OldMed Man's Air Pots and a Perpetual Grow

Looking great as always OMM Have seen all of your grows and you just keep getting better and better :bravo:

Hi My Friend :welcome:

Thanks for the kind words. I think practice makes them each a little better than the last one. I hope that I keep learning each time. Mostly it's just fun and helps me stay healthy. Visit any time my friend. Glad your on 420 with us. :yahoo:
I agree OMM they look gorgeous. Looks like Papaya 2 is furthest along?

Hi Blue! :)

Actually, the Jack Diesel is the next to come down. Was checking her today, maybe 2 weeks. I love those Papayas, they grow like crazy. They do look like they are farthest along. Another 3 weeks or so....I hope. :thanks:
Your garden is looking very good my friend. They are all over any damage they took from the windstorm and thriving. The Cheese looks right at home.

Filling in with some great looking buds.:bravo:

Very nice!!:welldone::yahoo:

Hi Mmmmick! :)

They have recovered pretty well, except the VK and she is doing her best.
I have to get used to the Cheese...she looks funny to me. :laughtwo::laughtwo:

Hope all is well with you......and the snow! :peace:
Arg I'm so jealous. everything looks so natural. The air pots kicks some serious ass huh?

Hi s13ontap! :welcome:

Thanks for the visit and welcome to 420! :yahoo:

Good to see new blood on 420. You will add much to the mix I'm sure.
Look in anytime and ask any questions you want to....we will do our best to give you the right answers.

Needless to say I love the airpots, they've been great to me. :ganjamon:
Now that is a garden my friend...

I really love when I swing by your page, The Beautiful Ladies and the Warm Weather. You have the best of both worlds....

Hi Mmmmick! :)

They have recovered pretty well, except the VK and she is doing her best.
I have to get used to the Cheese...she looks funny to me. :laughtwo::laughtwo:

Hope all is well with you......and the snow! :peace:

They look great to me.:bravo:
heheh I've heard that smoking the Cheese will make you laugh.:thumb:

That "supercrop" just gives her character.

No problem this round, my friend. It was light snow(except for the plow ridge, I swear they use a heated blade to turn it to ice as they plow). but cold shovelling.
Now that is a garden my friend...

I really love when I swing by your page, The Beautiful Ladies and the Warm Weather. You have the best of both worlds....


Thanks L-1 :thanks:

If you ever get over this way....I'll give you nice loaded tour! :yahoo:
They look great to me.:bravo:
heheh I've heard that smoking the Cheese will make you laugh.:thumb:

That "supercrop" just gives her character.

No problem this round, my friend. It was light snow(except for the plow ridge, I swear they use a heated blade to turn it to ice as they plow). but cold shovelling.

Cool. about the Cheese, she already makes me laugh. Wouldn't you know it, she's is only cheese seed I had. Wait a minute, I do have a Blue Cheese seed. hehe!

I remember snow plows and thinking the same thing. Ya need a flame thrower! :yahoo:

Do short shifts out there! Your not in shape for that kind of thing. :Rasta:
Somehow I am not surprised that you have a Blue Cheese seed, heheh

You are, after all, The Offical Hawaiian MJ Seed Repository

I distinctly remember the presentation ceremony.:party:

While I was shovelling I considered many options but before I choose one, I was finished. Then my short term memory issue kicked in and I forgot about all options, until next snowstorm. I'm beginning to see a pattern here but I'll forget about it before it becomes a problem.
What I mean to say is, I'm good but thanks for the reminder. I try to take lots of short breaks.
Somehow I am not surprised that you have a Blue Cheese seed, heheh

You are, after all, The Offical Hawaiian MJ Seed Repository

I distinctly remember the presentation ceremony.:party:

While I was shovelling I considered many options but before I choose one, I was finished. Then my short term memory issue kicked in and I forgot about all options, until next snowstorm. I'm beginning to see a pattern here but I'll forget about it before it becomes a problem.
What I mean to say is, I'm good but thanks for the reminder. I try to take lots of short breaks.

And a good ceremony it was! :party: Everyone dressed as M&Ms. :yahoo:

Short term is the first to go. I think, can't remember. For that matter my long term confuses me. Long term seems to embellish everything for the better, which is very enjoyable.

My Chicken is very upset. Not one person noticed her in one of the last update pictures. She spent hours messing with her feathers getting them just right. She is really depressed about the whole thing. :smokin::smokin:
i see you have a "leghorn WATCH chicken" the very best kind....does she lay
eggs for you? ok im probably hallucinating, so im going back to bed....hi everyone....i miss you all....hugs, L:thanks::thanks::thanks:

am sprouting the blue cheese seed as of today, put a few in nappies....figured i'd do the blue
since youre doing the reg. cheese...hugs, L
i see you have a "leghorn WATCH chicken" the very best kind....does she lay
eggs for you? ok im probably hallucinating, so im going back to bed....hi everyone....i miss you all....hugs, L:thanks::thanks::thanks:

am sprouting the blue cheese seed as of today, put a few in nappies....figured i'd do the blue
since youre doing the reg. cheese...hugs, L

Hi Lav. :)
Yes that watch chicken lays eggs. The young girl next door loves them.
I see we are still on the same wave link. Cheese forever!.
Get back in the bed! You need the rest! :thanks:
Hey OMM, it's been a while! Looks like everythings going good for you still. Your plants are looking great. I hope all is well in your personal life as well. I had to take a break from the growing for a few, but I'm back. I'll be following along, I always enjoyed your journal.
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