Shorti's 4th Grow, ATF!

Happy Saturday and Good Afternoon 420magazine!

Little Amelia (Em Dog) is coming along VERY nice! I decided to go ahead and top the little girl, and accidentally pulled off a fan in the process oh well!!

Big thanks to Chris Scorpio for the light!! I will be gathering the rest of the tent necessities shortly (timer, thermometer/humidity reader, fan) for the time being she goes outside during the day and comes in when the sun goes down, so she is receiving 24 hours of light.

I am going to be training the HECK out of her. More than I have ever done. I want a full flux!!!

Thank you everyone for everything that has gotten this grow up and off the ground. If it is any consolation for all of the work you all have put in to help me, it is JUST as therapeutic as I figured it would be.



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Hi hortishorti, I see you're growing Stank's ATF too, so I thought I'd pull up a seat. Sorry to hear you lost some to the heat and pests, same thing happened with a few of mine, but the survivor you've got there should be very strong. Any telling the sex yet?
No sign of sex but the Em Dog was feminized. I'm definitely 2 or 3 weeks out from any sign of sex though. I plan to veg heavy for the next 6 to 10 weeks. I do have 1 ATF survivor but it's definitely been stunted by the stress I would say.. The Em dog is a week younger and already surpassed it. Dunno what to make of it
Give it time it should come around.
I've got nothing but time this time around PW gonna go for sweet ripe buds instead of milky/clear this time
Yeah these plants are so amazingly resilient outside it's nuts. Actually the one I've got that's the biggest was one of the first round of transplants and only one made it. I planted a second round, and this one still outgrew all of them even with the rough start.

Last year we had a plant that got absolutely mangled, like the stock literally exploded in the center. We duct taped it, propped one of the branches up, and it pulled through magnificently.
Hello and good afternoon my 420 family!!

Here are some pics! Went ahead and top dressed Em Dog with some amazing homemade organic compost and gave her a nice drench of pond water to get those microbeasties a'workin.

In the clay pot, is ATF which is starting to come around!

Gonna let Em Dog get some nice sunlight for a few before throwing her back in the tent :) still no fan :( thank God I still have my vent fan to expel heat & have one of the flaps open on the tent for fresh air.

Hope everyone is doing well!


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Looking good, did you fim the bigger one?
Yes I did Pw! I'm gonna do like.. an octa-line, or hexa-line.. hahahahaha.
However many branches she spits out for me ;)

I still can't get over the fact that ATF is a little over a week older than her that Em Dog is to date, the most vigorous/strong plant I've had at the stage of growth she is in, well from seed anyways, 10gal Chloe the monster cropped clone was a completely different type of beast all together.

I'm so happy to be growing again
Hope you're having an awesome day PW
Octaline FTW! nice glad to gear the em dog is growing strong. Dont give up in the ATF the can surprise even with a rough start! Hope all is well
Happy Sunday 420fam! Things are looking good in the tent, but I decided to check on the ATF (it's been raining a lot so I transplanted her into a 2.6gal container with mushroom compost, great white and top dressed with some 3-5-6 gentle organic fertilizer.) And WOO she is coming to life :) touching her stems gives off a nice aroma, so I hope it will indeed be a "she" haha.

Will update on em dog shortly, hope everyone has an awesome day!


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Thank you PW and Chris!

Anyways here's an update on Em Dog! I brought her outside to give her a nice big drink :) the FIM has really made her go crazy!!! I can't wait to see what she's like in a week's time when I can start supercropping her offshoots

I hope everyone has an awesome day!


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