Harry's Quest For Indica Dominance

Any ideas on a good way to collect pollen? I've seen some pix where people cut branches and place them in a glass of water and sit it on a mirror. When the pollen drops off, they just scape it up.



ive heard of people just waiting untill one or two sacks open, then brushing the pollen on the female with a q-tip

but the mirror idea is good too

+ reps
Thanks McBudz, creamm & pan4gold49 and I appreciate the ++reps shaggy_420, good tip on pollinating too!!

I thought I'd update my progress. I'm not sure if I'll get to a true India dominance plant with this grow but I'm heading in that direction. ;)

Here's the big Indy male and some male gonad porn. :smokin:


The two females from the hybrid seeds are the same age (60 days old) but have grown at very different rates.

Lavern is 8 days into 12/12 and she's 30" tall (placed into 12/12 @ 22")


Shirley is 5 days into 12/12 and she's 23" tall (placed into 12/12 @ 19")


Here's a new strain of Sativa (Emma) from a clone I got from a buddy. I just moved it to 12/12 today and it's 19" tall.


My plan is to pollinate everything I have with the big Indica's pollen to see what kinds of crosses I come up with.

After I harvest the big Sativa, I'm going to experiment with a Choco-Skunky mother I have growing. It will be the fourth plant in this grow. I plan on removing all branches except for the main cola and 4-5 other branches. I want to prune and try to focus all the growing energy on those 6 colas and see what happens. I plan on pollinating a branch on it as well.

The big Sativa (Sheena) is getting there. She's already popping out a few nanners (she does that toward the end). I figure maybe one more dose of TB before the flush..






The big Sativa is loaded with crystals and I think she's gonna be a good one. I'm not looking for any body high with this one.

I want to take her at max psychoactive THC levels. :smokin:


Ya know i used to date a girl named emma. But she never looked (or smelled for that matter im sure) that sweet. As always these ladies are the best of the best. You have an amazing green thumb m8.
Thanks Dr.215!

Riggs, you should definitely take clones from both plants. Keep the genetics you like best, or perhaps you may want to keep both. Currently, I have 6 different female genetics that I'm growing. I don't toss genetics until I've cloned a plant and grown it to it's full potential.

You're correct horable. This is a "quest" for Indica dominance. I really only had one viable seed that was Indica dominant and it certainly wasn't 100% Indica, probably more like 60%-40%. Unfortunately, it was a male. The other two females grown from seed are Sativa dominant but appear have a little more Indica than the genetics I've been growing.

So, the plan is to take the Indica dominant male and cross it up with everything I have. I hope to get some seeds in the mix that have Indica dominant traits, an Indica phenotype, if you will. I don't suppose I'll actually see an Indica dominant female until the next grow.

The 3 harvested Sativas in this thread were leftover mothers that I decided to test flower in recycled medium and I just included them in this thread as a bonus. :grinjoint:

The quest continues.. :smokin:


Its all cool, you should just start some new Indica seeds.

I'd suggest any of the new Indica's from Paradise-Seeds Breeding package.

Even the old ones are great, Sensi-Star, Belladonna, Ice-Cream ect.
you should just start some new Indica seeds.
I wish it were that easy, man. I was lucky to get my hands on that one viable seed and I have no interest in risking purchasing seeds from abroad.

Besides, I'm looking forward to breeding and seeing what I can come up with. ;)


Thanks soniq and pan4gold.

Pan, your grow is doing good. You've got a lot going on. LEDs are the future!!

Just wanted to update the thread a little. I've flushed my big Sativa so she should be ready to harvest in a few days. May take her Monday or Tuesday morning. Pix then!!

The pollen gathering has begun!!


Got a branch in a cup of water, catching the pollen on a mirror. They plant is really kickin' off some pollen so I will have plenty. I could probably just shake the branches into a baggie. Might be the more simple approach? :smokin:

A couple of questions..

Should I take a bread bag or a baggie and tie that around the branches I pollinate? How long will I have to leave the bag on the branch before I can safely remove it from branch without the fear of pollen going everywhere. Will a bread bag be OK or should it be a clear plastic bag?

Any suggestions on keeping the pollen long term? How long do you imagine it will keep?

Thanks for any suggestions!!


I can tell you what i've read, but not yet experienced. So take worth a grain of salt if you wish :smokin:

Should I take a bread bag or a baggie and tie that around the branches I pollinate?

How long will I have to leave the bag on the branch before I can safely remove it from branch without the fear of pollen going everywhere. Will a bread bag be OK or should it be a clear plastic bag?

I have heard that what some people do is use sandwich bags and tie them off around the bud you pollenated (use plastic coated twist ties) and leave them overnight. Then mix up a batch of soapy water and spray down the other (non-pollenated) buds. that way if they get some pollen on them when you're taking off the bags, the soap will catch the pollen. after you get the bags out of the room spray the buds with clean water to wash off the soap and any pollen caught.
Any suggestions on keeping the pollen long term? How long do you imagine it will keep?

i read that pollen kept in a plastic container in the fridge could last 30 days. I would venture a guess that you could probably put in the freezer for longer times, but you need to dry it out first. maybe putting in in the fridge first with some dry rice to absorb moisture. pollen is tough stuff if it's dried out.

THat being said, your plants look incredible, i can only hope mine do half as well ;) i will give you +reps as soon as i figure out how :smokin:
Thanks jaudiofan. That sounds very reasonable. I have read that H2O destroys pollen so spraying down the other branches that may have been accidentally pollinated make sense.

I just found two threads that were very informative, not only for breeding purposes but for growing purposes as well.

Definitely worth reading!! I think I'll bump 'em. ;)



btw - You click on this little do-hicky rep below the avatar to rep a post.
i read that pollen kept in a plastic container in the fridge could last 30 days. I would venture a guess that you could probably put in the freezer for longer times, but you need to dry it out first. maybe putting in in the fridge first with some dry rice to absorb moisture. pollen is tough stuff if it's dried out.
Living in a Tropical environemt storing items of any type such as food, becomes a task. I have a high success rate of keeping, storing, and using Male Pollen collected by "Dusting Him Off" into a clear tupperware container. Storing it openly in a warm dry area for 1-2 weeks open lid. It has to be as dry as it can be. Before storing it for a year, 2 years. The collection has grown of male pollens for breeding. All pollen is stored in a dark, cool & dry area sealed after it is dried for 2 weeks.
I use Model Car Paint Brushes to apply the pollen in the areas I want seeded.
The Freezer Storage thing ruined it, when I went to use it the
1st time that I tried storing that way.
I like the paint brush method too. I just took her out of the room and painted some on and misted my other plants... I haven't seen any seeds on any of my other plants, not that I would have minded... I do have a few different strains pollin in my freezer, guess I won't know if it is good until next time I use it. Good Luck Mr. Harry..
Thanks Be IRIE. I may need some luck. ;)

I have a high success rate of keeping, storing, and using Male Pollen collected by "Dusting Him Off" into a clear tupperware container. Storing it openly in a warm dry area for 1-2 weeks open lid. It has to be as dry as it can be. Before storing it for a year, 2 years.

All pollen is stored in a dark, cool & dry area sealed after it is dried for 2 weeks.

I use Model Car Paint Brushes to apply the pollen in the areas I want seeded.
Thanks for the great info Cherma. I didn't consider letting it dry before storing. I'm not going to be able to pollinate everything I want during this grow so I was hoping to be able to keep the pollen viable until my next grow, which will be in 2-3 months. Being able to keep it viable for a year or two would be excellent. I'll be following your advice.

I also like the idea of painting it onto the areas I want seeded. Since I take clones of everything, I took one of the this male too, just in case disaster happened to strike.

I'll try to fully document the process, Need2FreeWeed.

Hey Shaggy, you can try out a rail if you want. :grinjoint:


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