First Grow - Bag Seeds - Germinated July 27 2015

Already I've had a busy morning. The girls are looking good in my opinion. 2 days ago I decided that plants growing under lamps are going to require more water than I've been self-trained to provide to house plants. I gave the girls a nutrient mix approx 1 cup per plant until run off was only slight. They looked happier yesterday and were singing to me this morning. I'm still concerned about the high temp issue so I will order another meter. It will not be wasted as I ordered a new tent and lamp from Mars Hydro. I have plans. So here's what things look like this morning.

Great read Jim. One thing I do to keep the tent a bit cooler is place my "air circulation" fan(s) On the bottom facing up. it changes the static temp profile of the cabinet (or at least I tell myself it does). Where do you keep your thermometer? 91 at the bottom of your cabinet is a lot different than 91 near the top. Looking forward to following along. Good luck!
Great read Jim. One thing I do to keep the tent a bit cooler is place my "air circulation" fan(s) On the bottom facing up. it changes the static temp profile of the cabinet (or at least I tell myself it does). Where do you keep your thermometer? 91 at the bottom of your cabinet is a lot different than 91 near the top. Looking forward to following along. Good luck!

Thanks for looking in Spitz. I had the meter clipped to a power cord above the lamps. The fan I added blows down and hits, meter, lamps and then plants. I just moved meter to bottom of cabinet and clipped it to the drain pan. Now it's lower than the plant tops and if working properly might register a different reading. Since I'm new to this, I look into the cabinet about 4 times a day during lights on and I've never seen the temp registering that high. Thanks for making re-think this thing.
Hey there Jim. Grow is looking great!! I had to ditch a few digital thermometers because they were doing the same as yours. I'm not sure what ever caused it but I think it was a signal interference with your light and ballast. I had 2 cheap thermometers that would just jump every where. I then bought a nicer one with a more rugged feel to it and it hasn't been screwy at all.
Mary - Day 31 Carol - Day 33 (I think that's the right numbers)

The heat dilemma has been resolved. I thank Spitz and Outragedpluto for their help. Without going into all the detail of everything done Saturday night and yesterday, it turned out to be my meter. The low high temp portion was stuck and was reset by taking the battery out and allowing the tool to reset.

The girls are looking good and they have a citric/lemon smell. Pots are still heavy so no liquids. Jim

Carol - Day 34
Mary - Day 32

I'm wondering why I do these updates so often. Environment RH 68%, Low 38%, High 68%. Temp 79F, Low 79F, High 84F. Details taken at lights on. I saw one gnat last night. Will start to interrupt this cycle of life today. Still waiting on some pre-flowers so I can determine sex. Click the thumbs for larger view.

I've had a handful of gnats as well. I just hung some pest strips. It won't eliminate them,but should keep them in check (at least good enough for me). I also threw in a dozen ladybugs "just because". It's pretty cool playing Where's Waldo in the mornings. Environment looks great! Keep feeding the OCD and keep the updates coming.
Carol - Day 35
Mary - Day 33

Yesterday, the girls received a generous spraying of Insecticidal soap. I'm ok with RH and Temp. Nutes provided this morning Carol took 1 2/3 cup, Mary took 1 1/2 cup. I figured out yesterday the macro setting of my camera, Canon Powershot SD 1300 IS ; but I didn't get satisfactory pics in my opinion. I'll practice.

I haven't seen anything that looks like nuts or pistils - it just looks like new growth at nodes. These are just real compact plants and I wonder about the training and FIM I did.

Click on thumbs for larger images. Have a great day. I have a hair cut scheduled today....That's always fun. Jim

Hi all. New growth looks good to me. Lower leaves not so much. Substantial yellowing, dark patches. I'll research a few and also try to determine if the Insecticidal soap 2 days ago could have caused some of this. Foremost, I'm learning. Lights moved up one chain length now 2 1/2" above plants. Next feeding is straight water so I may just take them to the sink for a proper drenching.

Click thumbs for larger images :thumb:

Carol - Day 37

Mary - Day 35


So, in this small cabinet I'll not be able to up can these. Still waiting on loupe to come in to see what I might see. Note to self: Also schedule eye appointment. Any comments about plant condition would be appreciated. Jim
Well...I'm just about hooked on growing. I have 3 seeds germinating. Two have popped. A week or so ago, I made the decision to buy a tent, LED lamp, inline fan and carbon scrubber. I think the cabinet will work but this new set up will better fit my plans. I just don't want any regrets and my information base was so much better when I decided on the tent. Anyway, here's what I have for the new digs.

It wasn't easy as I chose to do this myself and I'm still hindered by a shoulder that was repaired late last year. Tent size is 3'11" x 3'11" x 6'7"[

The Mars Hydro 900W the box, then hung and tested.
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