My Room - Perpetual LED Soil

Hey Buckshot ! Love happy frog too. They quit selling it here.

Our Friend Jandre wrote Hawaii and now the are retesting it. Maybe they will allow it to be sold here again. I have a bag of Ocean Forest, but will probably not use you said too hot! :smokin:

Hey OMM!

Looks like you really are feeling better as you are out and about! Thanks for stopping by, pics this weekend, maybe. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Cat Piss Catastrophe

Karma is a bitch.

I am writing as I smell the nasty wafts of foulness from the plant I “call” cat piss. She sure did look pretty though … yes I said “did”. I moved the plants and got ready to mate cat piss with SI Male and took some shots to post. As I started to edit one of the cat piss shots I noticed “something” I knew it was a fat banana even before I went to confirm. Damn! So I was beat and trimming away late while choking on the now mature stench of cat piss. The mature smell has a more like “old chicken soup” or maybe vomit … either way it was unpleasant. I must say the buds are really sticky and while it has been unpleasant so far, I am looking forward to trying it out.

She was beautiful but I have waited and worked a long time to get S Girl squared so she had to get the ax


I wish this guy would pop!!!!

SI Male


S3 Girl ... she will be too old, I think, but S4 Girl is waiting and ready!!!!


I am going to cross the Super Snowdawg with SI Male too and I have some blue moon that will get a little too


Thanks for looking folks
I'm so sorry she hermied on you :sorry:

Otherwise your plants look great though :)



Actually I would usually welcome a hermie to cross with and perpetuate itself but not this time!! SI male cross with S4 Girl will give me 75/25 seeds at last!!! so I pulled her right away.
I decided to make seeds with all current strains x SI Male. I had two Sx Girls S3 & S4 so I thought maybe take S3 and keep her seedless ... if she was anywhere near ready. I was surprised to find her trichomes 100% cloudy!! So out she came. I have been trimming all day!! These plants are amazing!! and I attribute it to the dyna-gro foliage pro. I had a blue moon that I thought had a nute problem and went to the garden center to get some folier feeding product as the soil was to wet to feed and I needed a turn around fast. I was pointed to that product and when I went to pay she said it was FREE!! as it was a sample that somehow was left on the shelf! WooHoo so I tried it and I feed with it too and D@MN the plants are nice. I still use the Foxfarm products also very light and sucanat too.

Also NO pruning MUCH better nugs when the fan leaves are feeding them!

S3 Girl ... in the bag!

The End for S3 Girls

This is the last S3 Girl ... now on to S4 (If you noticed I have not shown her yet :cheesygrinsmiley: )

Smoke2Js, This is one of the two colas ... I was still chopping and took one last set

She was a beauty, they all are :cheesygrinsmiley:

That's cool if FF doesn't reply, there are enough people who have used other brands of nutes that work very well for them. I would finish with your FF and move to another product on your next grow. There is too much love for our meds to ever allow a brother go it alone! Everything you need is right here man. Peace


no doubt bro, looking grand! Thnxs for the links.

Thanks AZ, those threads along with a TON more info is here How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

That's cool if FF doesn't reply, there are enough people who have used other brands of nutes that work very well for them. I would finish with your FF and move to another product on your next grow. There is too much love for our meds to ever allow a brother go it alone! Everything you need is right here man. Peace

I just backspaced over another FF rant ... don't get me started, the reply and then no response was NOT cool.

Good luck with the crossing. A blessing in disguise.

No body....takes pictures like you do Bother. :cheer:

:cheesygrinsmiley: Hey OMM glad to see you out and about! I really wanted a SI x Cat Piss cross ... maybe next time. Still I will have a wide selection of new hybrids from SI Male! Lot's of beans this time!!!

Thanks folks for taking the time to stop in ...
Using predatory nematodes for fungus gnats

I have had a small issue with fungus gnats. I had it nearly under control but each time I watered a few would hatch ... just enough to piss me off. So I have gone postal on the little beasts I hired some killers 1,000,000 killers to be exact (no I did not count but I did check to see they were alive with my scope) predatory nematodes. It is war.
If that doesn't wipe them out, nothing will!
If that doesn't wipe them out, nothing will!

:cheesygrinsmiley: I hope so. I wanted to try this method as it seemed the least intrusive ... and you can put the rest on your lawn and garden

micro warfare eh? I hope they end your gnat problem real quick like

Well I don't know how quick it will be just want it to work. If it does well I think I will work it into the flow and treat every new pot with them. During a perpetual grow I do not want perpetual BUGS!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I know I have been sadly lacking ... It will get worse before it gets better as I will be moving soon. I tried the cat piss early, it tastes like high grade hash :cheesygrinsmiley: smooth too

OK, ok

Just feast your eyes on this plant, if you thought my last Super Snowdawg was nice check this bad girl out! She is full of seed too, a mix with SI Male. Yes that is the same 18" ruler :cheesygrinsmiley:

Super Snowdawg the plant


Super Snowdawg getting closer


Super Snowdawg up close


Here is S4 Girl making her debut. For those that say clones of clones do not have "vigor" I say bullshit! This bad girl is sporting 3 main colas twice the size of any I have had so far


and last but not least look at this bad girl!! She is a Blue Moon and she is laden with seed!!!! I can't WAIT to grow this out to see what flavor dominates, grape or pine!!


I hope you enjoy folks :peace:
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