First Grow - Mystery Seeds & GDP - Soil - Flood Lamp T5


New Member
This will be my first grow ever. I have my caretaker license from the state and my Wife is my (one and only) patient. I started these plants all from mystery seeds, and a few (4) Grand Daddy Purple seeds

my wife got in a bag from a dispensary. So far, because my grow room is still in the process of being built, I've gotten these going under a couple flood lights in our bathroom closet. Maybe 2,000 lumens of light from the two bulbs I'm using. However, the Happy Frog Jump Start soil along with HESI brand nutrients that were given to me in a free sample kit from the local Hydro store are making the seedlings grow in leaps and bounds. After I get the grow room completed, hopefully this weekend, I'll be using a T5 4' 8 bulb 40,000 lumen light for the rest of the veg period. I'm still in the market for a inline fan for my room. The room is 6'6" X 9', located in a dark corner of our dungeon. I'm thrilled to say that thus far, the only thing that I can say I've noticed wrong is a bit of light brown spots on a few of the leaves, but this has started to disappear since I introduced more watering and nutrients the last 48 hrs.






Any tips or tricks would be appreciated. Any questions will be gladly answered. Can't wait to get the room finished this weekend. I'll post some before and after pic's of the space I'm using in my next entry. ~Sinner420
Re: First Grow, Mystery Seeds & GDP, Soil, Flood lamp T5

if u put 100 watt eq. cfl bulbs the stretching would stop and would start bushingout, worked for me
Re: First Grow, Mystery Seeds & GDP, Soil, Flood lamp T5

Hey buddie42, thanks for the tip. I just opened my T5 4' 8 bulb light yesterday night and have it running vertically in my closet I previously pictured until a couple days from now when I get my room up and running. So far the plants like to lean toward it, but it seems to be doing a great job at helping them achieve good gains. The few nutrients that I've introduced have helped a lot too! I'll get some more pic's up in the coming week for all to see, once I get everything transferred to my grow room.

:yummy:~Sinner 420
Re: First Grow, Mystery Seeds & GDP, Soil, Flood lamp T5

Okay, so now that My Family is being forced to move a mile or so across town to a new house, I can now focus on the move and moving forward with my grow in a different place. I'll have a new basement to set up in near the end of the week and probably won't be able to post anything for a while, due to having my internet and phone service swapped, but I'll get back to this when I can. Important thing is that my kids will have a new backyard to play in, and I won't have to worry about my neighbor f'n with my operation. So let's get down to the details of the grow.
This week, I got my thermometer/hygrometer in the mail. This has been a big help in keeping the temperature down to a reasonable degree considering how small the closet is that I'm forced to use for the time being. I mean, it gets up to 99.0 degrees in no time if I don't watch it. I can't seem to get the humidity to stay any higher than 30%, but the plants don't seem to have a problem with that. I've been using HESI brand nutrients for the last two weeks and they have helped out tremendously! When I transplanted the lot of the big seedlings last weekend, I had one break, or nearly break all the way through at an inch above the soil line. I hurried up and made sure to keep it vertical, and tied it to a rose bush branch from my front yard. It saved the plant, but it's been just a little behind in it's gains since then. My Grand Daddy Purple seedlings are doing spectacular since I transplanted them last Sunday. They've made great progress since my last picture post on the 8th. Remember, I got those seeds out of a bag procured at a dispensary. Normally I wouldn't be so happy about getting any seeds out of a dispensary bag, considering the price paid for the medicine, but since I'm strapped for cash and all the rest of my plants are mystery seeds, it makes me happy to have something that I KNOW the strain of. I just hope that one of the four are a female! The Nutrients I've been using are: TNT Complex 2.8 2.2 3.1, Power Zyme, twice a week as prescribed for decomposing cellulose residues in plant substrates, and some Root Complex. Occasionally, I'll add some Super Vit to my water. It's incredibly strong stuff though, and I have to be careful because It's only one drop per 5 liters, and I'm using Gallon jugs which are 3.78 liters. So I don't use it constantly. Just once or twice a week.










That's about it for now! I have some Flowering Nutrients that I got with my free sample kit of HESI brand products, but obviously, I don't need to start flowering yet, as I could use a bit more size to the larger plants. But when I get ready to Flower I have Bloom Complex 3.4-2.6-3.4, and Phosphorus Plus 0-7.2-5. I'll continue to have a good Root Complex in my watering as long as I think it necessary. It did really well for the transplant of the larger seedlings last weekend, and exceptional for the lil' GDP's.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to put my three little ones to bed and then lay my wife down for a little evening fertilization period of our own!!! Heh heh heh! Hey, gotta do what I can to stay positive in the shit circumstances I'm in having to move so close to the holiday. I wish I could lynch my f'n landlord next time I see him, drive him out to a farm and make pig shit outta him, but, I love my family too much to want to spend the next 5 to 10 years away from em. So, that is outta the question. I'll just have to live with the fact that not all people are ready for Marijuana to be legal. It's a bitch, but this is just one battle lost, the war will be won by us who fight for our civil rights and freedom to use what we damn well please. Happy Holidays!!!
Re: First Grow, Mystery Seeds & GDP, Soil, Flood lamp T5

I took these shots around the beginning of the year. Since I moved my grow op went in my new basement in the open. It hasn't stayed that way, but it worked out. My plants got big! I was forced to use my T5 for the start of the flowering stage, I bought some 3000K bulbs to swap out the 6500K bulbs I got with the fixture. At this point I'm pretty sure I have 3 females, and 2 males from my original 5 plants planted around the end of Nov.
Unfortunately, it's been way too long since I last posted to this journal. Things have gone well though. I ended up with a few nice plants out of my first batch of seeds that I planted back in Nov/Dec. At first I thought I was going to have to veg and flower under my 4' x 8 bulb T5 that I got in December. But shortly after I moved, I found an awesome deal on Craigslist for a 4x4x6 grow tent and a 400 Watt, digital ballast HID with 6" can fan, air cooled hood, and some adjustable hangers. The guy even threw in a used MH Hortilux Blue bulb, and a 1" clear water pump (not that I needed it, I'm using soil) for $10.00! It was perfect timing as I was at two months with my first seeds and really needed to get them into a controlled environment to flower. So now I'm still using my T5 to veg, and currently for the first 4 weeks of bloom with my GDP's. I built a room to suit all this in my basement, it's 9x9, and a jungle in there! I'm using Hesi nutrients, have been since about two weeks into my operation. Can't say that I haven't gotten good results, I'm fairly happy with Hesi products. They're a bit pricey, but I think they do noticeably well. I also added Fox Farms Microbe Brew every ten or fourteen days, this has helped my ladies to soak up some of the heavier nutrients and rid the GDP's that I have of rust spots, possible Magnesium deficiency. Still running strong with the Happy Frog Potting Soil. I love this stuff, it's full of great nutrition for my plants. However, I am thinking of going to a soil less mix in the future. Less chance of nutrient burn along with some other benefits. But it's hard to consider with how well I've done with the Happy Frog Soil.
I feel pretty good about this harvest coming up. I just got a jewelers microscope yesterday, and almost all the tric's on the flowering plants in my tent (almost to 50 days) are showing cloudy. A few clear ones still, but a few amber as well. These pictures were taken about ten days ago. Not of the best quality, but they show the budding sites if you look close.
I really wanted to get some Humboldt Crystal Burst, but it's just not in my budget. So, some free BCUZZ Blossom Builder has been added to pump up the buds. One of the three plants seems like It may take a lot longer to finish than the other two. The buds just aren't filling out, no matter what I do. But the other two plants are nice thicker, dense buds. Not huge, but before drying, I can almost guarantee a couple ounces.
This is a picture of the whole tent, with my first three flowered plants, about week 5.

This picture is of one of my GDP's that I just started flowering about 11 days ago. This strain has proven to be much more difficult to grow than the bag seeds shown in the other photo's (the tent). Nevertheless, I can't wait to see how they fill out with buds. Only a little over a week into flowering and the three GDP's that I have are full of promising bud sites, and nice full canopy's.

That's all for now. I'll try and get some updated pic's of my plants on here later. Any suggestions will be very appreciated. Happy growing growers!!
Re: First Grow, Mystery Seeds & GDP, Soil, Flood lamp T5

I forgot to mention the price I got on all the goodies I found on Craigslist posted above. I got a 4'x4'x6' grow tent, with a 400 watt digital ballast fixture (air cooled hood, takes SHID or MH bulbs) came with a Horitlux Blue MH bulb, used of course. Also, I got a 6" can fan, some hangers, and a 1" clear water pump for hydroponic setup, all for $210.00. It was a steal! Just the tent was looking to cost me close to $200.00, so imagine my glee when I got the light fixture with the tent too for such a great price.
So I'm at day 55 or 57, something like that (I have it written down on my calendar in the grow room which is shut down for the day/night), and things are looking pretty good. I have started flushing my plants, about two days ago, and got a few amber colored tricomes showing under the loupe. Other than that, like MI weather, my tricomes are mostly cloudy, and clear occasionally! The hairs are 50% amber from the middle of my plants up, and lower leaf yellowing and loss seem regular, not over abundant. I noticed today that the buds/flowers are really starting to bulk up, which makes me happy! I was worried about that for a few weeks now. Two of my plants just didn't seem to really be bulking up at all, but I don't think that it has much of anything to do with nutrients or my operation as much as I think it is just the idea that they are all plants from bag seeds. My next cycle is most Grand Daddy Purple, but those seeds were acquired through a bag of meds from a local collective, so I have no real way of knowing if they're the real deal GDP, or a hybrid strain. I mean, they show all the characteristics of GDP, bushy short stature, broad Indica leaves, and a bit of color, but only time will tell. The flower coverage on these plants canopy though, WOOO! Nice... I'll get some new pictures up this weekend. My grow room is really starting to look like a jungle. I dig it! I also feel pretty accomplished as a first time grower. I feel like I may have a good chance at being savvy at this.
The big change taking place in the next few weeks is my switching over to full organic operation. No more Hesi brand nutes. I only ever got started on them for two reasons. The local hydro store exploited my new grower status by handing me a free sample package that I just couldn't turn down at the time. It was Christmas and I was broke and felt that I badly needed something to get my ladies up and growing strong. Now in hindsight, I think that with how packed full of good nutrition the Happy Frog potting soil is, I would've probably been fine waiting a little longer and starting out with Roots Organic, or the General Hydroponic Go Box that I picked up today. That's right, I'm going with the GH line. Roots Organic seemed just a bit more pricy than GH and I need every extra $ I can hang on to! So after some deliberation with a fella at a different area indoor gardening store nearby, I went with GH for only one other main reason. I've been spending on average a couple hours a day in the grow room, and when he (the new store sales associate) told me that Roots Organic is a 'wait 24 hours after mixing' and feed kinda system, not to mention the aeration necessary, I went with a product explained to me to be virtually the same, without the extra time it would take me to aerate and cycle my feed/water. We'll see how GH does with the GDP's and a couple other Mystery Plants that I have in the beginning stages of flowering. Hopefully well, because this line sure does stink a whole hell of a lot more than the chemical laden Hesi products I was poisoning my grow medium with. Any thoughts on this fellow farmers??
Well, here it is, day 63 into my first grow's flowering phase. I've found it fun to name all my plants (female names of course), it makes it easier to write on my calendar about each plant, and it's kinda novel too. So, without further ado, this is Sunny...

She is one of three of my first generation plants that I have in flowering right now. My second generation is also in flowering and about thirty days behind the three plants that got this journal started. I've took some pictures of Sunny's progress, along with her sister, Rosa, this evening, to show their characteristics, considering they've been grown from bag seeds. This is Rosa...
...or one of her flowers anyway. She has stayed confined to the original area, a 3'x3' grow tent that originally housed Rosa, Sunny, and their now deceased sister, Crystal, who was a suspected phenome. Just not a good producer, Crystal was hacked up on Wednesday for her premature flowers to soon be made into hash.
I've had some interesting coloration of the two remaining first generation females in the last few days. I started really working on flushing these two, basically because I have a great generation coming up right behind Sunny and Rosa that really needed to be added to my grow tent and bloomed under the artificial sun of my 400 watt sodium bulb for an extra 15,000 lumens more than my T5 has to offer. But ever since I started the flushing process, the leaves are really turning now. The good thing is that the plants are finishing their bulking process too. So, even though I thought that Sunny was going to be somewhat of a loss, she's really starting to fill out in the process of flushing.

This has all been a great learning experience, my first grow. I'm really happy with just getting some bud that I know will be worthy nausea medicine for my Wife, as most strains do just fine as long as they are potent, and to me, there doesn't seem much doubt that these mystery ladies will be at least 14% THC, if not higher. Sunny has turned to a trichome covered, glistening beauty in these past 7 days.
I wish you could see it better, but this crappy "JazzHDV146" camera that I bought from Wal Mart is not good at taking well focused pictures (if you couldn't already tell). But, that's about it for now. Here are any other pictures I might have to let you enjoy. I'll be posting the finished product in hopefully the next couple weeks. I got one of these nifty 8 tier hanging dry racks for curing as I figured it was a hell of a lot less work than clothes line and pins. Oh. Here are some of the colors I'm seeing the leaves turn while maturing.

Another thing is that I did lollipop this plant, but obviously not high enough, because Sunny is loaded with lower branches full of flowers that are of little trichome production. I'm wondering if I can even get much for hash out of these?
I guess I'll find out soon enough. If anyone has a tip for what to do with these hairy lower flowering bud branches, or how to prevent this from happening again (if their is no use for them), please share with me. Adios Amigo's, Happy Farming!!
After further reading into my copy of Jorge Cervante's Medical Marijuana Horticulture Bible, I've decided it would be best to harvest both of my 1st generation females, Sunny and Rosa, today. They are both looking good under the loupe, with milky trichomes and few amber ones here or there. A lot of the bud leaves and other leaves alike are yellowing, or forming rust colored spots that have taken over many of the leaves surface areas to fully wilt or crispen the leaf. I think it's a good time to collect these plants, as they haven't been watered in 36 to 40 hours and this should make it easy to dry the buds. I would like to do like most farmers and confine these two ladies to 48 hours of darkness before collection, but I have nowhere in my house to put these while they wait in the dark for collection. Furthermore, some of the bud leaves (very few) have started to dry and turn brown, so it's time....I think....I mean this is my first grow, so if I could've waited another week or so, tough! The trichomes are milky (mostly), and I'm pretty sure it's time. I'll post some bud pictures later.
Well, the harvest turned out well. The plants both yielded around 2 oz. ea. They're in the last stages of drying and are starting to look pretty nice. My patient (my wife) hasn't really benefited from the flowers yet, but she did try some prematurely and wasn't disappointed. However, they definitely needed a little more time to dry after a little bit of a misunderstanding yesterday and me bagging them for a few hours, they seemed dry but quickly showed me that they had some moisture to expel still. So, I put em back in the drying rack for another night or whatever it's going to take to dry them fully. It can't be too much longer as it's already been 5 days and the buds on the first plant that I took were lighter, fluffy. We'll see though. However long it takes, it takes.
On a separate note, I had my first hermie the other day in my grow tent with the second generation of plants that I have one month into flowering. It was a damned bag seed plant, the only one in a tent of 4 plants, the other three being Grand Daddy Purple. I just about threw that fucking plant through the wall, but opted to gently but immediately remove it from the tent, then room, and proceed to cut it into the garbage that it was. I know that you can convert a plant back to being a full female, but this plant wasn't going to be near the producer of the other three plants it was trying to fuck up, and I wasn't about to spend the money on it. So, no big deal. It just gave the other plants more room to grow, more Co2 to breathe for themselves. Speaking of...I just made one of the homemade yeast/sugar bottles of mixture for Co2 generation, and it seems to work great. I love it! Bulks up the buds almost immediately!
Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll try and post some pic's of the buds from my first grow, harvest as soon as they mature completely. Take her greasy...
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

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Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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