Trala’s Tent

Hey a bit of a funny. So true story, I seldom wear colour. I bought a red dress for Christmas, so not me. But I just fell in love with it. It’s got this belt that is cinched at the waist and I fucking love it.

Well I’m looking through my Xmas Day pics, and as usual my confidence outweighs my ability.

Even made me lol. My arse looks like the back end of a fucking bus and it looks like I’m hiding a gunt!

lol, I am rarely speechless but you've got me about "I didn't picture you as a brunette...that girl on the right though needs to tighten it up", after a proof read, I don't think that works :)
Happy Humpday, or as I call it, the best day of my life! My man has sadly returned to work. This means I have a whole me day! Fucking living for it! I’m gonna watch porn and eat Cheetos read my book and make healthy food choices! Lol! Seriously though. It’s a beautiful day and I’m looking forward to just doing what ever I fucking want without considering anyone but me.

So a quick update

Everyone is okay.

🌱The Veg Tent


🌹The Bloom Room


By day my newly flowering Pineapple Chunk goes outside to dance in the sun


While my flowering Auto gets the stronger more evenly distributed faux sun in the Bloom Room


Thanks for having a squiz and :-

I was just smoking some MIMOSA EVO x Orange Punch this morning. She looks awesome!
Happy Humpday, or as I call it, the best day of my life! My man has sadly returned to work. This means I have a whole me day! Fucking living for it! I’m gonna watch porn and eat Cheetos read my book and make healthy food choices! Lol! Seriously though. It’s a beautiful day and I’m looking forward to just doing what ever I fucking want without considering anyone but me.

So a quick update

Everyone is okay.

🌱The Veg Tent


🌹The Bloom Room


By day my newly flowering Pineapple Chunk goes outside to dance in the sun


While my flowering Auto gets the stronger more evenly distributed faux sun in the Bloom Room


Thanks for having a squiz and :-

Yeah, those are definitely fucktards.
Hello! Happy Sunday! Omg I’ve been so busy. I’m meant to be painting but here I sit lollll!

Omg let me first start with the trama. So turns out Flora was in two pieces. Her head was intact. It was just her body that was damaged. Her beautiful face! I just wanted to keep her. Look I really want this to read like a love story, a love story between a girl and her bird, but I’m not sure exactly how I can romanticise cutting her head off, then sticking it in a pot, then weighing the pot with rocks so it doesn’t fall over, then adding a neck scarf to the amputated head, but it’s done. And I feel like Ted Bundy. There must be something wrong with me. I legit kept my father’s blood soaked singlet for nearly 20 years! Who does that?! Another omg! Who does that? I kept my sons dried up umbilical cord too! Till it fell out of his baby stuff and the cat ate it! Not even joking!


Anyhoo, on with the grow show… if you can get past the fact I cut the fucking head off my dead flamingo and mounted it like a fucking trophy! I even make me omg! I really do! Lolling!

Let’s do it!


Sunday Summary

🌹The Bloom Room

She is old and tired and the only reason she is standing is coz you guys said one more week. She got an extra treatment too. As you can see she defs has mite damage, but she’s perfect otherwise.

Tiger Bee aka Tropicanna Banana
Regular Clone
Age: 123 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 61


Luna is aging disgracefully. Her beauty peaked early. She looks shabby and I’m happy I didn’t clone her. While she’s more than okay, she has no X factor.

Luna Bee aka Mimosa X Orange Punch
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 107 Days
Flip Age: 60 Days
Days in Flower: 40


Tilly is just fucking mental. Nuts mental. And she has a lot of mental in the way of branches. She’s easily the bushiest auto I’ve ever grown. Hopefully she grows and cures like my other weird arsed autos. They are proper zooters. That Dos Si Do auto will make you forget your own name.

Tilly Bee aka Strawberry Cheesecake Auto
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 61 Days
Days in Flower: 21


Now this beauty has the X factor. Much like the TB. Her mother is hands down the best smoke I’ve ever produced. She’s just lovely in scent and taste.

Rose Bee aka White Widow
Monstercropped Clone
Age: 67 Days
Flip Age: 46 Days
Days in Flower 11


V is a lovely little girl. She has a lot of promise. Fingers crossed I can make her sing.

Viola Bee aka Pineapple Chunk
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 68 Days
Flip Age: 61 Days
Days in Flower: 1



🌱The Veg Tent

I really wanted to really make Seedsman shine, but AM is ordinary. Again better than okay but she’s not gonna set your eyes on fire. I’m not here to fuck spiders. I’m here to light up eyeballs. I hate ordinary.

AnnMarie Bee aka Black Sugar
Seedsman seed from Sponsors Seedsman Seeds
Age: 48 Days


Still mental. Dem monstercropped feelzzzz. I know many think little monsters are a waste of time. I don’t. She will be worth it. I just know it.

Tricky Bee aka Tropicanna Banana
Monstercropped Clone
Age: 23 Days


Finding my own training method has really helped me get that CarCanopy. As you can see, I pin her down in a circular motion. I think it’s helped with my training. My plants are so leggy otherwise.

Jade Bee aka Blue Sunset Sherbert
Barney’s seed from Sponsors Barney’s Farm
Age: 22 Days


Boring baby being a boring baby in a bigger pot.

Arrow Bee aka Wookiee F2 Auto
Seed from the PNW Seed fairy
Age: 14 Days


I have my family Christmas dinner tomorrow then after that the goal is no human contact for a week! I am so over people! Thanks for looking in. I hope you have the best day ever! Xo
I thought the whole: not here to fuck spiders phrase sounded pretty ridiculous to me until I considered that they are big enough to fuck in your part of the world…
Now that's how you make rebuild an herb garden!
Good morning C Classy :)

You know it’s like a bit of an example on how I live my life. When things get hard, or ruined, or messy, get up align yourself with people who are invested in your smile. Dust yourself off. Take what’s good from the wreckage and rebuild better and stronger. It’s just perfect!

My man is so stupidly good to me. He took my idea and made it happen. Thats the old screening from the pool area and omg the dirt was laden with worms. He did throw out my original herbs, and it’s a bit too soon to talk about it. But other than that he did good.
I thought the whole: not here to fuck spiders phrase sounded pretty ridiculous to me until I considered that they are big enough to fuck in your part of the world…
You know it’s not in the literal sense aye?

While the kiwis defs fuck sheep, we don’t fuck spiders.

I’m gonna pack a bit in today and I’m living for it!

So far I’ve walked, nit sprayed and swam. Now it’s yoga, then lunch with a bit of day drinking. I love day drinking. You're back to banging by 8pm.

Here’s my girls. It’s a humid rainy day. They are all staying out in it too, bar the old girl. She didn’t get treated. Fingers crossed she’s ready Saturday. They’ll be back into 50%RH by the close of business. I think rain does wonders for plants.


And don’t tell him, but I’ve bought him a new girlfriend.

I went to a secret Santa type lunch yesterday, and omg! This scented candle was exactly what I didn’t know I needed. Fills my lounge with such a light summery scent. I have an almost triggered response to the smell of burning oils or incense and I’m not even joking. My brothers do too. So I never even considered a smelly candle. If you’re new to them like me, do yourself a favour. I think it looks great, but best part, it smells even better.

Kk glitter advice!

So I think I was 98% sure she was done last week. And you guys ❌ ba bowed me!

I’m seriously 98% sure she’s done today. She needs to be chopped tomoz. Yeah or yeah nah?

Tiger Bee aka Tropicanna Banana
Regular Clone
Age: 128 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 66

I’m about to make a chocolate cheesecake, and I’m not gonna lie. I am LIVING for it.

Licking cheesecake mix from the bowl is one of my favourite things ever!
Omg speaking of my favourite things ever, I’ve wanted one of these big nut ball things since always. This morning on my walk I found a downed tree (daily event given the storms we’ve been getting).

And there on the road is a big nut ball!


I picked it up, expecting it to be light. I reckon it’s around 5kg! So I carried that motherfucker 4km home! Lolling!

This was on Farcebook, and it made me lol. A lot of peeps don’t seem to want to have personality traits anymore. They want to be diagnosed, labelled and disordered. As a whole it doesn’t seem to be making people any happier. Just gives them a super boring talking point.

No one cares about your social anxiety and your difficulty getting to sleep, Jan.

Kk glitter advice!

So I think I was 98% sure she was done last week. And you guys ❌ ba bowed me!

I’m seriously 98% sure she’s done today. She needs to be chopped tomoz. Yeah or yeah nah?

Tiger Bee aka Tropicanna Banana
Regular Clone
Age: 128 Days
Flip Age: 55 Days
Days in Flower: 66

Cut that heifer! ✂️✂️✂️
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