $3.00
EG RAINBOW = $8.00
PH KIT = $8.00
PH UP = $4.00
ROOTECH = $2.00
Lights TIMER = $10.00
Electric 2 months = $90.00

SO thats pretty much my list and where i'm at.. Other then the electric i'm basically $50 dollars in.. i've been able to move the electric money around so all the room mates in the house pay for it. there's 4 of us here, which 3 smoke.. so everyone gets to pay a piece of that one.. so from start to date i'm $150 in. You figure another 2 months of electric, and some flower nutes.. i'm thinking probably $225 deep when it's all said and done. in my world i get a ounce of decent for $250 and really good goes for $325-$400.

So with that being said i need atleast a zip to cover my cost, and anything over that is bonus.. With the looks of this plant, knowing it's been in veg for 63 days and under 130watts of CFL for 33 days, do you think i will achieve my yield?

i know thats tough to say, cause we don't know the strain.. but i when i look at plants that others have grown in similar environments, it appears that with it being female and healthy all the way thru i should get between 3-4 ounces dried? is that close? or should i just bee happy if i get my ounce and alittle to smoke?

Anyone have any insight here?
You will not get 3-4 ounces dry. I'm sorry to inform you.

The very best growers want to hit the magical number of 1g per actual watt. And it is very hard to achieve even for experienced growers.

For your first grow, and under CFL's (not very efficient), If you can get .33/watt you should be very happy. That would give you about 40 g's. You should hope for an ounce and everything else will be icing on the cake. :)

But If you don't harvest early, and really take good care of her, the quality will be as good or better than the best stuff you can get. :)

PLUS, you have the overhead covered for the next grow and so on so the $ will be recouped within a year.

p.s. I really really hope you prove me wrong and pull like 4,000 g's. :):):):) :high-five:
You will not get 3-4 ounces dry. I'm sorry to inform you.

The very best growers want to hit the magical number of 1g per actual watt. And it is very hard to achieve even for experienced growers.

For your first grow, and under CFL's (not very efficient), If you can get .33/watt you should be very happy. That would give you about 40 g's. You should hope for an ounce and everything else will be icing on the cake. :)

But If you don't harvest early, and really take good care of her, the quality will be as good or better than the best stuff you can get. :)

PLUS, you have the overhead covered for the next grow and so on so the $ will be recouped within a year.

p.s. I really really hope you prove me wrong and pull like 4,000 g's. :):):):) :high-five:

i had to make that big so the universe will provide!!! hahaha

Man thanks for the heads up.. this at least gives me something to shoot for.. now when you say 40 g's is that dry i hope?

well i think i've been doing well so far.. i really enjoy getting in there and retying the strings. holding her down every everyday.. i think she really enjoys it as there is so much new growth every day.. and also with the space i'm using, there is no way i'd be able to do it any different.i see the kinda growth i get under CFL's it's amazing.. i couldn't imagine an HPS or MH bulb. i can't wait for the day i upgrade. actually i'll probably just go to LED's seems nice and cost efficient and damn it makes the plants look cool.. lol

Pimp what about the leaves and cuttings.. do they have any goodness in them?
Ya that was a dry guesstimate. :)

Many people save the fan leaves and juice them to extract the goodness. I know Ricorico has made comments about making smoothies from the fan leaves and several others.
Personally I've never had enough to juice more than a shot so I toss them.
Here a link to the Cannabis Edibles section.

When you start triming you will want to save all the non-fans (sugar leaves,etc) to use for making hash or keif. But thats way down the road. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. :)
Ya that was a dry guesstimate. :)

Many people save the fan leaves and juice them to extract the goodness. I know Ricorico has made comments about making smoothies from the fan leaves and several others.
Personally I've never had enough to juice more than a shot so I toss them.
Here a link to the Cannabis Edibles section.

When you start triming you will want to save all the non-fans (sugar leaves,etc) to use for making hash or keif. But thats way down the road. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. :)

man you guys are so badass.. yeah i'm saving and freezing.. i'm gonna try to extract the oil or gooodness using some alcohol and chemistry. i've got 14 grams of frozon crap all minced up. i'm going to let it sit in frozon 91% the just bake off the remaining.. who knows what we'll get it.. lol
Looking good PositiveGrape! Im following along on this one! Pistils will start showing around 1-2 weeks after switching to 12/12. They will form a nub in between the V right under where that new growth is forming. Out that nub hopefully 2 pistils will emerge! Good luck on your grow! Im also growing one plant and two clones with CFL's. Check out my First grow in my signature so you can see what CFL's can do!
Glad you got rid of that Tide laundry soap box, I was wandering if that being in there could transfer the odor that seems to never go away from the box into the buds and effecting the taste. Kinda like when my girlfriend put her box of incense in a drawer i had ritz crackers in, well they all tasted like shitty incense!!! Hahahah lesson learned.
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