Mini Green House Grow

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Don't we all!!:thanks:

I guess we do, or this would be a very quiet place, LOL!

thanks man ;)

Long winded, I think not, just very thorough which I appreciate very much. Thanks again.


Sometimes I read my posts and I think that I come off as some pedantic asshole, lol.

thanks brother, may your seed production bring much success!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

My harvest routine is to chop my plants when the trichs are where I want them. Then I manicure them and hang them in my cab/drying box with an exhaust fan going 24/7 to prevent mold. Once the main stems are dry enough to snap instead of bending, I put them in jars in a dark dry place and cure them by opening the jars every day for a few minutes to evaporate moisture.

Your nose becomes an important tool when you cure your buds. If you sniff your jars and smell anything that doesn't smell good, usually a smell like ammonia, you need to dry them quick because they are starting to get moldy. If I smell anything like that, I either hang them back up in my drying box or just lay them out on some cardboard so that they dry fast.

thanks bro!

Thank you, SS that's what I wanted to know - a brief and experienced from first hand routine ... gotta say the tip about the nose as a tool is a killer ! Thanks, brother. Attitude and answer much appreciated.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Hi Lacy!

Nice to meet you ;).

This grow isn't over yet. My plants are about 2 weeks from harvest. That's cool that you live in the country. I'm jealous ;).

This site must crawl on dial-up with all the pics in these journals, but I'm glad you joined our community ;).

Don't hesitate to ask questions. Doing that has helped me bag one grow here and I'm close to bagging my second one due in no small part to the help I've gotten from other members.

glad you're here and thanks for checking out my journal!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Setting Sun and all, re selective pollination and having the buds ready for harvest before the seeds are mature; couldn't you chop just the buds off and leave the remainder of the plant with the pollinated buds intact to finish maturing?
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Setting Sun and all, re selective pollination and having the buds ready for harvest before the seeds are mature; couldn't you chop just the buds off and leave the remainder of the plant with the pollinated buds intact to finish maturing?

Yep, if you left enough of the plant there to survive, and you could afford the space and light, you sure could.

But you shouldn't have to do that if you time it right, and the window of opportunity, unless you're growing autos, is at least 3-4 weeks, so unless you waited way too long, you shouldn't have to resort to that.

That would be a good strategy though, if your seeds weren't fully mature before your buds.

thanks Tiger Balm!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Some of my opinions may be based more on marijuana lore and experience,
I'm just a dude trying to grow some weed and share my understanding, not an academician.

"First, if harvesting seeds from my own crosses, I air-dry newly harvested seeds for a couple of weeks, and then store them in the refrigerator with a little rice. Cold-treatment seems to increase viability and germination rates, especially with indica-dom strains. I almost always get a 100% germination rate with quality seedstock."

Again, I'd be more than happy to do some digging around myself, if you would like.
ty soo much
you are always so helpfull in no way was i trying to be smug.anyways wha sparked my intrest is becaue i saw the one grow journal of the pollenation tutorial and he said specific 26-28 i think i quoted right. i just thought i wasn't goo for them to stay in there enviroment because germ rates would decrease i cant remember if i remember this or i made it up . i was asking for the source of winterizing or whatever it would be called to increase geerination % didn't know if there was some type of botany journal site where potheaded mind like mine would wonder too.lolthought it would be cool to see the science behind it
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

ty soo much
you are always so helpfull in no way was i trying to be smug.anyways wha sparked my intrest is becaue i saw the one grow journal of the pollenation tutorial and he said specific 26-28 i think i quoted right. i just thought i wasn't goo for them to stay in there enviroment because germ rates would decrease i cant remember if i remember this or i made it up . i was asking for the source of winterizing or whatever it would be called to increase geerination % didn't know if there was some type of botany journal site where potheaded mind like mine would wonder too.lolthought it would be cool to see the science behind it

No problem bro, I didn't think you were being smug at all.

I tried to find a more scientific/botanical website that would support the "winterizing" (great word BTW) theory, but haven't been able to dig anything up so far.

I've not given up yet, however, lol.

I always though botany was boring as all get out. Now I'm jealous that you're taking a botany class ;).

Here's an interesting non-marijuana-specific site that addresses seeds that *require* winterizing to germinate.

Making Winter for Seeds - A Cold Stratification Guide from Alchemy Works
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

I just posted this pic in the October "plant of the month" contest and noticed that a couple of the plants show a good example of the burned leaf tips that I try to get by pushing with nutes.

And, oh yeah, I'm plugging my plant(s), lol.

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

gl to you and thank you for refrence.
Botanists are more likely to study the basic taxonomy, anatomy, morphology,
biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, physiology, etc. of wild plants, the
model plant Arabidopsis or cultivated plants. Horticulturists study how to grow
or cultivate fruits, vegetables, cooking herbs, spices, medicinal plants, lawns,
cut flowers, houseplants, Christmas trees, landscape trees, shrubs, vines and
other ornamental plants, bonsai, plantation crops such as rubber and tea, etc.
and that is why i like it learn to clone almost every plant on the planet i think its cool i am sure they have a Introduction to horticulture at the CC near you. anyways great looking bud and gl thinking of moving out near modesto/ oakdale know where thats at?
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Super nice and good luck with the plant of the month and member of the month...
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

i took a batch of mixed auto flowers and made seeds .they worked fine but a few were really short ,but good smoke .i would say though once is all you would want to do this as rudialis is noted for killing potentcy a few generations down the line as a 30 plus year grower i remember when that first happened the no high thia etc. i am a legal medical grower and am looking forward to trying this sts silver nitrate trick and getting real female seeds .morfs just lead to more morfs when you use them for a pollin sourse .i know from personal testingthis is fact. keep up the good work i love 420
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