Greenjeans Greenhouse HodgePodge Grow 2020


Well-Known Member
Well @Backlipslide you asked for is my 2020 journal !! I'll start with my new greenhouse - approx. 13' x 7' x about 10 at the very top. Being the ultimate scrounger and repurposer the only thing I had to buy was 50 - 2 x 4's and 4 sheets of aspenite - everything else was from Kijiji free or from my pile of "good stuff" that is squirreled away back in my bush.
I have some experimental plants on the go - seeds from plants from last year from unknown source - I'm not sure what I am going to do with them - Like I said, I'm just farting around. In a week when I get serious I will drop a seed from Back (Thanx Back) Golden Cookie??? and then 3 seeds I got from my Brother in law and I may add a couple of clones from a known source - play that one by ear. I am going to try making my soil better this year (the best I can in these trying times) and see if I have any luck getting some Megacrop. Also I am going to try hard to not stress the hell out of these ones and will be much more careful in transplanting and much more careful about bug lights, etc. - Jeepers, I'm tired already!!!
Here is the bones of the greenhouse...

and here, more or less ready to go....

Let the madness commence!!!!! :laugh: :laugh::ciao::ciao::rofl:
Here is where we are at so far....

once again - real leggy!! But these are the "experiments" - already flowering like crazy and only 2 males out of about 15 plants.
The "good ones" are still in the house under lights - they just popped around May 1st and already have had a bit of weirdness - they popped so soon in the wet paper towel and Lowes took so long to get my order that they got planted in less than ideal soil so when I got the good stuff I moved them over - so far so good!! Hey Back - that "Cookie" was so fast she already had the colloidal leaves before she got planted - she seems to have slowed down some - I sure hope she is OK - she looks fine so far.
Hey - on a side PSA came back ZERO's so that's about a year and a half out from if the rest of me holds together..
Hey!! Everyone is welcome to my madness!!! This greenhouse is actually attached to my shop and is 4 times larger than last year - and I am 100%, guaranteed, notgunna tuet, not raising the roof twice like last year!!! It stays whar izzat!!!
I think we all deserve a picture of the original
OK, OK, this is just for you
window tipout.jpg

This was after the first roof of the panels in the A-frame on top used to be in the front and it got replaced by the 3 glass panes leaning there - this one was about 4 x 7' - it got small real fast.
Hey Back - that "Cookie" was so fast she already had the colloidal leaves before she got planted - she seems to have slowed down some - I sure hope she is OK - she looks fine so far.
That’s good to hear! Hopefully she produces well for you!!

once again - real leggy!!
Have you considered topping your plants at a somewhat early stage and seeing if that slows the “leggy”?
I’d say it’s worth a shot!! Your experimenting anyways :headbanger:

OK, OK, this is just for you
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