Dutty Panty's Adventures in High Brix Budland

:peace:fingers crossed for ya pal,,
Waiting for the big news Dutty. You could do wonderful things with this.
Thanks everyone so there's a lot of vetting and figuring out all this liability and overhead. From security, 24 hour surveillance by the state, no bringing new genetics into the current equation, 60+ g investment so we may just run the medical till the end and say a sad goodbye to growing.

Currently there's to many what ifs. So we will know soon. We really enjoyed the person we met. And think there's potential but there's certain aspects I find un appealing

Not in the person but the states law. Really poorly written IMO
It's like the legislators haven't a clue of what to do with this topic. The love/hate relationship going on cross country is appalling to watch. I fear we have many years of stealthy growing ahead of us. Those of us who micro grow would have never fit into the equation from the beginning. The financial constraints of most small growers could have never accommodated the "up to code" requirements of the local governments (for taxation purposes - you can't tax what you can't track).

Dutty it frustrates me to see a man find his passion and then have doors close instead of open. There must be another alternative. Your passion for the work should have an outlet that allows you to support patients and financially support your family while exploring your passion. This is madness.
Heavy amount of trolling going on today. See, I have back office accessibility as a mod at another site. And, that's how I know this clown is trackable. Not worth the time, but, hardly untraceable. I'm sure bobby isn't smart enough, or talented enough to cover all tracks. But anyway I'm sure the mods here will clean this up quickly I reported all.
Thanks everyone so there's a lot of vetting and figuring out all this liability and overhead. From security, 24 hour surveillance by the state, no bringing new genetics into the current equation, 60+ g investment so we may just run the medical till the end and say a sad goodbye to growing.

Currently there's to many what ifs. So we will know soon. We really enjoyed the person we met. And think there's potential but there's certain aspects I find un appealing

Not in the person but the states law. Really poorly written IMO

I've been trying to follow the results in WA since I'm just south of you (Oregon). I hope our legislators don't FUBAR the new law, but I'm not holding my breath for a smooth, fair transition that reflects the will of the voters.

Heavy amount of trolling going on today. See, I have back office accessibility as a mod at another site. And, that's how I know this clown is trackable. Not worth the time, but, hardly untraceable. I'm sure bobby isn't smart enough, or talented enough to cover all tracks. But anyway I'm sure the mods here will clean this up quickly I reported all.

It's like the legislators haven't a clue of what to do with this topic. The love/hate relationship going on cross country is appalling to watch. I fear we have many years of stealthy growing ahead of us. Those of us who micro grow would have never fit into the equation from the beginning. The financial constraints of most small growers could have never accommodated the "up to code" requirements of the local governments (for taxation purposes - you can't tax what you can't track).

Dutty it frustrates me to see a man find his passion and then have doors close instead of open. There must be another alternative. Your passion for the work should have an outlet that allows you to support patients and financially support your family while exploring your passion. This is madness.

You almost got me going on one of my Classical Liberal rants.....I'm in full agreement with you. Except that while the legislators may not have a clue, the people that write the laws and tell them how to vote know exactly what they're doing.

Agribusiness and cronies will find no obstacles to getting their REC permits....which is what this is all about.

I decided when I first realized I could grow a desirable product that my sole focus would be quality. I pay the grow-room generated bills with the produce, and I could easily grow twice as much and actually make some decent money, but I know that the current market is in flux as prohibition crumbles one piece at a time....so instead of investing time and energy in a temporarily stunted and distorted marketplace, I'm looking ahead as best I can and continue to strive for better quality.

After the dust settles we'll all begin to see how the market adapts going forward. One thing I know for certain: There is always a market for the highest quality of anything. If you grow the top .5% tier in quality, your product will find a market....or more accurately the market will find your product.

Here's a "worst case scenario":

We all grow for ourselves and share freely with a few friends.

Here's a likely scenario:

We get consulting/supervisorial jobs cultivating for the rec market under someone else's permit. <-----not a bad way to go, IMO.

Here's my dream scenario:

The weed industry begins to mimic the wine industry and boutique weed growers form clubs, just like the wineries and we serve a couple thousand club members. There are several wineries minutes from where I sit who grow grapes, ferment and bottle wine and sell each bottle to club members who get it delivered (or pick it up at pick-up parties) 3 times a year.

The wineries have tasting rooms that range from funky to breathtaking and they pour wine all day long, selling by the bottle to visitors, who then sign up as club members and get regular shipments.

Good music, great views, good food, nice, friendly service......people LOVE it. Sub out weed for wine, increase the food sales....incorporate a few other sensual services like foot massage.....and have a cool event every month.

Let's hope and pray that weed follows the same post-prohibition path that alcohol did!
Amen Doc....amen....
I like docs ideas and agree with some creative get togethers and a little luck big things could happen.

Big things WILL happen. There will be be equivalent of Budweiser AND micro-breweries in cannabis.

Look at it this way.....there are some agave growers in Mexico who are growing and making tequila on the same farms, using the same methods and equipment for the last 200 years...and their products are now selling for hundreds, even thousands of dollars a bottle!

At the same time, there are mass-produced tequilas grown in the same region, and the quality of the mass produced stuff has gone up over the years, as has the quality of the boutique stuff.....but the extremely high-end tequila that sells in hand painted bottles is still holding steady and setting the standard now for hundreds of years. There is always a market for top quality!

You can visit these elite, artisan growers in Mexico...which is way more fun than visiting a processing plant with a forest of stainless steel tanks. They will always feed their families and then some....because their great, great grandfathers focused on top quality and left a legacy of the same.
So the amendment arrived and two bottles so far

Thanks again doc.
Wasn't worried.

So I'll know more details this week. I need to get an electrician out here and see about adding two 200 amp services and 2 panels. Also need to contact a general contractor about wall building and general remodeling

I'm with you doc. We are aiming at being very boutique.
This is actually where I envision Dutty fitting in. He already considers himself an artisan grower. There will be a niche for men like him who have a passion for this field. Thinking outside the box is called for.

I know you're right about the legislation Doc. Big Pharma and Agribusiness smell big, big money. The sharks are circling. Eventually the waters will settle and I expect your vision of the future of the business is going to pan out. I sincerely hope it does. It rankles me how freedom to cultivate cannabis will only exist for those with the deeper pocketbooks. The rest is us are just consigned to hiding away in our closets. I can't believe I'm 61 and we're still fighting this battle for legitimacy. Progress has been sporadic, but I'm an eternal optimist. In time. In time.
I'll be watching what happens out there for sure. With news today that my state is moving forward with a highly supported recreational bill. I too wonder where I will fit in, because I know in my state the whole thing will be as corrupt as hell. But, I think there is a niche in every market for those who produce quality. Every industry there are those who succeed despite the odds. I love what you're saying Doc, and think you're dead on steel. Or, right on target...
Wasn't worried.

So I'll know more details this week. I need to get an electrician out here and see about adding two 200 amp services and 2 panels. Also need to contact a general contractor about wall building and general remodeling

I'm with you doc. We are aiming at being very boutique.

Get creative! Look over every aspect of zoning for your place....IE can you have a roadside produce stand for veggies? What if you had grapes?

Can you rent your property out to have catered events like weddings, birthday parties and so forth?

There's a beer brewing op out here that is allowed to brew beer and have a tasting room....but not allowed to have a bar or restaurant. So, the beer tasting is all done in flights....and most folks who just want a nice mug of beer order a flight of all one beer, and they are handed an empty, frosty mug along with their flight and they pour the 4 smaller glasses into the larger one....walk outside to the gourmet food truck and get some food.....thus completely, legally and creatively skirting the entire zoning issue.

You'll find a way! Perhaps give the weed away but charge money for the foot massage?
You'll find a way! Perhaps give the weed away but charge money for the foot massage?

I'll have the $100 Panama Peticure.
I'll be posting pics up of the one gallon high brix plants today.

I took ultra grapefruit out of the equation and will be giving to a buddy. So no high brix ultra grapefruit now.

Just straight water today and tomorrow I'll spray some brix. I'll post pictures of each individual one today.

Thc bomb and candy kush express fast version will be in high brix as well. I may use house and gardens on one though. But no more ocean forest just gonna use your amendments in pro mix even with house and garden doc.
The two I have in high brix soil but on house and garden nutrients looks great.
Yeah the only reason we are even able to do this is cause of zoning we are open space /agricultural so pretty much all of the above can fly. Everything you mentioned is on this island. No stores though just wedding venues a huge road side produce stand with ice cream and beers. Tons of farms. And there's a moratorium on any new marijuana grows in residential, commercial, industrial or rural but not open space or ag. I'll try and post up pics of potential location once I get time. The old barn will need some work. Currently it just houses my toys, pool table dart boards and bar and brewing area.
And the recreational market is so watched and regulated. Cameras are required in all locations. Must have a tamper proof package on each 1 gram or larger bag. So that's 10,000+ bags per month which will require a person just for packaging. We will be going over a ton of stuff this week with our lawyer and our financial guru to see if this is a smart investment. Im not gonna lie I'm scared but would love the legitimacy hate lying to some people about my true profession
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