The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

I'm posting notice that there won't be an update today. That's not to say I won't post notes, but I'm taking a day off from the hour it takes to do the update. There's not that much going on and for some unknown reason I'm an emotional wreck today. It's difficult to focus when I keep bursting into tears.

Sometimes I pick up on the anxiety of someone in my life and I won't necessarily be aware of who it is or why until later. One of the more charming aspects of being incredibly empathetic. I decided not to fight with this one and let it run its course. If that means tears all day, so be it. At any time it could stop, but I need the breathing space anyway.

So let's talk. I've been flirting with the question of why I'm not running my entire grow with the kit, and I've decided that when I tear down for my vacation in February I'm going to confine my LOS no-till pots to the tiny closet, one plant under the Timber Vero240. I use this part of the grow for ambiance, as much as anything else. That light is an integral part of my atmosphere of peace and tranquility and I intend to keep the tiny closet just as it is, or until such time as I figure out how to get autos to really perform at peak in the HB soil, which is noted to be best for photos and really good for my favorite sativas.

The tents will both be running in Doc's Kit soil. I'll still keep one auto and the other photo. Photos will be young veg (about a month) to harvest and I'll likely run the autos as a perpetual. I have a source for auto seeds that I can't turn down, and some of the strains will be great medicine.

That's the plan, and this is my official statement of intent. When I return from my week in paradise I'll be running HB almost all the way. I'll cling to the no-till just until I get the kinks worked out for autos.

Took me long enough, didn't it? :battingeyelashes: :love:
Another one bites the Brix. :rofl:

I know it was a tough decision with you being stubborn and all, but i think you will be glad you made this decision.
It's almost foolproof. And the results speak for themselves.

As a fellow empath, I know exactly what you are going through. It's a crutch we have to bear. I've found it creates more stress to fight it than to let it happen. For me, cannabis helps a great deal.

Another one bites the Brix. :rofl:

I know it was a tough decision with you being stubborn and all, but i think you will be glad you made this decision.
It's almost foolproof. And the results speak for themselves.

As a fellow empath, I know exactly what you are going through. It's a crutch we have to bear. I've found it creates more stress to fight it than to let it happen. For me, cannabis helps a great deal.


Lol! That sounds like a good title for a new journal.

I'm taking your advice Noob, and rolling with it. The tears have abated some, thank goodness. And yes, I have this reputation of being hardheaded. Graytail, you can just hold that thought in. :laughtwo:

I relaxed by making some more pain cream, since I'd given all I had away.

Easy Pain Cream

4 grams of Pure Kush + 1/2 cup coconut oil in a small lidded jar and decarbed over 36 hours at 170 degrees F, shaking every time I thought of it and strained.

50 grams beeswax melted into 100 ml grape seed oil

100 ml Pure Kush cannabis oil added to the wax base

When it starts to cool and skim over begin to whip. I used a wisk.

Pour into a labeled jar.


It has the consistency of whipped butter and applies easily. It's an oily cream, but the results we're seeing with this simple concoction are amazing. I sent some to a friend with severe back pain. Most of his pain is deep in the bone, where this topical can't reach, but my hope is that this cream will relax the muscles that are tensing in reaction to the unrelenting pain. Then the CBD capsules can go to work on that deeper pain.

Initial reports are not just good but very good. Whew! What a relief. :laughtwo:
Noob, I forgot the hugs. :love:

Hey SweetSue,

Mind if I tag along in your joyful return? Plants are looking wonderful!

I don't mind at all Greensmurf. :welcome: Make yourself at home. No one expects you to read through such a lengthy journal. If you've any questions, I'm good for finding answers. I don't mind being a search engine for my own journal. :laughtwo:
I think it's time to catch a supplemental buzz. Hopefully it'll push back the doldrums. This is wearisome. Quarter to six and a day after my deposit. This feels like a good day to go out to dinner by the river.

I'll catch up with you all later. A good buzz, a tasty meal I don't have to prepare..... Yeah, sounds like a plan. The foot is healed enough that the walk won't be a bother at all. That pain cream and the CBD in my system have overcome a mountain of pain with the injured toe. I don't believe I've ever healed so quickly before. We were discussing this the other day in the Study Hall. Some of us have noticed that as we began introducing CBD strains into our personal protocols we started to heal faster. Obviously it's not an across-the-board thing, since I've had this ear infection brewing for weeks now, but even that had no accompanying pain or fever.

So let me ask here - Have any of you begun using a heavier concentration of CBD strains in your cannabis use, and if so, have you noticed a tendency to heal faster?

I'm getting ready to go out to dinner now. Later. :ciao: :love:
Sue I will let
You know in a few months! I picked up Alphakronik Tesla, it's a cross of Harlitsu x Gobstopper. Supposed to have THC less
Than 3% and CBD 12-18% should be here soon! Haven't been around much here as I have been finishing my trimming (still not done with the 4Csins), and also completely rearranging the grow. Got a chloramine filter on the way that I am hooking up a valve on my copper pipes
That will lead to a 55 gallon plastic drum so I don't have to haul 5 gallon buckets anymore. And planning on a second Perfect sun 1000 led that will go with the other on the light mover. Just popped some new beans too. Megafauna from Dynastygenetics, clusterfunk from Bodhi, and a tester from Dustedbudgenetics. My acute strain envy won't let up.

Stage and I were conversing today on my method of veg for my perpetual and I thought it may interest you. I do a compete to grow perpetual. All my strains go from cloner to 16oz pot. Little square ones I put in clear bins and water as a group. I can fit 15 in a 1x1.5foot bin. The best get moved to one gallon softies. The ones that don't make the cut get chopped back to bonsais. Of the one gallon pots the best get moved to 3 gallons a month away from the current harvest. A few extras in there. They all go directly below the 600hps. The rest get bonsai treatment too. So at any point I have extras of every pot stage. I then transplant the best to 10 gallons, veg in the empty flower
Room one week, and flip.

So what does this have to do with Sue?? Well it's Shiggy getting on you again about space and how little you need cloning photo strains. I know it seems like a lot but how much space do you lose in flower when an auto decides to start flowering and stops growing as soon as it breaks dirt? They are adorable but don't pull their harvest weight. It's always an argument about photos that they take longer. But doing the funneling system like I do there is never a shortage of beauties to move up and I don't have to wait for seedling stage. So really for me it's just move them along the line and flower. Why is this important for CBD strains? Because the CBD in the med strains is variable and hard to check for every new seedling. Especially autos where they won't be cloned. But with Tesla I can get a home test kit and see tha comparative levels of THC and CBD. I have performed TLC (thin layer chromatography) in the lab before, I even have the super precision micropipettes. So then after finding a pheno with ideal levels of CBD and THC I can grow that consistent medicine every time, knowing it will retain that medical profile. How do you know with an auto that it has high enough CBD? Every new seed is a new gamble.

And I know you take this all in the pure spirit that I present it to you. It's all out of love and desire for your perpetual success.
I just can't bring myself to get CBD seeds. I've smoked some CBD bud. Did nothing for me that I could tell. Maybe my reluctance lies in the effect. I just grow a daytime and a nighttime smoke. But I do have a hook up for some Charlotte's Web clones if I change my mind.

Cheers Sue

We'll change your mind. I know, you're stubborn like me, but eventually I'll bring you around. :battingeyelashes: :love:

:love: :hug: :love:

Sue I will let
You know in a few months! I picked up Alphakronik Tesla, it's a cross of Harlitsu x Gobstopper. Supposed to have THC less
Than 3% and CBD 12-18% should be here soon! Haven't been around much here as I have been finishing my trimming (still not done with the 4Csins), and also completely rearranging the grow. Got a chloramine filter on the way that I am hooking up a valve on my copper pipes
That will lead to a 55 gallon plastic drum so I don't have to haul 5 gallon buckets anymore. And planning on a second Perfect sun 1000 led that will go with the other on the light mover. Just popped some new beans too. Megafauna from Dynastygenetics, clusterfunk from Bodhi, and a tester from Dustedbudgenetics. My acute strain envy won't let up.

Stage and I were conversing today on my method of veg for my perpetual and I thought it may interest you. I do a compete to grow perpetual. All my strains go from cloner to 16oz pot. Little square ones I put in clear bins and water as a group. I can fit 15 in a 1x1.5foot bin. The best get moved to one gallon softies. The ones that don't make the cut get chopped back to bonsais. Of the one gallon pots the best get moved to 3 gallons a month away from the current harvest. A few extras in there. They all go directly below the 600hps. The rest get bonsai treatment too. So at any point I have extras of every pot stage. I then transplant the best to 10 gallons, veg in the empty flower
Room one week, and flip.

So what does this have to do with Sue?? Well it's Shiggy getting on you again about space and how little you need cloning photo strains. I know it seems like a lot but how much space do you lose in flower when an auto decides to start flowering and stops growing as soon as it breaks dirt? They are adorable but don't pull their harvest weight. It's always an argument about photos that they take longer. But doing the funneling system like I do there is never a shortage of beauties to move up and I don't have to wait for seedling stage. So really for me it's just move them along the line and flower. Why is this important for CBD strains? Because the CBD in the med strains is variable and hard to check for every new seedling. Especially autos where they won't be cloned. But with Tesla I can get a home test kit and see tha comparative levels of THC and CBD. I have performed TLC (thin layer chromatography) in the lab before, I even have the super precision micropipettes. So then after finding a pheno with ideal levels of CBD and THC I can grow that consistent medicine every time, knowing it will retain that medical profile. How do you know with an auto that it has high enough CBD? Every new seed is a new gamble.

And I know you take this all in the pure spirit that I present it to you. It's all out of love and desire for your perpetual success.

You're so adorable. Surely you didn't entertain the thought that I'd take offense. :hug: :love:

It's an excellent plan Shiggity. I believe we'll talk more about it in the future, since I'll be revamping after paradise. I understand about the necessity to find the values you're seeking and maintain the integrity through cloning. We've had this conversation before about cloning medicinal values. I agree 100%. It's adapting that to a smaller scale and making it workable. I have no space for a pheno hunt. I do have a surprising ability to attract seeds. :laughtwo:

If I were playing on a larger scale or running a professional caregiving grow I'd be following a plan similar to what you lay out. One of these days I'll own a home testing set too. I still dream of an inexpensive lab company setting up in my neighborhood. Lol!

Good work on the CBD strain and all your upgrades. Geez Shiggity, you should have your own warehouse any day now. :laughtwo: Another Perfect Sun? :high-five: There's always something new to add, eh?

how much do ya dry trim before bagging it up and freezing? (i got a bunch coming in about a week)

I don't dry it at all keltic. I trim and toss them into the freezer bag and right into the freezer. If I'm particularly on the ball I'll rinse them and spin in the salad spinner, then spread them out to dry a while before bagging.
For me noob it's a desire to have buds that will help me with psoriasis and digestive issues, and with the head and joint pain I have sometimes. I don't want to pop an ibuprofen when I can dab some CBD rosin and make the pain go away but still interact with other people without them knowing I have partaken. Sometimes I want to be blazed or high, sometimes I want to rid myself of pain with a clear head.

I can dig that. I have limited space right now but once I expand after my vacation, I just might get a few of those clones and make some oil with it. The indicas help me a lot with my pain. I have all over pain. I'm pretty chill in person so most people can't even tell I'm high as a kite.

Cheers buddy
I can dig that. I have limited space right now but once I expand after my vacation, I just might get a few of those clones and make some oil with it. The indicas help me a lot with my pain. I have all over pain. I'm pretty chill in person so most people can't even tell I'm high as a kite.

Cheers buddy

:laughtwo: My neighbors accept that Susan walks around on a cloud of bliss. Lol! Having been the owner of tha local tattoo establishment for so many years it's almost a given that they expect me to be buzzed.

The idea Noob, is to hit the pain without having to necessarily get high to do so, and leave the buzz to moments of pleasure. Separating a bit the medicinal from the recreational. I personally prefer that sweet buzz behind the pain relief, but it's not always appropriate or necessary to be as buzzed as I normally operate at.

People who don't indulge in cannabis have no earthly idea how many of us do. :laughtwo: This idea that you get a buzz and sink into the couch as a blob with a box of twinkles is laughable to those of us who stay blazed all day and work our asses off. Someday we'll relax our social views on cannabis to something a bit more realistic.
Speaking of clouds of bliss, time for my morning THC capsule. :yahoo:

Good Morning everyone. :love:

Slept like a babe. The foot's almost back to normal today. :yahoo: Ouch! Not so hard Susan, give it more time. Ok, Callanetics tomorrow then. :laughtwo:

It's a picture-perfect fall day in The Burgh. I hope this loveliness is reflected in your own slice of paradise. May the day ahead surprise you with the brilliance of joy that you find growing along your path. Harvest that joy and pass it on at every opportunity. Make this day sparkle with loving. I know you have it in you, bubbling up to be released. Revel in it today.

Yeah, I'm feeling really good today. I'm waiting to hear from a friend using the pain cream for the first night on a back that hasn't let him get a decent night's sleep for over a decade. Yesterday, after receiving the cream, he slathered some on the painful back and got immediate relief from tense muscles. Then he went to lie down for his afternoon rest and fell right asleep. His first nap in so many years he couldn't remember the last one, and this is a man who smokes cannabis for the pain relief. Even with that administration he's not been able to get enough relief to get decent sleep.

Makes all my work worth it. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I've posted my final pain cream recipe in my blog, if anyone's interested.
This idea that you get a buzz and sink into the couch as a blob with a box of twinkles is laughable to those of us who stay blazed all day and work our asses off. Someday we'll relax our social views on cannabis to something a bit more realistic.

My lovely wife made an interesting comment in this area just yesterday.
She observed that I sleep much longer and seem less energetic when not regularly partaking of herb.
I agreed and wished I had some herb with me while I'm on the road.
My lovely wife made an interesting comment in this area just yesterday.
She observed that I sleep much longer and seem less energetic when not regularly partaking of herb.
I agreed and wished I had some herb with me while I'm on the road.

It's such a frustration, not being able to take it with us when we travel. Better days must be ahead. I can see a time when a small portion is allowed to accompany you on board any transport and you won't have to be concerned about law enforcement taking the blood of your firstborn following an "innocent" traffic stop.

There I go with those rosy-tinted optimistic dreamer glasses again. :laughtwo:
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