300W LED Shootout: 12/12 From Seed - Featuring Super Silver Haze

Jozo-sha Nice lay out! Best part is I have no idea what side is what lol! you still keeping it a secret?

I been busy but now that summer is over its time to get back to business on the online content. Thanks for the great pices man!!

Yeah, I'm keeping things secret until after the harvest and drying is done. As soon as the new seedlings have caught up some, and have more than just a single set of leaves, I'm dropping the units down from 36" above the pots to 30" while the next growing phase is in action (from seedlings to sexing).

Everyone got a good watering last night, next watering I will start with regular molasses dosing. Thanks for coming by, Donnie! :high-five:

:bongrip: - JZ
Subbed. Looks awesome!
Too bad about the seeds that fizzled out on ya, but it looks like you filled their spots in no time. I actually like the mix ya have now, as opposed to doing a single strain. Sorry if ya mentioned it already, but are any of the SSH showing sex yet?
Anyway, just wanted to post up in here so I can stay tuned. :)
Subbed. Looks awesome!
Too bad about the seeds that fizzled out on ya, but it looks like you filled their spots in no time. I actually like the mix ya have now, as opposed to doing a single strain. Sorry if ya mentioned it already, but are any of the SSH showing sex yet?
Anyway, just wanted to post up in here so I can stay tuned. :)

Thanks Snub Knows! :welcome: Yeah, I'm anxious to see how these homebred seed babies do in with the SSH. Checked tonight, but no sex yet on any of the SSH, but should be pretty soon, I'm guessing within the next week. Hope you enjoy the show!

Day 18

Just a photo update tonight:


:bongrip: - JZ
Lookin real good..
Yeah, I'm keeping things secret until after the harvest and drying is done. As soon as the new seedlings have caught up some, and have more than just a single set of leaves, I'm dropping the units down from 36" above the pots to 30" while the next growing phase is in action (from seedlings to sexing).

Everyone got a good watering last night, next watering I will start with regular molasses dosing. Thanks for coming by, Donnie! :high-five:

:bongrip: - JZ

Sure, I'll sub to your grow! Why the heck not, its not like Im subbed to 40 other threads already.....Oh wait, yes I am. But this one looks interesting too!

Lookin like fun days ahead J, hope you dont mind one more tag-along, glad to get in early, hope all is well, and good luck!
keep it up!

I predict 12 fems
Thanks Bassman - I hope that happens!:yummy:
Now we're moving - looking good so far Jozo-Sha. :thumb:
Xlr8 - if my grow and journal are a 1/4th as successful and wonderous as yours, I will be a proud man! ;)
Interesting stuff!
Indeed. The more LED sources I can try, the more educated my 420 Mag family can be!
Sure, I'll sub to your grow! Why the heck not, its not like Im subbed to 40 other threads already.....Oh wait, yes I am. But this one looks interesting too!
Lookin like fun days ahead J, hope you dont mind one more tag-along, glad to get in early, hope all is well, and good luck!

I am honored to have you here Quix. :Namaste: Mine will be slow until the bud porn starts! :morenutes:

Day 24

A-SSH-2 has showed sex. It's a GIRL! :yahoo:

I've given everyone a molasses watering today and dropped the lights to 24 inches above the pot rims. It's starting to get interesting seeing the differences between sides A and B as the plants start maturing and starting showing sex.

A-SSH-2 will be transplanted into a 2 gallon Air Pot probably tomorrow, maybe the day after, hopefully by then a few of the other SSH will have shown sex - I'm ready to amp this grow UP! :morenutes:

Pix probably in the next week or so.

:bongrip: - JZ
JZ, I need to get the poll up and a basic journal for the Iron Chef Challenge. Should have it up tomorrow. I've been busier that a one-armed paper hanger.
Or the proverbial one legged man in an ass-kicking contest?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
JZ, I need to get the poll up and a basic journal for the Iron Chef Challenge. Should have it up tomorrow. I've been busier that a one-armed paper hanger.

Uh-huh, 'tomorrow' says he! :rofl: :rofl:
The color of your plants seem a little dark no? Maybe just the lighting.

Im very interested to see if the GS outperforms the chinese unit. I dont suppose in the end we could get a peak inside each of the units? :geek:

Sorry about your rough start but at least you made lemonade. Keep up the good work!
I can't wait to see the progress either...last pics were 2 weeks ago.
common one leg, you don't use yer leg to take pics. lol
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