Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

High guys...:passitleft: Thanks for all the love ❤... Seems fella tried to beat me out of here and his heart (who knew) stopped beating...:thedoubletake: He had his chest ripped open and they did some kinda miracle work in there are his heart is beating on its own now...:yahoo: He has been moved out of CCU but still has a bit before getting to a step down floor or to a regular room but they say he is doing amazingly well...:blushsmile:
I'll check in when I can and it may be a while before I get an update posted... Everything except the Lime Daiquiri are doing great thank goodness and I don't think she is going to straighten out but I'm just letting her go on with whatever it is she's doing....
I gotta get back to the hospital.. Really needed a shower so I came home for a while and fell asleep...:yikes: It's been a long couple of weeks...
Thanks again for checking on me... Love ya all... Mean it...:circle-of-love:
High guys...:passitleft: Thanks for all the love ❤... Seems fella tried to beat me out of here and his heart (who knew) stopped beating...:thedoubletake: He had his chest ripped open and they did some kinda miracle work in there are his heart is beating on its own now...:yahoo: He has been moved out of CCU but still has a bit before getting to a step down floor or to a regular room but they say he is doing amazingly well...:blushsmile:
I'll check in when I can and it may be a while before I get an update posted... Everything except the Lime Daiquiri are doing great thank goodness and I don't think she is going to straighten out but I'm just letting her go on with whatever it is she's doing....
I gotta get back to the hospital.. Really needed a shower so I came home for a while and fell asleep...:yikes: It's been a long couple of weeks...
Thanks again for checking on me... Love ya all... Mean it...:circle-of-love:

He will be added to our prayers!!! Stay strong. We are all here for you. I am glad that it seams like the worst is behind you. Now you just need to keep him down and resting!!!!:circle-of-love::peace:
Geez oh pete, D...harrowing circumstance....praying for you both :circle-of-love:
Pardon me, Dennise, for being a bit irreverent ... but being concerned that you'd gone down again, and hearing it was Mr. Wonderful instead, I was reminded of a story ...

My neighbor at the lake was a tall strapping Scandanavian specimen, still driving the 50 miles to his cottage every weekend at the age of 94. :thedoubletake: He'd had some blood sugar problems that had weakened his heart, but other than that he was jus' fine. He was on his second wife, a woman 15 years younger, and they had one of those chronic annoyed-with-each-other relationships that only the oldest people can have. :laugh:

One night, an ambulance showed up and bundled someone into it and we didn't see them the rest of the weekend, and so we feared the worst for him, but the next weekend, there they were again, pulling into the drive. I wandered over after supper and asked him about the ambulance, all concerned ... and he scowled as he glanced at the cottage and growled "it was Her". :laugh: It was just one of those moments that were so out of character and context that it was poignant. Lol!
Heya D! Much love & healin vibes to you & your fella.....Just take your time & take it slow. Hope fella recovers quick.! :volcano-smiley:
Prayers and pos vibes go out to your hubby and yourself Lady D. I feared the worst as I know you always check in. Take care of your other half and looking forward to your peace of mind when this ordeal is over.
:circle-of-love: :passitleft: miss ya... Hope your both doing well...
Gee guys you have me in tears here...:straightface: Thank you all for the kind words and love...:love: I plan on getting and update up here tomorrow... The Mango Sapphire is about ready to chop... All cloudy with just a few ambers so it won't be long and I will update everything then...:thanks: again for the kindest of words...
Fella is feeling so much better it is incredible watching him... He's like Superman or something...:yikes: Your prayers and thoughts have been so appreciated and apparently worked very well.....:circle-of-love:
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