Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

Totally agree. On the trimming part. Have you ever noticed it in a very well controlled environment. I'm gonna be honest like you I've had some dispensaries not like it. Then others love it. I find I get the most complex smoke characteristics and best idea of the terpene profile on a fox tailed nug.

My Bomb did some serious fox tailing and she is one potent smoke. She actually did some of that chevron structure you mentioned. I love it. :love:
This one from Buddha. Looks like a tiny cabbage, no?



Strange, because she always makes me think of the taste of pumpernickel rye. Good, Rueben Sandwich Worthy pumpernickel. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Good grief, this is fun!
I was unprepared by the way many of you became almost instant family. It's always made me smile that we speak of it as the "420 Community" because it very much functions as a living, thriving community of friendly neighbors.

I opened Safari on my phone today and found this;


You can see how the grow has taken over my life. :laughtwo:

Right smack in the middle of all that, see that little patch of blue? That's my link to Rad's non-420 thread. That page link has been there since he posted it around page 18. When I want to visit Rad's home (one of my favorite stops in our Internet neighborhood) I always use another pathway so this particular link won't be lost. There's something about that picture that creates a sense of peace in me, so I keep it there to remind me at all times that no matter how crazy it all feels here sometimes, Rad's got my back.

My touchstone to the larger community. :green_heart:

To Do List: Closing out this grow

In no particular order at this time:
1. Clean roots that exited the pots and reset SWICKS
2. Top water every morning to begin washing top dressing in.
3. Disassemble light array (I can use them for one more grow)
4. Mount reservoirs on dollys (purchase one more) (find pieces of wood for bases)
5. Smoke report on the Bomb
6. Lift the shelf that the lights hang from (the next plants will be taller - I guarantee)
7. Purchase a light blocking curtain from Target (temporary door covering)
8. Do a Comfrey drench tomorrow (Wed. March 11)
9. Make magic brownies

That's all I can think of now. Now let's get this all done!
On my way home early today. I need to swing through downtown to get more coffee beans and I have an extra special package that got delivered today that I'm so excited about I can't wait! :laughtwo:

A little Dance of Joy. :slide:
I understand this PlanetJ, but my gut instinct said "decarboxylate", and there's nothing to lose by doing so. It was my way to jump start the process. Tomorrow we'll know if it worked.

This is not true. When you are at the peak of the decarboxylation curve I posted, you will be converting THC to CBN faster then THCA to THC. So by decarboxylating before baking, you WILL be creating sleeping cookies ;) I'd suggest a low baking temperature recipe.

Also, creating the butter, also decarbs it. So you will have very little THC left in there, and a LOT of CBN.

Decarboxylation, or decarbing, is a function of heat. So everything heating up the product, will decarb. Using that graph I posted, you can see if it is at all needed, and when making butter AND baking with it, you do not need to. High CBN gives a more sedative effect.

What happens in decarbing is that you convert THCa to THC, this normally happens during smoking or vaping. At the same time it converts CBDa to CBD. AND THC to CBN .. but at a slow rate .. untill most of the THCA has become THC, then THC to CBN speeds up.

Knowing this, you can aim for a certain kind of high in your edible, using that graph and adding times of processing/baking.
Good point PlanetJ. So I need to find a way to incorporate the batch I erroneously cooked last night into something that won't need to be cooked. I think I know the perfect recipe - no-bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal drops. The peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate will mask the leaf matter beautifully, and even if it doesn't, he'll eat them anyway for the buzz. After all, he was munching whole buds the past couple days. He was a bit sad that I didn't take any with me today. :laughtwo:

I will use the rest of the sugar leaves I have left and add some serious buds to it for magic brownies. He deserves a decent taste of the harvest.

Thank you for saving me. :love:
You could use good quality olive oil, make magic salad dressing :)
Anything requiring low heat, say up to 80/90 Celsius will be fine. This will be fine too .. but it will hit you hard :)
Making cookies from this, will be like eating a cooki........*snoooor*. Great for when you are in pain for instance ;) You will get insanely stoned from them, and zero high. If that's what you are after, then go for it ;)

If you prefer something that leaves room for creativity and such, then you might wanna make two batches, and label one 'bed time' :p
You will get insanely stoned from them, and zero high.
That confused me! I always considered them to be one in the same. Explain yourself J.
That confused me! I always considered them to be one in the same. Explain yourself J.

i am going to butt in just cuz i am here,, cheers,, i am thinking pj means that,,, stoned = body buzz,,,, high = head buzz. that is what i have gathered from what i have read on this forum,, cheers
yeah stoned is the body cough locking buzz and high is the cerebral energetic and creative trip

hybrids :love:
Most folks don't know "high" unless they've had some rare and unusual sativa's.

that is very interesting doc,, must say,, and something i have always wondered about,, have i ever experienced both types of high?? i never thought i did.,,, though i was thinking the other way round,, maybe i have never had a stone,,, but i like your way better.

anyway,, that is why my first bought seed was a super lemon haze,, i want to try as close to pure sativa as i can

and i also have afghani normal,, hoping it's male,, maybe near pure indica??

one day i will be able to compare the two,, great tidbit doc,, thanks
that is very interesting doc,, must say,, and something i have always wondered about,, have i ever experienced both types of high?? i never thought i did.,,, though i was thinking the other way round,, maybe i have never had a stone,,, but i like your way better.

anyway,, that is why my first bought seed was a super lemon haze,, i want to try as close to pure sativa as i can

and i also have afghani normal,, hoping it's male,, maybe near pure indica??

one day i will be able to compare the two,, great tidbit doc,, thanks

This is merely my opinion, but I think it's shared to one degree or another amongst "afficionado's" of cannabis:

The most exquisite high is from something like Colombian Gold, or a tropical Thai, Vietnamese, or even Mexican Sativa. Certainly there are other strains in addition to these, the African strains tend towards psychedelic, which is slightly different.

Anyways, it's all in the head and you feel like standing taller, stretching, moving, being active and often times lots of laughter. It's just different from a hybrid. SLH, comes pretty close but carries a bit more of a stone than the super-cool/rare ones.

I'll be putting a Willie Nelson into bloom soon, and I'm germing some Colombian Red right now, so I'll have some heriloom type strains going real soon.
You could use good quality olive oil, make magic salad dressing :)
Anything requiring low heat, say up to 80/90 Celsius will be fine. This will be fine too .. but it will hit you hard :)

Just want to drop my 2 cents on this subject. Sue I have been also doing research on decarboxylation and cannabinoids in general, and yeah Its a chemical reaction that uses heat as a catalyzer we all agree on that, now if the heat source is controlled (baking, confit, poaching, hot air, slow cure, microwave, to name a few) my only guess (from my cooks perspective) the end product is gonna be different in every case.

Now if I am going to bake, the heat is gonna decarb the Cannabis so in my theory it should be raw.

Now here is an experiment waiting to happen; I want to slow poach my wet buds in a sous-vide bag (0.001% Oxygen inside) at a 60-65 Celsius water for a period of time (depending on the amount of buds weight), then proceed to my oven drying method. My intrigue here is What happens to the Carbon atoms that are released in the decarb process when their is a Oxygen free environment (sous-vide). Another question; the Oxygen free sealed bag tends to accentuate taste when this technique is use for cooking, will it do the same for the buds? How about if we could preserve buds and age them in distilled water stored sous-vide in wine like storage methods, controlled RH%, heat, air... than 3 years later you open your sealed bag, dry your bud and smoke your 3 year aged bud.

To me the possibilities are endless.

High is a tropical sativa. Stoned is a heavy indica.

Most folks don't know "high" unless they've had some rare and unusual sativa's.

I'm going to assume the Columbian Gold I had in college that had me hallucinating was a Sativa. :laughtwo::green_heart:
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