My First Grow - 420 Autos - 1000 Watts


Having good microbes in the soil helps to buffer too.

so if i did have russet mites on a few plants i cant see any with microscope being week 5 of flower should i just chop the good plants before they get mites or should i hold off.... ahhhhhhh what to do

so if i did have russet mites on a few plants i cant see any with microscope being week 5 of flower should i just chop the good plants before they get mites or should i hold off.... ahhhhhhh what to do
No! Don't dare chop
I don't know you personally. But from what you have shared publicly I can't even begin to fathom what you are going through.... I know it's your instincts telling you chop them but if you can hold off you should try! What is your Ph going in and coming out? What level are your nutes. I will personally do what ever we can to save these plants!
Even if it's just making a few adjustments! Or snapping over some arms to get them away from the lights. Can I suggest going down to 10 hours on instead of 12?

I agree it may be a Ph issue so let's start there and if you need to cut them early I totally understand.... you need to take care of you and your loved ones first! That is most important in trying times, imo.

Do what you have to do. By all means. But I'm here to help any way possible so just let us know
i tbought well was told by grow store 5.6 to 6.5 for ph.. i always watered with 6.2 to 6.5 but when i checked runoff the other day it was like 5.3 to 5.5 on average... blazing waffle worked with me to fix ph so now runoff is at 6.8 i also fed only bloom and cal mag. im just worried to lose all plants if i do have mites but i cant see anything in the pics i posted in the other thread
thank you very much for all your help. i felt like everything was good but i just neglected for like 3 days after shooting amd then all this weird shit
They're probably Broad Mites and they're microscopic. I had them on my grow i just chopped and beat them with neem oil. Neem breaks down quickly so hit your plants good with it then again 3 days later. Make sure to spray under the leaves. Then i would wash the buds when you harvest. Dont chop early if you can wait.
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