The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Daily Update: Perpetual Tent - Week 8

Ahhh, finally, time with the girls. :blushsmile: I open the tent with an upbeat "Good morning my lovelies" and the smell hits me in the face! :slide:


Everyone is fighting for the prize of most coveted perfume. I work my nose around the group. Mmmmmm Cheese Candy is beginning to give Auto Destroyer a run for the money with a sweeter version of that intoxicating scent Auto Destroyer has been taunting me with. :laughtwo: Today we take this soft tie splint of and let it be free.

hahaha! Flashback: first episode of Mork And Mindy when Robin Williams takes the eggs out of the carton, tosses them into the air with an exuberant "Fly!! Be free little brothers!" LOL! Sorry, it just blasted across my brain there. :rofl:

Cheese Candy is now 51 days old. Those leaves make my heart beat faster. She's one healthy plant and she's frosting up beautifully.



Auto Destroyer: Day 51 You can see how this one's frosting up down inside. There's a close up later in the update.


Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia, Day 49. I sense a desire to be stunning. I hope she has enough time to pull it off. I have many more seeds just like her. :cheesygrinsmiley: I have enough seeds on hand to replicate this grow if I wanted to, but there were some tasty alternatives in the seed order. I really need to get the list done. We're days away now from dropping new seeds and getting back to doing it right. :yahoo:


African Buzz, Day 50. This one suffered the most from their gasping start at life. She's coming along slowest, has the least amount of floral development and is the shortest in stature. For all these reasons she has been chosen as our test case for a flush. More on that later.


We'll finish off with a group shot of the Kit Girls. They're just so tiny. :straightface: I need to stop thinking of it like that. They're still developing and by the end they could be quite spectacular. This is my test run anyway. I'm training for the next cycle. :cheesygrinsmiley: I have to keep reminding myself of that.


A closer look at frostiness on Auto Destroyer.....


..... and on Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia.


Environmental monitoring:


Let's talk about soil overload for a moment. You've no doubt noticed my frustration about the necrotic leaves. The only logical conclusion is that I overloaded this soil by mismanaging the drenches early on. I was running them too close together and forgetting the 1/4 Trans/Tea drench that is supposed to fall between the specialized drenches. So I shouldn't have been surprised when following. Monday's Growth Energy/Tea drench I found leaves dying off.

In talking to PeeJay about this we've concluded that it's worth a shot to flush one, let it dry out and throw it right back into the drench rotation, watching to see if it helped at all. It gives me the opportunity to do my first flush and if it works it give me another tool to put out. For reasons listed above African Buzz was the chosen test case. Following PeeJays directions I set up a bowl with enough water to cover the bottom 2/3 of the pot.


In she goes, to be left alone for 15 minutes or so, at which point more water is gently poured over the top.


Lifted out and set to drain thoroughly before repeating the entire process one more time.


I discovered that tilting the pot made it easier to get all the runoff out. .


Our last look in is actually two. I took the shots from either side of the tent and got different colors represented, which I found to be incredibly cool, so here they are. :laughtwo:



Aside from the drench and topping off the reservoirs, no other maintenance was necessary.

Ok people, get out there and make the world a more joyful place because of your presence. I know each and every one of you has more joy than you believe, so dig deep and have a blast with it.

My brother just brought up the FedEx ticket. New light tomorrow! :yahoo: :slide: :party:

You all have a wonderful day. I'm going to finish that buzz I've been trying to get in for over three hours. :laughtwo:
I don't think you guys understand how much I enjoy putting these daily updates together. :cheesygrinsmiley: :love:
I'm glad you enjoy this stuff Sue, because you are helping a lot of us out and I don't want you to stop.:thumb:

You sweet-talker you. :laughtwo: That's good Rob, because I don't think I could stop. Seriously. :love:
Hi Sue, just for the record and to make sure we're on the same page; you know that the specialized drenches are to be sprayed on the UNDERSIDE of the leaves to hit the stomata(s), correct....?
That's the foliars Shawnee. I was talking about the drenches. The rotation is supposed to be Energy/Tea, 1/4 Transplant/Water, Transplant/Tea, 1/4 Transplant/Water. I didn't follow that plan, unfortunately.
thank you Sue, just wanted to make sure on the foliars as well....some folks miss the underside part, it crossed my mind so I just wanted to address it....
thank you Sue, just wanted to make sure on the foliars as well....some folks miss the underside part, it crossed my mind so I just wanted to address it....

That's the toughest part of foliars, getting the undersides of the leaves. I don't know how people who grow monster plants do it. You'd have to wear protection.
Sue...try and remember a simple rule with the kit....after a drench,give just water for two times after then another drench of your choice(G.E., or Transplant).Always give just water though , OK...between can still give 1/4 Trans. and a bit of Tea when giving just water ,but never give two drenches in a row except when in Bloom , and your giving the C.D.'s. Cheers eh SS..
Sue...try and remember a simple rule with the kit....after a drench,give just water for two times after then another drench of your choice(G.E., or Transplant).Always give just water though , OK...between can still give 1/4 Trans. and a bit of Tea when giving just water ,but never give two drenches in a row except when in Bloom , and your giving the C.D.'s. Cheers eh SS..

Understood Duggan. Next cycle it will humm like fine clockwork. This cycle I'll take what I can get and be happy. I think I've made most of the mistakes this time and they still grow. :battingeyelashes:
Sue, I have one of those month at a glance desk calendars...when I start a new grow I map the whole grow out on the calendar with what drench goes in what week....then I don't have to think about it...I just connect the dots....whatever works for you, right?
Good idea Shawnee. I may do the same thing with my calendar app on the iPhone. I keep forgetting I have that. I used it mostly to keep track of the unending stream of appointments Dale and I endured, keeping those 14 doctors and their staff employed.

I like the idea of one of those cheesy inspirational calendars you tear off every day, but I don't have a desk....... Damn! I don't have a desk. I just realized the apartment is mine alone and if I want a desk then there's no reason not to get one.

I'll be right back, I need to breathe a minute.
oh geez, Sue, I didn't mean to trigger any sorrow, oh lord have mercy I am so sorry.....

I'm not talking about a cheezy inspirational calendar, but a month at a glance, where I project what I need to do and log what I have done so I have a record of what has been done and what needs to be done...

take it easy girl, don't have so many expectations for should be in free form/free flow right now until you process the seismic event that has just rocked your gentle on your spirit and your soul.....

again, I was just trying to help and I f'd things up.....ugh, I am at such a loss......
Ok. Better. Man! Those things are a pain! Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean the dried salt from the tears off my glasses? *sigh* For the past 15 years or so I was aware that all those domestic things I did to make him more comfortable that I sometimes got so sick and tired of that I wanted to scream - there was going to come a day when I was going to miss making him coffee for the umpteenth time, or hanging up his shirts, or climbing out of bed early to stay on schedule for meals when all I wanted to do was sleep just a few minutes longer.

Now he's not here and I can barely sleep at all. It's strange, but I find I can't sleep normally in the bed. I sleep on a diagonal, like I'm afraid to accept the fact that he's not on the other side to curl up against, so I changed the whole dynamic by refusing to sleep top to bottom. How odd. Not that it get much sleep there anyway. I think at this point I'm running on about two to three hours a night, which means I'm nodding off a lot. I'm actually surprised at the energy I expend, considering how sleep deprived I am. I still go walking every morning. That labyrinth has a powerful pull.

Well, that was a bit rambly, wasn't it? There was something I was getting ready to say.... Oh yeah - marking out the grow.

Before I could plot it out I'd need to have some idea as to when I'd be planning the "flip", because in the 11/13 lighting they begin flowering early and finish faster, so catching the CAT drenches at the right time will be a challenge for me, although I'm learning how flexible the process can be.

My major challenge will be mastering that wet/dry cycle. I haven't yet pushed mine to their edge, but I'm getting better and now I have some point of reference to work from.

I have so much planning to do yet before I'll let myself plant seeds again, and I find I'm just not ready to tear into it yet. I'm going to have to let myself take a bit more time to adjust. Hahaha! One of those little voices in my head said "So you're saying what? Another two days?" Pushy little vixen. :laughtwo:

I have to get together some CFLs for germinating, and I can't even make up my mind what I want to do. So obviously, not ready yet, eh? One of these mornings I'm going to tumble out of bed and within an hour have CFLs hanging. Then I'll be ready.

I'm geared to be super productive. It's disconcerting to need down time to heal. My productive brain is pushing hard to get something done. Grief tells that part of my brain to sit over in the corner and be quiet. You won't win a fight against grief. That much I have learned. Roll with it. That seems to be working.
oh geez, Sue, I didn't mean to trigger any sorrow, oh lord have mercy I am so sorry.....

I'm not talking about a cheezy inspirational calendar, but a month at a glance, where I project what I need to do and log what I have done so I have a record of what has been done and what needs to be done...

take it easy girl, don't have so many expectations for should be in free form/free flow right now until you process the seismic event that has just rocked your gentle on your spirit and your soul.....

again, I was just trying to help and I f'd things up.....ugh, I am at such a loss......

Aww Baby, it's not you. :love: It's this damned grief thing. There's just no way to anticipate. When they hit I just need to ride them out. That free flow effect you were talking of. Because part of my free flow is my obsession with my garden. Such an addictive hobby. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Don't you think this was your fault and don't you even consider trying to tippy toe around me. I can handle this. I'm stronger than grief, because my entire being pulses with joy, and joy will always win out. Grief may have the upper hand right now, but I have news for grief. SweetSue is much more powerful than any old grief. Haha!

You know, I just realized how true that is. Hahaha! I'm gonna win this game. So those rough patches? They're just smoke and mirrors. The joy is working it's way into dominance. It's been significantly easier today to laugh after an attack.

I like my chances.

So thank you Shawnee for helping me make that little advancement. Didn't expect that to be beneficial, did you? :love:
sue what was the temp and time for decarb

Three down, three to go for the next cycle. :cheesygrinsmiley: It gets a bit dicey the later in the day it becomes. These eyes don't see as clearly as they did a couple years ago. Even with the needle threaders I was struggling there in the end to see the tiny opening in the needle. I do have Dale's lighted magnifier. Next time try that Susan. :blushsmile:

We live right across the alley from a bakery. At 1:30 AM they begin baking sweet breads and doughnuts. The smell wafts up and through our open window and the entire apartment now smells like the bakery. :laughtwo:
Sue, I take about 3 medication a year, usually aspirin/ibuprophen... yet for panic attacks you might contact a dr. about a small prescription of adavan. I don't feel any fuzzyness or 'not me' on adavan, but ti takes the intensity off of a panic attack. If it gets to the point where you are avoiding or fearful going outside, riding a bus, etc. a little pill 'as needed' is better than missing out on life. Adavan wont make you stop feelng., and I like the optionto carry you through as you work through.
Actually, that was the only one I had today Rad, and it settled fairly quickly compared to what I was dealing with yesterday. The episode with the cards wasn't panic, it was pure, unadulterated grief.

I had a couple turning points today. I figured out that if this is a battle between grief and me, grief will lose. I'm not interested in battling. I have too much living to do, too much laughing and loving to share, to be locked into feeling morose much longer.
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