The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Daily Update: Friday, September 23, 2016

I'll be running out with the daughter soon, so let me get this posted. I'd like to get back to early morning posting again. It frees up the day better for me.

Lets start art our stroll then, shall we?

The Carnivals (Day 59) Not there yet. I Brixed them this morning. Interestingly, the bushier Carn#2 drinks her water at about 1/3 slower than her smaller counterpart, whose branches are of a sturdier construction. I decided I need to clone them. I'll be considering my options later today. I'm determined to make these take. I've already explained to the daughter that I won't hold her responsible for them while I'm vacationing, so I'll also need to figure out how to leave them growing safely while I'm gone for the week.


The auto tent. I'm having a real problem keeping the temps out of the upper 80's in both tents. After today's heat outdoor temps are due to drop, so hopefully relief is in sight.


Early Miss (Day 10) Two to four days from her topping.



Dark Devil Auto 3 (Day 31) Just getting started on her bloom.




Dark Devil Auto 2 (Day 41) Stacking nicely. From here on out she gets bulkier. :slide: I'm gonna try another fresh harvest, without the disaster, of course. :battingeyelashes: :love:




Dark Devil Auto 4 (Day 31) Shes started blooming as well. This one's going to be spectacular!




That's the update folks. Gotta run and finish dressing. I'll catch up later.


We can always just vacation where we know we can get some fine ass herb. I always seem to have a hook up everywhere I go. It's like I have this weed tractor beam when I go on vacation. :)

Morning Sue


Sounds like a plan mon. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good morning Noob.

:ganjamon: :woohoo:

Everything is looking wonderful in there sue.

As for CBD strains, I'm glad we have one going. Definately going to clone it before she goes into flower so we will always have one rolling in there. Kinda curious about testing the THC levels and CBD levels at home. Time to go do some reading about that. Have a great day sue!
:ganjamon: :woohoo:

Everything is looking wonderful in there sue.

As for CBD strains, I'm glad we have one going. Definately going to clone it before she goes into flower so we will always have one rolling in there. Kinda curious about testing the THC levels and CBD levels at home. Time to go do some reading about that. Have a great day sue!

Yeah nis, I've only done a cursory glance at equipment myself. I suspect the quality of said equipment will change dramatically in the next couple years.
It's such a frustration, not being able to take it with us when we travel. Better days must be ahead. I can see a time when a small portion is allowed to accompany you on board any transport and you won't have to be concerned about law enforcement taking the blood of your firstborn following an "innocent" traffic stop.

There I go with those rosy-tinted optimistic dreamer glasses again. :laughtwo:

I go with that anytime :)
Off topic and thread jack....but, who interact with my thread if I made one to see me run these all?

Sorry sue, you just bring all the boys to the yard .

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using 420
Yeah nis, I've only done a cursory glance at equipment myself. I suspect the quality of said equipment will change dramatically in the next couple years.

I have a place that will test right down my street. I never thought it worth while. I dont know what I would do with the info?

Are you guys hunting CBD numbers? taking clones and maximizing them so ya know for later?

Cool beans you guys.
duggan :rofl: you and your toes :rofl:
but seriously..hope you are ok..your head is healing well?
:rofl: Toe toes!:tokin:

Duggan....... Dang bud! Not good. If you had any CCO on hand. I'd tell you to apply it to the cut like a bandaid. It'd heal more quickly and it probably would have stopped hurting.

Heal! And no more hurting yourself. We must be in some weird cosmic wharp. :laughtwo: Just curious, when was the last time you had to fill out an accident report?
How's the toe today Susan? Accident report...last one...about 25 years ago...maybe more!:blunt:
Fu%^&n head hurts I wacked it pretty good...can hardly brush my time I like the thin hair up top......:bravo: Have an awesome night Sue, Birdie and friends!:circle-of-love:

next plan is towards my parts of the map right???!!!

It's definitely on that list. You aren't the only member I'd be tracking down there either. :circle-of-love:

Hi Sweet Sue :high-five:, Ole Rooster1 has been down for a while with this computer... But I'm up and running again (I think), anyway wanted to stop by and give you and the crew a big Hello from way down here in Georgia.... have a great day... Rooster1 strolling....

Rooster...:hug: :love: Good to see you up and running again. Stroll through here anytime buckaroo. I'll swing by your yard later and see what's cooking. Hopefully it's not your garden in the heat.

Off topic and thread jack....but, who interact with my thread if I made one to see me run these all?

Sorry sue, you just bring all the boys to the yard .

You never need to apologize SN. :hug: What a great shot. :laughtwo:

Morning Sue!:love:

Love your onions. I'd read there was symbiotic benefit of green onions and Glomis sp. micorhizae. How are they working for you?

I believe they do benefit the plants. The most noticeable feature is the reduction in smell. This used to concern me though - since the smell's determined by the terpenes, am I interfering with terpene expression??

I don't believe this is the case because when I harvest and cure the terpene expression appears to be as good as it ever was, if not enhanced.

I have a place that will test right down my street. I never thought it worth while. I dont know what I would do with the info?

Are you guys hunting CBD numbers? taking clones and maximizing them so ya know for later?

Cool beans you guys.

That's exactly what we're talking about keltic. Shiggity's been educating me for quite a while in the values of finding that perfect pheno and cloning it to preserve the genetics.

The value to testing, aside from the assurance that your product is free from pathogens, is to determine those cannabinoids and terpene levels if you're specializing a protocol to a patient. For example, if I'm making meds for a patient treating cancer, I want those THC values at or above 20%.

My personal take for the average consumer/cultivator is to grow clean meds of a strain you deem meets your needs and trust that the plant will do the job.

There's also value in using the testing facility to help you fine-tune your grow. Harvest and test and then make a positive change for improvement. Grow, harvest and test again to determine the success of your change and modify again. Repeat this process until you know for sure that your grow is performing to the level you're shooting for.

If your producing for patients testing is optimal. Not all of us have the option, so it's good we work with one of the safest medicinal herbs you can grow.
:rofl: Toe toes!:tokin:

How's the toe today Susan? Accident report...last one...about 25 years ago...maybe more!:blunt:
Fu%^&n head hurts I wacked it pretty good...can hardly brush my time I like the thin hair up top......:bravo: Have an awesome night Sue, Birdie and friends!:circle-of-love:

It's doing quite well duggan. That pain cream I made has kept everything relaxed and blood flow at a maximum, so healing was incredibly accelerated.


I've been out walking at least a mile every day since I damaged it and the pain cream kept all the pain at bay the entire time. I can't remember healing so fast.

Sorry the wack on the head still smarts. :love: :hug: :love: You could probably benefit from having a jar of this cream around the house, raising boys like you are. My latest, more potent batch only used 4 grams. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Heheh, that there is a fractured toe, Sweetie. :laugh:

I remember the look from the times I've done the same thing. No sweat - it'll heal without a splint, but ya, you cracked that bone. :Namaste:

Does it have a spot where you get a distinct sharp pain when you press on it?
Just strolling by figured I say hello this time. Hey you, Sweetsue :ciao: been a while since it's been said. So I'll say it again, thank you Sue for all that you do. This is quite the happening place, lots of visitors...not to interrupt the conversation for a little grovelling :adore: Good luck on the motm :thumb:
Plants are all doing great under your thumb, I always like stopping in and seeing the gang. Hope your toe is better soon, it looks painful enough... Till next time.

KiG my dear :green_heart:cheers
We can always just vacation where we know we can get some fine ass herb. I always seem to have a hook up everywhere I go. It's like I have this weed tractor beam when I go on vacation. :)

To be blatantly honest, I was kinda hoping one of my growing buddies here was going to chime in with some sort of herbal offer.... but no joy. I'll live for a week. Apparently none of my buddies are Bostonians
Thanks Sue. I have a hemp store I can walk to and they say they test, I don't know why I do not trust it. They also have a clean your bong service. I have been cleaning my wifey's glass for a long time. I wonder if I should try them out?

I am thinking I could use the test service as I do have my own cross now that I work with. I wonder how much they need for a test.

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