Oz's First Grow - Pyramid Tut In Coco

Woo hoo OZ!!!! Youre officially a kick a$$ grower!!! Thats sooo amazing brother!!!! I cant believe that yield!!!
Thanks for bringing us through all that with you. I remember when they were just lil babes.
Congratulations brother...you deserve it :)
Hi guys....once again thank you all VERY much for your support and kind words.

Mono mate, I love coffee too (at LEAST 20 a day lol) but I'm not a D&E fan.....Kenco Rapport for me :)
LA buddy, what is QD? Never heard of them before :)
Canuck (Stevo..ALWAYS Stevo lol) ...thank you mate :Namaste: those girls have NOT died in vain TRUST ME :)
Latin...cheers my friend :) Hope I can look back in a few years and think "yep, that was the start of REALLY good times"
Alex... Here's the update buddy........

Okay, as it was the tents ceiling was starting to "sag". I made the tent frame out of 2"x2" timber with 4"x2" corner posts. Then I added a few timbers (2"x2" and 3"x1") to hang stuff off...lights, fans etc. So, today we've removed, cleaned and replaced the carbon filter and re set the lights. I've also added 2 large oscillating fans (1 a traditional type and the other a tall tower type) . The Tutts have set up in groups of 3 with the last 1 sharing a 400w with the soon to be tortured....errrr,TRAINED..... auto.
Please excuse the quality of the pics but the HPS is pretty intense in there lol :)........ Oh, footnote....I manged to kick the hempies and knocked them ALL over. Re-potted them but doubt they'll amount to anything so they now have 48hrs to "show or go" :)

Pics of the tents new look layout :)

Thanks mate :) .....no, not heard of QD but there are other options available lol :) Must confess that room MAY be an issue lol :) But, hey, "plants are too BIG" is a problem we'd ALL love to have I guess lol :) Ultimately they're my No1 priority so if they need the space it'll be bye-bye auto and hempies lol :). The girls are in DESPERATE need of some defol and a little training. Do you still defol and train even when they're in flower mate? I'm very, very conscious of NOT wanting to stall them :)
Thanks mate :) .....no, not heard of QD but there are other options available lol :) Must confess that room MAY be an issue lol :) But, hey, "plants are too BIG" is a problem we'd ALL love to have I guess lol :) Ultimately they're my No1 priority so if they need the space it'll be bye-bye auto and hempies lol :). The girls are in DESPERATE need of some defol and a little training. Do you still defol and train even when they're in flower mate? I'm very, very conscious of NOT wanting to stall them :)

Lol. Yeah OZ, your tent looks like the Sun God lives there. :) I'd hate to have to pay your hydro bill, but then with the yield you got with your autos and with the Tuts' heavy output that you will get. WHO CARES. :) Your narcs don't track electric usage do they?
Reps mate.:peace::love:

By the way. What are hempies?
Lol....you guys make me smile :). The tent is about 10' x 6' :) The hydro is no worries Mick.....the electricity on the other hand GULPPPPP. To be honest, when I started this "adventure" I budgeted for £1,000 in electric usage. I think I might have gone "over budget" though lol. Hempies are basically seeds put into 2ltr pop bottles and left to grow one big bud. Effectively they're just space fillers. My son brought round some ancient bag seed so I thought I'd give it a go lol :)
Mono, cheers mate. The girls are looking quite happy with the extra space they've got. Those auto literally took up 40% of the tent.......I hope the crop yield justifies it lol :)
Lol....you guys make me smile :). The tent is about 10' x 6' :) The hydro is no worries Mick.....the electricity on the other hand GULPPPPP. To be honest, when I started this "adventure" I budgeted for £1,000 in electric usage. I think I might have gone "over budget" though lol. Hempies are basically seeds put into 2ltr pop bottles and left to grow one big bud. Effectively they're just space fillers. My son brought round some ancient bag seed so I thought I'd give it a go lol :)
Mono, cheers mate. The girls are looking quite happy with the extra space they've got. Those auto literally took up 40% of the tent.......I hope the crop yield justifies it lol :)

Hehe. Sorry OZ. "Hydro" is a local term for electricity because it used to all come from Niagara Falls, before all the nukes. Usually I catch those slips but not always. :) I've grown hempies!!! Just never knew what they were called.:peace::love:
Ok buddy with defol and training in flower, yes I do both happily all the way through. Defol you just wait a fortnight so stretch is done. Unless wanting to stunt. Then go nuts :) As for training, do as you want :)Training doesn't stunt or effect in any negative way. So yep constant tinkering for an even canopy is a must.
When you get to defol time Ill walk you through a few things I've learned on my Flux. Its very important with this style and there are a few little tricks to be taken on board. :)
Hi guys.
It was Alex who put me onto it Mick lol. Again, being the greedy, impatient little sod I am, I thought why not give it a go lol. I've just checked a 3 have now broken through. That kick I gave them must have woken them up lol :)
LA my mate, that's good news :) I'm not sure I can leave them 2 weeks though lol. They're so bushy now that they're blocking out light for the lower buds....my canopies aren't as level and even as your masterpiece :) But I will them a little longer. I guess on average there's 12" vertical across all 10 :) I will be tinkering constantly to level them up as the grow progresses :)
Good room modifications :)
I'm a Nescafé azera man myself oz but don't mind a cup of Dowe Ed those glass jars would be great for cure as mentioned above.
Hope ur electric ain't to much of a shock....... I was watching a video on you tube the other day of an off the grid grow. About 10x1000s + 10x 600s fans the lot ran off solar panells!!! A mate of mine runs a solar energy company I'm guna look into it personaly. £6000 is about the cost of a basic setup but with all these schemes and grants I dare say I could nail it a lot lot cheaper with my mates company doin the work.... There bent as fuk would do there best to get it in on funding scheme. If I get anywere with it oz il give u details to maybe go that route if u were interested I no they've been putting some in totally free
GOOD MORNING WEEDETNAM......Green is colour today....and I hope you see loads of it in your various gardens of goodness :)

Hi Troy.....you and me BOTH my friend :) I've contemplated the "cut then in half" method because it reduces stress but I'll wait for LA's words of wisdom first lol :)

Alex buddy..... ALWAYS interested in innovations.....especially money saving ones lol :) Yes mate, I'd love to look into it and see what can be done :) Don't forget how BIG this gaff is though lol :)

Well, to town now to collect a few "COOKIE JARS" :) I'll try get some pics up later. Have a great day/evening/night all :)
Mornin Sir OZ of Nuggington on sea! Also to one and all of your many followers good green :). Ok this is my kind of research. Im wanting to find some info on the responding light frequency that solar panels can run off. Hps works fine I know this through my Solar powered cloner. Yet I want to find if they run off LED.
I should find out soon as should get my big LED next week. If it can power solar panels Ill have to find how efficient they are and whether I can get good bulk imports.
I want to power most of my grow on a recycling loop from my lights. Ive seen use of old submarine batteries for the storage of charge. So its all aboutthe eefficiency of the recoup.
Yea uv got a big old outfit there lol
Can have panels wired just to power electrical sockets or just for hot water etc. they charge a load of battery that in turn power whatever there used for. Even if it just powered the house sockets savings could be awsome. The qualifying criteria here is some one in the household must recieve some form of benifit credit. But been told there may be ways around it. Il have a look and give u a shout
Top. Of the green morning OZ. Although the only green here is inside. It's all white outside. :( Methinks OZ, you need to get lots of cookie jars. :) They're going to think you're one hell of a baker at the cookie jar store. :)
How was your sample my friend? Mine was excellent.:peace::love:
Hello all. Hope everyone's day has been as good as mine so far:cheer: LA. Thats very interesting about recycling off led. Im looking forward to hearing about it:):thumb: everyday I learn something new:cheer::Namaste:
Evening all....hope your respective days/evenings/nights have been good, green, mellow and clean :)

LA my mate, like you, I'm very interested in learning the efficiency levels obtainable. I'm planning my next grow NOW and although "premises" would suit me and my "life" lol.....another home grow (or 2 lol) is VERY much on the cards :)
Alex your spot on there mate....if I could get the sockets ALONE to run of solar power it would be fantastic (the heating too would be a bonus lol brrrrrrr :) ) I PM you soon buddy on that one :)
Mick...the sample was, how can I put this,......SCARY lol. VERY MUCH couch lock tack :) Three hits and I was "dizzy". In all honesty it is perfect for my son and his cronies but a little TOO HEAVY for me :).....yeah, yeah I know...OZ the LIGHTWEIGHT lol.
Troy buddy.... I'm blessed with some VERY knowledgeable people on my thread. There's guys n gals here to answer pretty much anything you need to know so please just ask away :) Ohhhhhh, and yes, we do banter on a bit too lol :)

Well guys.......82.7 zips wet translated to......13.65 dry. I must confess to a couple of things...first, I'm amazed it dried SO WELL and SO QUICK. Basically I had the bud hung on 4 x 10ft long clothes lines down the back of the outside of my tent. I had a small fan heater blowing 5' beneath them. I had a constant 68f with 32RH. When we checked today it was done beautifully. Not wispy, not crumbly, not harsh (no taste of chems or nutes AT ALL) ......very nice smoke (if a little TOO potent lol) . Second confession....bitter/sweet reactions to the yield if I'm honest. Buzzing (literally lol) with the quality but slightly disappointed we didn't hit the target that I thought we might (15 zips) .....still, overall....Very happy to have gotten grow No1 out of the way :) There are a few things I'd do differently next time...fewer plants for one, more nutes earlier on too :)
Current situation is this...the FnV experiment has yet to make an appearance ( did plant the bean deep though ) and those bloody hempies!!!!! Despite me kicking them to bits we've got 4 popped through. All looking big n proud lol :) If the FnV doesn't show then the hempies are gonna get close and personal with each other in one BIG box lol :)
The scenario........I'm in the garage thinking "right, I need to get some tidying up down". I look at the 48" x 44" brick built and ply roof store in the garage and suddenly....epiphany.... "I've got 4 hempies and a (potential) Auto experiment upstairs". So, MORE room in the tent for the Tutts if I move them. £500 to sort the store room out (600w light, in n out fans, filter, reflective, insulation......etc). 5 plants @ 1 zip each covers it and the electricity........your thoughts please? :)
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