Sisco's Outdoors Grow

Slowpuffer, I read somewhere in here that blood meal will attract varmints. What is your experience with that?

Also, how do you use the blood and bone meals?
Did you add them in different times of growth or mixed in with the soil?

The shovel was hanging in the shed, I had time for only 1 trip, was carrying a bag of Forest compost into the forest. lol

Thanks man.
As i remember, i used about two hands full of each, worked into the top 1 foot of soil. Nothing scientific going on here !! Personally, i did'nt have a problem with varmits, but i've heard of dig ups blamed on bloodmeal. There's a ton of good info listed under outdoor growing, on this web-site. If you can find aged cow manure compost, then you can mix that into you native soil and also use it for for mulch and every time it rains or you water them, they get fertilized. Whatever you do don't use fish fertilizer outdoors. To many varmits like fish smell !! You gonna be the middle of june before you got a big enough plant to put outside. Also consider adding some dolimite lime to your top soil. I'd use about 1/4 cup, in a 3x3 hole. I used to go about two weeks after setting the seedlings out and give them a good slug of high nitrogen chemical fertilizer, and then when they started budding, i'd give them some bloom ferts. But nothing fancy and it worked, but i don't want to smoke those chemicals anymore. So in summary, 40% native soil, 60% aged cowshit compost, 1 8 qt. bag of worm castings, 1/4 cup dolimite lime, 1 1/4 cup each of bone and blood meal, and use the cowshit compost for mulching around each plant. Also, 2 gals. of perlite to that 3x3 hole will do wonders. Probably other animal compost is just as good or better, but that's what we use here, because i can get a pick up truck full for 10 bucks. I use it in my veg. garden and my flower gardens. Good stuff !! Almost sounds like a commercial for cowshit !! :reading420magazine::peace::ganjamon:
As i remember, i used about two hands full of each, worked into the top 1 foot of soil. Nothing scientific going on here !! Personally, i did'nt have a problem with varmits, but i've heard of dig ups blamed on bloodmeal. There's a ton of good info listed under outdoor growing, on this web-site. :bravo:rains or you water them, they get fertilized. Whatever you do don't use fish fertilizer outdoors. To many varmits like fish smell !! You gonna be the middle of june before you got a big enough plant to put outside. Also consider adding some dolimite lime to your top soil. I'd use about 1/4 cup, in a 3x3 hole. I used to go about two weeks after setting the seedlings out and give them a good slug of high nitrogen chemical fertilizer, and then when they started budding, i'd give them some bloom ferts. But nothing fancy and it worked, but i don't want to smoke those chemicals anymore. So in summary, 40% native soil, 60% aged cowshit compost, 1 8 qt. bag of worm castings, 1/4 cup dolimite lime, 1 1/4 cup each of bone and blood meal, and use the cowshit compost for mulching around each plant. Also, 2 gals. of perlite to that 3x3 hole will do wonders. Probably other animal compost is just as good or better, but that's what we use here, because i can get a pick up truck full for 10 bucks. I use it in my veg. garden and my flower gardens. Good stuff !! Almost sounds like a commercial for cowshit !! :reading420magazine::peace::ganjamon:

Well I'm sold! I bought this compost that has Lobster shell and such so that will not be used.. I have Cow manure mixed with humus which I had considered using to mix into the native soil.

I'll give it a go! :thanks: for the advice I sure needed some, oh and yes, I know there is good info. here on this site.. just needed a little push.

Bummer on the cam. That was Jah saying time to upgrade.

Spilling the beer, that might be the real crime. JK.

BTW as far as the blood and bone meal attracting critters, my buddy can't use it on his garden anymore cause his dogs will dig everything to find where the scent is coming from.

Ready for the first drawing ;)

Hey bro that sucks about the camera.

Last year me and the wife were hiking and while crossing a stream she dropped our cam in, I didnt see it but I asked her why she was staring at the water and she said " I dropped the camera." and she points to it... I said "jesus christ pick it up why you just looking at it." Instead of picking it up she just looks at me with one of those looks so I jumped in boots and all to grab it.

Took the batt out right away and when we got home I put it in the oven @ 200 for 10 minutes at a time for about an hour then 3 days later it started working again. Some LCDs dont appreciate the heat but it gets close to 200 ina closed car so I figured it could survive.

Only thing is theres a tiny bit of mineral residue inside the lens now from the waqter evaporating but Im too cheap to get another one.

Edit: Just to be clear for anyone that tries this the battery does not go in the oven.:roorrip:
Wow, he got a three bagger with that hose, suck. My daughter did sort of the same thing. While I had my back turned she started spaying the outlet my fountains plugged into. Luckily it GFI and shut itself down with zero damage. I fee for you.. Good luck...
QUOTE=Papa Green;1080821]Bummer on the cam. That was Jah saying time to upgrade.

Spilling the beer, that might be the real crime. JK.

BTW as far as the blood and bone meal attracting critters, my buddy can't use it on his garden anymore cause his dogs will dig everything to find where the scent is coming from.

Ready for the first drawing ;)

Papa Green, thanks for that info. 5 out of 10 seeds still have not cracked. I'm ready to throw in the towel on those.

Thanks again :peace:
Hey bro that sucks about the camera.

Last year me and the wife were hiking and while crossing a stream she dropped our cam in, I didn't see it but I asked her why she was staring at the water and she said " I dropped the camera." and she points to it... I said "jesus christ pick it up why you just looking at it." Instead of picking it up she just looks at me with one of those looks so I jumped in boots and all to grab it.

Took the batt out right away and when we got home I put it in the oven @ 200 for 10 minutes at a time for about an hour then 3 days later it started working again. Some LCDs dont appreciate the heat but it gets close to 200 ina closed car so I figured it could survive.

Only thing is theres a tiny bit of mineral residue inside the lens now from the waqter evaporating but Im too cheap to get another one.

Edit: Just to be clear for anyone that tries this the battery does not go in the oven.:roorrip:
I think I'll pop the batteries in again after they charge completely. Let's see what happens then.

I don't think dirt got into it, it was "raining" on it.

Man you wanna hear about an "ooops" moment that my wife and I had..No? well ,here it is anyways:

We were living in Ft. Liquordale FL back about 10 years ago. I had a friend RIP who used to like to surf and kayak and all that stuff... so he invites my wife and I to go out fishing on Canoes. So we get to some sort of Wildlife preserve with canals as far as you can see.

My wife and I were going in one canoe and he took his Kayak. I loaded the thing up as I always do when I go fishing... Empty gallon for pissing right under my ass, my tackle box is up front and the ice chest is directly behind me. Yes I had some herb stuck in my tackle box but some honeybrowns are always on standbye :)
well we push off and are about 20 yrds into the gator infested waters when she puts all her weight onto one side of the canoe and I automatically had visions of the beer and my herb going down.

We were in about chest deep and I scooped up everything except the ice.
I had my tackle box closed and the herb was in a wooden box that kept it dry. I'll never forget the look in her eyes when we were about to hit the water. That was the funniest part, the gators left us alone and we got back in and had a great time.

We were lucky not to have a camera back then. lol

:peace:Thanks for your story brother.

Sorry for your cam Sisco that fuck up enjoy to look at your picture.
hope you will get one soon check thrift store cheap digital cam or pound shop. May was a fuck up month any way. Just go take a :bigtoke: and everything gone a be all rigth.

I'm about to get lifted here in a minute. I screwed this one up real bad Peace man. We'll see how it ends. Thanks for dropping in.
Wow, he got a three bagger with that hose, suck. My daughter did sort of the same thing. While I had my back turned she started spaying the outlet my fountains plugged into. Luckily it GFI and shut itself down with zero damage. I fee for you.. Good luck...
I didn't really think he was gonna do something like that. He was helping me so that was all my fault.

YIKES, I blew up a motor (electric motor that pumped water from a well to a city water holding tank) by power washing too close to it, noise and sparks were off the wall. Lucky me they had a back up.

Thanks Sonzor, and sorry I have nothing to show or any good news. :peace:

Hi sisco Bad luck on the camera Buddy.:smokin: Your luck will turn soon after this last month it's just got to get better. Maybe its a sign that your going to have a hell of a good grow in the forest!:ganjamon:

Sure, thanks for the hope OMM. but I think this is quite the opposite. 5 seeds never cracked.
I'm cracking my BB Kush now and keeping it inside till its ready, maybe I'll just have that one female.

Thanks again and take care my friend.
heheh, you and your son are both barred from hoses and pressure washers until next summer.

Glad you didn't get too close to the sparks and electric current that was probably flowing out of that motor. Could have been a nasty surprise.

Ok that should complete this years run of bad luck so lets see that outdoor grow blow you away with poundage.

Good luck.
Hey Sisco. Sorry I just got your message. Been so busy with so much stuff that I haven't had time to check in to 420.

Just started reading your journal from the beginning. It will take me a couple days to catch up. Looks great! So reminds me of my outside spot. Only advice I have right now is to spray deer and rabbit repellent around the plants. I think it helps keep beaver away too. I'm surprised your soil PH was low. Usually swamp topsoil is pretty neutral. I never did anything to the existing soil, just feed every once in awhile with the nettle tea. The water from the swamp that I watered with was at 7 I think or something real close to neutral.
Sounds like you need to rub my bald head for good luck sisco! Hope the camera resurrects itself...does it only have the LCD viewer (I hate those, usually) or does it also have the "regular" eyepiece? If it has an eyepiece use it and just set the mode to "Auto" and use it as best you can until you can afford a new one.

Btw...what is the point of layaway? Especially with three months there could be something totally new out for the same price. Stash that amount you would've paid Wallyworld until you have enough for the camera and then see what the market has to offer ya. I bought mine from them...then found it $50 cheaper on I ordered that one and then returned the NEW camera to Wallyworld...after waiting in the return line for 20 minutes (was a short line but completely incompetent and understaffed urge to move faster than a snail's pace). On the other hand they refunded me $10 extra dollars that I didn't notice until I got home, normally I'd have let them know BUT after 20 minutes of waiting I figured they owed me. Especially since I was even nice enough to return them a new camera instead of the one I had actually bought from them and had been using while waiting for the mail order to arrive. ;)
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help! But now I have the biggest piece of bad news... Not one of the seeds out of 11 did anything.

I am very ticked @ myself. I don't know how I could have such bad luck with this outdoor thing. All I have done up to today has been in vain. Just not meant to be I guess.

So that is the end of this journey and journal. I really do appreciate those of you who have stuck by me, There is just nothing else to do. No more seeds, no more dinero!

I give up! I don't understand how the seeds that cracked only cracked enough to show a small bit of tap root and then did nothing. I used the same seed starting soil.

Anyways, I feel like a little kid that just had his ass kicked by the neighbor.. so I'm running home to cry and hide.

Don't care anymore, I'm just gonna stay off to the sidelines for now. My grow is done and so is my patience. I'll see y'all around your grows, maybe just go back to reading which is just like growing... just can't smoke it at the end.

If a Mod. comes along will ya' please excuse my Journal to the abandoned pile please. I would appreciate it.

Thanks again and good luck to all with your grows, I'll be around.
Hey sisco, don't let it get to ya man. I know it's easy to say that when it's somebody else's issue. But you've got lots of friends on here that want to see you do well and feel your pain when things screw up.

Seeds can be finicky, maybe just a little too wet for them. I've had some that thrived after an overnight soak and two days in damp paper towel and others that took almost 2 weeks to start.(and most of them didn't).

Any chance that your first set are doing anything in your absence or were they hopeless?

Anyway good luck next time around and don't blame yourself for everything. Postive vibes brother.:thumb:
Sorry about the string of bad luck bud. As my wife would always nag at me "everything happens for a reason". Now I'm not a firm believer in that but take it as you will.

I was looking forward to your journal but I'll pick back up on your next. :grinjoint:
Hay Sisco, sorry for all the bad luck... On a side note, I had seeds that where in soil and did not pop through for 3 weeks and one interesting thing that happened today which I though was really odd was I put a clone in some soil of a seed that did not pop a few weeks later the clone finally died, I went to go dump it today a low and behold a sprout coming out next to the dead clone. So with that said all hope is not lost. Give them a little time they may surprise you... If not good luck with whatever you do and look forward to seeing you around...
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