Looking For Tester Of ViparSpectra P4000

Hey guys everyone's plant look awesome Im glad I get to see them here is mine









ill throw one more shot at this thing.. this was about 7-8 weeks growth under a Cree COB light I built


Thats a pretty good DIY, almost looks factory made lol. I wonder how many true watts that pulls.

Earlier pictured freak show Jack Herer plant that had over 70 “tops” when it was chopped

every time i read through this thread and see this it reminds me of the halloween special plant in south park haha. #ViparSpectraP4000
Thats a pretty good DIY, almost looks factory made lol. I wonder how many true watts that pulls.

every time i read through this thread and see this it reminds me of the halloween special plant in south park haha. #ViparSpectraP4000
Thanks brotha, am a perfectionist, if it’s not just right, I’ll usually scrap something and start all over :rofl: that light turned all the way up draws around 300-320 watts, it comes out to roughly 54 watts per cob, I usually run it dimmed way down, maybe 20ish watts each or possibly even less, it’s super efficient, if I turn it up much more than that the plants start getting wicked stressed out and I’ve turned the top of a couple plants white running it up too high, even par from wall to wall at 8-10” above canopy. Probably the only downside was cost to build and time for everything to show up. Won’t go into detail on how I built it or what I used due to this being a sponsors post, but I based it off @fanleaf’s massive 42 cob array on a smaller scale
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