Pigeons420 Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Hey Pigeons, did you do a journal on that bucket grow? It fascinates me where you can grow. Like those bonzi pc grow cases..

This journal is the one that vegged in the space bucket. I had already taken her out of there at this point but I have some pictures here you can look at.

Don't laugh at my Macgiver setup at the time :p :rofl:

New Member - Old Grower - From Canada!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

This journal is the one that vegged in the space bucket. I had already taken her out of there at this point but I have some pictures here you can look at.

Don't laugh at my Macgiver setup at the time :p :rofl:

New Member - Old Grower - From Canada!

Thanks so much man, no laughing here... you know I love a macgiver grow :rofl::passitleft:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

wow 1650w, lucky you.... whats the new beans?

Herb :yummy:

White widow, blue diesel and Pineapple Express. (I forgot that I ordered this one)
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Thanks so much man, no laughing here... you know I love a macgiver grow :rofl::passitleft:

I've just come so far that it's tough to look back and not giggle!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Right on Pidge :thumb:
It's always good to look back and reflect. Yes, you have come a long way, but theres always a long way to go !! Ha ha.
The search for perfection...... Is it really possible....?
What would you're vision of perfection look like ?
Me, well, I'm alway's trying to improve on the previous grow and trying to find the Holy grail," DENSITY".
I wish that I had found :420: earlier coz I would be able to look back in time and see where I'm at ?
I never kept any photo's of previous grows and I wish I did, every photo I take now is stored for future reference so progression should be easier moving forward. Window breakers are just around the corner...,I can feel it !!!!!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Right on Pidge :thumb:
It's always good to look back and reflect. Yes, you have come a long way, but theres always a long way to go !! Ha ha.
The search for perfection...... Is it really possible....?
What would you're vision of perfection look like ?
Me, well, I'm alway's trying to improve on the previous grow and trying to find the Holy grail," DENSITY".
I wish that I had found :420: earlier coz I would be able to look back in time and see where I'm at ?
I never kept any photo's of previous grows and I wish I did, every photo I take now is stored for future reference so progression should be easier moving forward. Window breakers are just around the corner...,I can feel it !!!!!

Well Chenzi, you have no idea how many bowls I needed before I could answer this question accurately. :lot-o-toke:

I spent the last 3 hours sitting in my "pharmacy" with my good friend Bearded Budz discussing your question of perfection, and in grave detail. And I think I finally can up with an answer in happy with.

Growing cannabis has become a passion of mine. One that I can say has probably saved my life. 3 years ago I was involved in a life changing car accident. The accident and the following events put me in a pretty sad place in my life. But, to save you a "wow is me" story.

Growing marijuana was/is a very peaceful and relaxing hobby that allows me to work with my creativity and imagination like I haven't done in a long time.
However, where this all ties together, this hobby has become a bit of "work" for me. I have to admit, I've lost many hours of sleep to my garden with paranoia of a late timer or stress about my light falling down or the temperature being too hot and I'm sure there's more. (Certainly, we can all relate).
Perfection, to me, isn't about the quality or yield as much as its about creating an environment for my garden that wouldn't require anything more from me than my own efforts or desires. Whether that's training or watering. Cannabis is an amazing specimen and if you treat it with love and passion the quality and quantity is there. I don't want to have to come down check temps, ensure heaters are running, the smell isn't overwhelming, timers are going.
Maybe my dream isn't even realistic, but it's something I dream about. I want to enjoy my hobby and passion as much as I can and I don't want, in any way, for it to become "work". That's not what I'm in it for.

Chenzi, can't thank you enough for digging that out of me! :love: don't feel bad about not getting here sooner. I feel the exact same way! I feel like I started here halfway in. But that doesn't matter. The people around here and the relationships you form are life long and I can't express how thankful I am for the people that surround me here at 420! I have a stronger bond with people here then I do with the majority of my family.

Thanks bud!

Cheers friend! :passitleft:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow. That was beautifully put, Pigeons. I am super perfectionist in mentality but I've toned it down a hundred notches for the sake of growing. Being on 420 and having a journal to document my imperfect plants has helped me learn to ease my mind about the state of things too. Mainly I just want to be growing plants that are as healthy as possible. I don't care all that much about yield. I don't want to spend too much of my time in life or in my journal worrying about all the things that aren't perfect. I do mention some problems- cause that's part of what 420 journals are for - to talk this stuff over and get help. But over the years I've almost stopped worrying about my grow. If all the plants up and die tomorrow it will just be another learning experience, honestly. I'm going to keep growing forever if I can so I'm not too worried about setbacks. A large part of my current growing style and situation is the way it is because of life circumstances- same as life itself. Best to enjoy what you've got growing. Someday maybe I'll be skilled enough be growing amazing plants like Graytail has, or will be living somewhere warmer and growing outdoors like a bunch of other people I'm a bit jealous of. But even if it was one little plant under a cfl, I'd still be admiring it and having a good time.

The wife and I got married on July 11 (7/11). I posted a picture of our head table in my journal but about 3 weeks later it got removed. (Didn't have any plants or bud in the picture ) but I did post a picture of my ring! On a nice little mound of bud! Haha!

Yes that was a good photo. Removal was punishment for lack of visible buds, joints and clouds of smoke. You'll know better when it's time for the anniversary pics. :thumb:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Pigeons, that was poetic. Beautifully put. This hobby saved me from the devastation of losing my soulmate about twenty years earlier than I'd hoped on. Planning the grow gave me a point of contact in a future I had a hard time imagining without him. More properly put, growing cannabis within the virtual walls of this community saved me, because it was the community that held me together.

I've given much thought to this question as well. I'm old enough to understand perfection is unattainable. Japanese potters will purposely create imperfection in the thrown pot precisely to illustrate this point. The best I hope for is a smooth clicking along of the system. My first grow came close to that ideal situation. There was almost no stress involved with that grow at all and the pleasure that experience brought me was priceless. I find myself gravitating back to simplicity.

Well, in my case the hand was kinda forced, but it'll turn out to be a good thing. I discovered that this tendency we have to keep expanding can become too stressful. The draw of "shiny" is strong. :laughtwo: We all find our own balance.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Hey Mate, nice response !!:high-five:
"IT" will never become "Work". Passion is something i can relate to. This hobby, of all who visit these hallowed pages, is infectious to say the least and it really is a love of mine.
I started growing a loooooong time ago,in the eighties, outdoors to begin with then indoors after my dad paid me a visit in the early nineties.
Really funny story actually, coz as far as i'm aware, he never smoked weed. Well maybe he did....., but anyway. It was about 1991 whilst he was visiting with mum, when outta the blue he just blurts it out, where are all your plant's ? Well, i nearly fell over laughing... Just like that, he just floors me.... Hell, we never eve spoke about weed ,ever !! So i took him on the tour of my outdoor girls, mostly sativa's, well into flowering, and he say's, "don't you have choppers up here", bit risky he say's, i explain that they are in grow bags so i can move em.
Then he say's, "Come visit soon and I'll show you how it's really done" !!
Just like that, well "Fu#k me " !! So a coupla months later I go visit the old boy, low and behold, in his ensuite bathroom, the old bastard is growing hydro, "skunk"#1 as he told me. A four bucket system, recirculating top fed awesomeness, with beautifully groomed and trained plants that woulda done Ed Rosenthal proud !!!
Anyways, that got me thinking.... ? If my old man, who by the way, I never saw do anything at all, with regards to gardening, can do it, then so can I !! And from that point on my friend, the fuse was lit !!
"I am addicted to growing pot " I love tinkering in my garden and spend countless hours planning my next experiment !!
It is a pleasure to join, and be part of, the community here at 420 and meet fantastic people like yourself !!
I hope you and you're family are well, and when you wake tomorrow and read this, you have a chuckle and have a great day !!
Back at ya buddy !!:passitleft:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Just looking at the picts. How much weight will this produce? Im new at it and was just curious. They look beautiful to me. Nice work.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow, great takes of life. Each so unique. One of the few things one can honestly own, ones situation.. My reason for growing is easy to explain. I and missus I like to smokes it. A iot
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow. That was beautifully put, Pigeons. I am super perfectionist in mentality but I've toned it down a hundred notches for the sake of growing. Being on 420 and having a journal to document my imperfect plants has helped me learn to ease my mind about the state of things too. Mainly I just want to be growing plants that are as healthy as possible. I don't care all that much about yield. I don't want to spend too much of my time in life or in my journal worrying about all the things that aren't perfect. I do mention some problems- cause that's part of what 420 journals are for - to talk this stuff over and get help. But over the years I've almost stopped worrying about my grow. If all the plants up and die tomorrow it will just be another learning experience, honestly. I'm going to keep growing forever if I can so I'm not too worried about setbacks. A large part of my current growing style and situation is the way it is because of life circumstances- same as life itself. Best to enjoy what you've got growing. Someday maybe I'll be skilled enough be growing amazing plants like Graytail has, or will be living somewhere warmer and growing outdoors like a bunch of other people I'm a bit jealous of. But even if it was one little plant under a cfl, I'd still be admiring it and having a good time.

Yes that was a good photo. Removal was punishment for lack of visible buds, joints and clouds of smoke. You'll know better when it's time for the anniversary pics. :thumb:

Your philosophy is humbling. Marijuana has been a big part of my life for a long time. Since I was 17. Been smoking everyday since. I want to be able to create greatness, I feel like I deserve it. Not being able to worry is something I'm not very good at. In my later years in life, failure is something I've become the most scared of. And we all do it, all the time! I feel like I don't have time to fail. I have so much going on in my life, as we all do, that I have enough to worry about and my garden shouldn't be one of them. I will reach this state of Zen eventually, but the journey has been fucking incredible! So thank for the people around here. And this magazine!!!

I will have lots of herb in the anniversary photos :rofl:

Pigeons, that was poetic. Beautifully put. This hobby saved me from the devastation of losing my soulmate about twenty years earlier than I'd hoped on. Planning the grow gave me a point of contact in a future I had a hard time imagining without him. More properly put, growing cannabis within the virtual walls of this community saved me, because it was the community that held me together.

I've given much thought to this question as well. I'm old enough to understand perfection is unattainable. Japanese potters will purposely create imperfection in the thrown pot precisely to illustrate this point. The best I hope for is a smooth clicking along of the system. My first grow came close to that ideal situation. There was almost no stress involved with that grow at all and the pleasure that experience brought me was priceless. I find myself gravitating back to simplicity.

Well, in my case the hand was kinda forced, but it'll turn out to be a good thing. I discovered that this tendency we have to keep expanding can become too stressful. The draw of "shiny" is strong. :laughtwo: We all find our own balance.

You're absolutely right! Perfection isn't obtainable. This is something that I DO understand. But I'm one to believe that you can't find perfection, but perfection finds you. Perfection is subjective. What I think is perfect isn't necessarily what someone else finds perfect. But it can find us. Like you said, this community saved you. It saved me too! Isn't that perfect? How amazing is that?
Will perfection find us in the garden? Yes, yes it will! I just wish I knew when :p.

And know that, you to Susan, saved many of us. Myself included. We watched you over come adversity, to say the least, like the strong woman you are! Which allowed us to reflect on our own life and ask ourselves "do I really have it THAT bad?" Susan is progressing through life like a bull through the red cape of a matador. I can do it to!.....Perfect!

Hey Mate, nice response !!:high-five:
"IT" will never become "Work". Passion is something i can relate to. This hobby, of all who visit these hallowed pages, is infectious to say the least and it really is a love of mine.
I started growing a loooooong time ago,in the eighties, outdoors to begin with then indoors after my dad paid me a visit in the early nineties.
Really funny story actually, coz as far as i'm aware, he never smoked weed. Well maybe he did....., but anyway. It was about 1991 whilst he was visiting with mum, when outta the blue he just blurts it out, where are all your plant's ? Well, i nearly fell over laughing... Just like that, he just floors me.... Hell, we never eve spoke about weed ,ever !! So i took him on the tour of my outdoor girls, mostly sativa's, well into flowering, and he say's, "don't you have choppers up here", bit risky he say's, i explain that they are in grow bags so i can move em.
Then he say's, "Come visit soon and I'll show you how it's really done" !!
Just like that, well "Fu#k me " !! So a coupla months later I go visit the old boy, low and behold, in his ensuite bathroom, the old bastard is growing hydro, "skunk"#1 as he told me. A four bucket system, recirculating top fed awesomeness, with beautifully groomed and trained plants that woulda done Ed Rosenthal proud !!!
Anyways, that got me thinking.... ? If my old man, who by the way, I never saw do anything at all, with regards to gardening, can do it, then so can I !! And from that point on my friend, the fuse was lit !!
"I am addicted to growing pot " I love tinkering in my garden and spend countless hours planning my next experiment !!
It is a pleasure to join, and be part of, the community here at 420 and meet fantastic people like yourself !!
I hope you and you're family are well, and when you wake tomorrow and read this, you have a chuckle and have a great day !!
Back at ya buddy !!:passitleft:

This is great! Couldn't help but chuckle! It's amazing how many people or the types of people that rely on this plant for medication and treatment.
I could only imagine the thoughts going through your head when he confessed to his garden. At the same time, I can only imagine the thoughts or rather the relief that went through your fathers head to be able to express his passion to you! I can completely relate to this because I also have a son. He's only 4. But I really feel like I should include him in something I'm so passionate about. I love that kid so much and it kinda kills me that I have such a big secret about something I'm so invested in. Emotionally, mentally and passionately. I bet your Pops was pretty proud to share this!

Thanks for sharing that. This made my morning, Chenzi. You're a good man. And I'm as just as thankful to have met you!

Just looking at the picts. How much weight will this produce? Im new at it and was just curious. They look beautiful to me. Nice work.

In regards to the space bucket, yes? I only used it for veg then transferred to the flowering room. I bet if you were to grow in there for veg and flower you could pull and ounce and a half or so. But of course the size of that bucket can be complete up to you. It'll run you about 100$ from start to finish. And you can YouTube Micro Space Bucket. Of course if you have any questions just shoot!

I have 3 Pineapple express, she is getting my next space.

Hell yea!! I would love to compare. Are they Photos? Mines an auto. I'd be curious to see how they compare to each other. I'm hoping mine are here on Monday!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow, great takes of life. Each so unique. One of the few things one can honestly own, ones situation.. My reason for growing is easy to explain. I and missus I like to smokes it. A iot

Haha this has been great stuff to think about!

That's a great reason to grow!! My Misses loves her herb too! Another reason for us to nail it in the garden!

Love ya Nivek!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Your words are so inspirational my friend. I have a real hard time putting what goes through my head down in words. It's something I'm working on.

All my girls are autos at the moment and will be for sometime, until I get enough supplies to grow me 1 photo and fill the box with it.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Good stuff, I love hearing the emotions behind growers.

Just today a grower I work with told me, "Wait till after your third harvest and you'll go days without checking on your plants." I told him, "I hope not." I have the same anxieties, falling lights, high temps etc. but these plants to me aren't tomatoes so I think we are justified. I'm not growing something to just fill my belly or get me high, I'm searching for medicine and I owe it to myself to grow the best medicine possible. I wouldn't call it work except to my wife when I bail on doing dishes to "water the plants". My grow room is my Man Cave, my family respects that I am in there because the plants need it or I need it. So I do baby my plants but it's because I think of them as more than just plants. I am one of those soldiers that can be told a million times I did things I had to do but that doesn't change the fact that I feel I have thrown my Karma out of balance. Creating life, nurturing life, even though it isn't human, still feels like I'm putting things in check and it allows me to use my crippled hands. Doing something for ME, is something I have always found hard to do when you are a parent so I feel that's a bonus as well.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Your words are so inspirational my friend. I have a real hard time putting what goes through my head down in words. It's something I'm working on.

All my girls are autos at the moment and will be for sometime, until I get enough supplies to grow me 1 photo and fill the box with it.

Thank you, Sir! I haven't always been able to articulate myself this well. But I certainly thank my years in university preparing myself for law school. I flourished so well in university and it was one of the better times in my life. Played a big part in turning me into who I am today.

You'll have to guide my hand through the autos. Only did it once and really is was just me holding on for dear life while these plants did here thing.
Good stuff, I love hearing the emotions behind growers.

Just today a grower I work with told me, "Wait till after your third harvest and you'll go days without checking on your plants." I told him, "I hope not." I have the same anxieties, falling lights, high temps etc. but these plants to me aren't tomatoes so I think we are justified. I'm not growing something to just fill my belly or get me high, I'm searching for medicine and I owe it to myself to grow the best medicine possible. I wouldn't call it work except to my wife when I bail on doing dishes to "water the plants". My grow room is my Man Cave, my family respects that I am in there because the plants need it or I need it. So I do baby my plants but it's because I think of them as more than just plants. I am one of those soldiers that can be told a million times I did things I had to do but that doesn't change the fact that I feel I have thrown my Karma out of balance. Creating life, nurturing life, even though it isn't human, still feels like I'm putting things in check and it allows me to use my crippled hands. Doing something for ME, is something I have always found hard to do when you are a parent so I feel that's a bonus as well.

I completely see myself in a similar situation using the garden as a sanctuary from life. We all need a break every now and again. And it's nice to be able to walk into a room of peace and serenity. In a spot where no one is staring at you or expecting you to say something. Where we can sit and appreciate life.
There's a few years between us Griz but i think we're pretty similar in character. I really feel like when you speak you are talking about my life. Or taking the words right out of my mouth. Not to mention we share a similar sense of humor.

It's been a true pleasure getting to know you!

:love: :high-five:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

You'll have to guide my hand through the autos. Only did it once and really is was just me holding on for dear life while these plants did here thing.

Haha I'm just winging it myself at the moment. Look up atrain, his training techniques for autos are great. I haven't done anything since I topped one and it didn't grow for 2 weeks. This one will be my next to cut. I'll do an update on her later.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Haha I'm just winging it myself at the moment. Look up atrain, his training techniques for autos are great. I haven't done anything since I topped one and it didn't grow for 2 weeks. This one will be my next to cut. I'll do an update on her later.

I'm familiar with Atrain. I've seen what his hands can create and it's amazing! He's truly talented!

I look forward to seeing that update!
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