1970s' Blue Planet Organic Soil - Smellyberry - Super Lemon Haze - Vanilla Kush

Looks awesome 70's! Great pictures. Like your gravity feed waterer - I don't think that was my thread, but I think I remember the discussion in another thread. Those Smellyberry's look great. There are some really nice sized buds there. Very nicely done - Glad to see you at least on the winning side of the bug battle. :thumb:
plants look amazing mate, nice pics, you know the small pop bottle pots your using, how come you want them small is this how you just get one main cola, and is this method best for flowering clones without the long veg,
Thanks gittergreen. I have some family health related issues I have been dealing with that have consumed my spare time and my demeanor.

I took some pictures yesterday and hope to have an update posted today.

I used the SNS 203 root drench 4 days ago, and I have reduced my gnat problem to 5% of what it was. SNS 203 definitely works. I wouldn't say it eradicates the problem but it does controll it to tollerable levels.

In addition to SNS 203 root drench, I am using yellow sticky traps. Also a no pest strip in the Garage itself.

I also just realized I have a drain in the garage they could be breeding in. I dump my overflow nute mix into this drain. The drain has a standing pool of water in the plumbing trap. I am going to get some Mosquito dunks today for that.

sorry to hear that about your family that can be very draining.

Thats great info on the hempys man thanks for sharing that.
plants look amazing mate, nice pics, you know the small pop bottle pots your using, how come you want them small is this how you just get one main cola, and is this method best for flowering clones without the long veg,

Its a way to get plant counts up and most say increase the yield per square foot.

With more plants in the garden you can have more strains at once as the footprint is very small with 2 liters. You don't have to have a single main cola with this method but that would defeat the small footprint.

2 liters hempys allow for quick growth. Some call it "poor mans hydroponics" as it a soilless medium.
what would you on average expect to get from plants in them pots, is it a viable way of having a regular crap without having loads of veg time, im trying to find a way of growing plants without a long veg time but i dont want to lose a huge amount of yield, so if i could get some rotation going with say a veg room and flower room i would like to flower the first plants off then when their curing i could put more into flower room and hopefully give myself a regular smoke, but i didnt want a long veg time but ive not had many grows so not to sure what to expect from say a 1ft plant or if a plant went into veg earlier say 8 inches high what would the average returns be, i need to find some sort of level where i could keep the veg time as short as possible but say get myself enough smoke to last me a few weeks or until next crop. say if i could get 3 or 4 ounces a crop then that would be ok with me, but what kind of size would the plants need to be to achieve these results, say growing 4 or 5 plants,
what would you on average expect to get from plants in them pots, is it a viable way of having a regular crap without having loads of veg time, im trying to find a way of growing plants without a long veg time but i dont want to lose a huge amount of yield, so if i could get some rotation going with say a veg room and flower room i would like to flower the first plants off then when their curing i could put more into flower room and hopefully give myself a regular smoke, but i didnt want a long veg time but ive not had many grows so not to sure what to expect from say a 1ft plant or if a plant went into veg earlier say 8 inches high what would the average returns be, i need to find some sort of level where i could keep the veg time as short as possible but say get myself enough smoke to last me a few weeks or until next crop. say if i could get 3 or 4 ounces a crop then that would be ok with me, but what kind of size would the plants need to be to achieve these results, say growing 4 or 5 plants,

THis is my first time using the 2 liters so I am probably not the best source to answer this. I will give you my opinion base on this grow so far but other will probably give yuo better answers.

I am a believer in giving plants some veg time. Its about yield.. the longer you veg, the more you will yield if you feed them right and provide ample light.

30 days is MY preferred lenght of veg from seed. You can put any plant... seedling or clone straight into 12/12 with no veg.

I look at it this way. A clone or seedling direct into 12/12 will go aproximately 10 weeks before harvest. By adding just 2 weeks of veg time to the 10 weeks I believe the yield will be pretty close to double over going directly to 12/12. I am running this test right now (see above). In a few weeks I will know for sure as I weigh my harvests.
ill keep checking in then, it will give me something to compare expected yields agains, problem is with all the different strains it just wouldnt be perfect, but would give me some sort of idea to what to expect, thanks, mine av been in veg now for about 30 well i say veg for 30 days they went into pots 30 days ago and my plants are about 8inches tall, one has not got much growth such as new branches but the other has got loads and all the side branches are nearly level with the top of plant all ready, so all i gota do now is hope i got some females, only time will tell, ill have a quick flick back through your journal as i read that many its hard to remember all the info
I collected about 30 2 litres I am ready to go but I just hate the thoughts of watering 30 plants every day! lol. In my current grow we have got 3 of our plants in 2 litres with soil and
they were vegged for about 30 days I cant wait to see the yeild from them if they get any were close to a 1/2 oz thats how I would prefer to grow SOIL
Thats kind of the way I am leaning... toward soil over 2 liter hempy. Plant counts/yield is my issue. I don't want high plant counts as plant counts get headlines if busted. Having less than 10 plants is my goal.

A single plant veg'd long enough in a 3 gallon, or better yet, a 5 gallons pot of soil will yield 1/2 pound if the methods used are sound. From what I am reading, and my own experience, the average per 2 liter yield is 12-15 grams. Using 1/2 oz as an example I would need 16 2 liter hempys to hit that same 1/2 pound. My goal is to keep my plant count in single digit number (less than 10) and yield a 1/4 pound per plant like I did in this grow.

I am hoping someone else with more 2 liter experience will add to or contradict my thinking here.

2 liters are definitely the best bang for the effort invested. They don't don't take much time to feed. I feed every other day and its quick and painless. The nute cost for 2 liters is high as compared to soil as runoff is tossed down the drain each feeding. I am mixing 2.5 gallons every 2 days and draining about 1 gallon to waste with my runoff. On the plus side, the medium can be re-used grow after grow, but medium is pretty cheap.

Finally, at some point I want to try full Hydro with bubble buckets, resevoir, and pump system. This should give me the best of both worlds... quick growth and low plant counts that give high yield. I am thinking when I start my fall grow I may do this.
sounds like you might be changing your grow method then, it should make the grow a bit quicker and a faster turn around.

remember to take part in the contests, if you had entered or nominated a person in member of the month then this needs doing again unless your post is still under the heading, so get your plants or nugs in for the months contest and get nominating for member of the month,
sounds like you might be changing your grow method then, it should make the grow a bit quicker and a faster turn around.

remember to take part in the contests, if you had entered or nominated a person in member of the month then this needs doing again unless your post is still under the heading, so get your plants or nugs in for the months contest and get nominating for member of the month,

I think I took 3rd in MOM, 2nd in NOM, and midpack for POM in March. The competition is 1st class so I feel good about my results.

The contests give us a chance to check out the best, and venture out to members grows that we otherwise would have missed. I have made new freinds and aquaintences by participating and viewing the contests. The contests are fantastic learning tools by introducing you to other growers that have great results with thier grows.
i agree i think the contests are brilliant and some great growers on their as well, its not an easy won contest, the problem i have with it though is that their are that many grows and if your only in a few then a lot of people wont know you except for the few in the journals you take part in, i can understand having the chance of winning nug and pom, but even then voting can be towards peope who know each other, but member of the month is just a bit random, but to get the places you did i congratulate you, to even make it in the top 10 is something worth shouting about so well done
I gotta say being in the middle of my first 2l run I am in love with it....i think LOL. Even though things are not seeming to look like what I am used to I have confidence because I have never had anything frostier or as dense as these guys are for me. I do agree the biggest concern is plant count. So if you are needing to keep it down then 2l hempy may not be the best for you? Once I have the budget I am going 4 inch PVC about 2 inches taller than the 2l are now(make up for that half inch in diameter) and stuff 30 in my tent(could do 36 but want some room for maneuvering. I will hempy them then drill a hole in the top for tubes for feeding from a reservoir then a tube coming out of each hempy hole at the bottom to drain out into a run off res. Then I can just mix a batch up every day(1.8 gallons feeds them all so just mix 2 gallons) and let it run until the res is empty and collect the run off. Just my 2 cents on the 2l hempy from another first time attempter. In the end sticking with this style will depend on the yield! I am shooting for 10gs a plant this run...so 300 grams out of a 2x4 tent I would be a pretty damn happy camper lol.
How's it going my friend? Why am i even asking when I just seen some monsters in your neck of the woods, so to speak. Hah, well I am back with redemption in my eye so I better see you on my new Journal!

I hope everything settles for you . I know how it is when you need to allocate your time to something. Stressful when it's mandatory. Take care buddy. :Namaste:
im feeling the same about going strait to 12-12, ive seen journals where people have only got 3.5g dry bud and ive seen others that have got over an oz, so its hard to judge, just the same as your 2lt hempys, but its all about the veg time really, you can veg as long as you like and the longer you veg the more you get back, but its working out the time schedule, does it work out quicker to veg for longer and get bigger yields or is it quicker to grow a couple more plants with less veg time and less yield but as the turn around time is quicker then does it work out as getting more back say over 12months with more plants less veg, or less plants more veg, i know this would vary by strain but its hard to judge whats best, what im thinking about doing with the seeds ive got soaking, im going to do half at 12-12 from first day in pot and the other ill veg for exactly 2 weeks then i can compare the difference and decide if the 2weeeks is giving me a lot more yield, the reason im doing this is even if you put seeds under 12-12 they wont switch to flower mode until they are sexualy mature enough, so they will be under veg during the 12-12 cycle until their ready to show sex, so it will be good to see if i get the same back or more by giving 2 weeks extra veg, you got me thinking so im going to give it a try.

i have also got to think about the amount of plants i have got, due to the laws where i am, so if i can keep the numbers down and the turn around quick and enough yield to last me till next harvest then ill be happy, i only smoke it in spliffs i dont use bongs or vapes, i enjoy a nice blunt either out walking my dog in the sun and sitting down having a relaxing smoke, or when my kids go to bed and im sitting up with insomnia then ill roll myself a fat one and chill out with the tv till im chilled enough to get a good nights sleep,

i suffer with insomnia and my last couple of years have been really rough so i have trouble switching my mind off at night, i also suffer from restless leg syndrome which gives me leg cramps and i now suffer from good old arthritis due to it, some days it dont bother me, but then others i can barely get up after i have sat down, and im only 31, so its kind of a pain in the ass when i got 2 kids to run round after, but you gota take what life throws at you and if a nice spliff helps me relax and unwind then thats makes me happy and puts all the aches and pains away and gets me a good nights sleep
im going to do half at 12-12 from first day in pot and the other ill veg for exactly 2 weeks then i can compare the difference and decide if the 2weeeks is giving me a lot more yield, the reason im doing this is even if you put seeds under 12-12 they wont switch to flower mode until they are sexualy mature enough, so they will be under veg during the 12-12 cycle until their ready to show sex,

Here's my thinking on that...(Sorry 70's)

The fact that the plant won't flower for around 4-5 weeks, even under 12/12 from seed, is the exact reason to GIVE it the veg time.
The way I see it, is the plant is being deprived of growth inducing light for 12 hours, and it could easily lose 1/3 its potential size for this first 4 weeks.
Something we can all agree on, is that more plant=more flower.
You're looking at 10-12 weeks on average, whether you veg or not. Only difference, is that at the end of that 10-12 weeks, a plant veged under 24 hours of continuous loving light, will have more root mass, more plant mass, and therefore, more bud.
The time saved, by going 12/12 from seed, is probably slim to none, in homestyle environments like ours. I believe there are good sized commercial grows, where the 12 from seed method may be put to better use, but I really think its more apropriately used in situations where keeping size to a minimum is paramount.

I have no idea what Im talking about, sorry for the ramble:Namaste:
no probs mate, so if the plant wont go to flower for 4 weeks ish then the minimum veg time should be 4 weeks, im still going to give it a try but half the seeds will be 12-12 and the rest will veg for 2 weeks so i can compare the difference, the reason im doing this is due to the amount of growth using glr, so i want to see if the seeds will have more initial growth under 12-12 or 24-0, because the glr method makes the plant thinks its go to flower but the 1hour light in dark period stops this, i just want to see if i get more growth in teh first couple of weeks under 12-12 or 24-0,
thanks for the info quix
im gonna chime in in this with my perspective, i recently decided i would try doing all my plants 12/12 from seed, now close to a month in i have some thoughts, i think its good for certain strains, like sativa dominate types, looking at my plants i noticed my indica strains are getting more stretchy than i like, the node spacing is odd to me, i think the 12 hours of dark before they are ready, makes them stretch more, than they would normally, its all theory at this point, but i have decided i will not coutinue this as a rule ,i would switch them back but i fear hermies,from light stress, im going to clone and reveg the clones, cuz i love the look of the blueberry gum, i want a mother of that and the blue cheese, so there are some advantages i see, like flowering clones, i notice that due to lower N levels, they root faster, however it takes them a bit longer to reveg and start growing, but it evens out in the end, and having roots a few days sooner is worth the lower time they spend without roots, at least for me it ends my worry over whether they are gonna take or not, the thing i have learned is its easy to change to flower when you want, but not as easy to go back to veg, theres a lag time i dont like, so i guess im agreeing that veg is good :high-five: now that i have the tent and light power im gonna do a few big plants im thinking a 2 month veg on a couple clones (the indicas) and see what i can get, hmm i better paste this to my journal, lol with some edits,
so 1970sG sorry bout that,, hows are the ladies doing? im interested in the outcome of your lil' test:thumb:
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