300w LED - Sunset Kush

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

You mention seaweed and molasses. Are these beauties in perlite? I've got perlite hempies with just OC+ that could use a bud boost, but I was under the impression organics in hydro might get messy. Do you think it could work?

I know it can work. Back in the day when I was running lava rock in tubs, I used molasses with no problems and nice results.

What I would do is use 1 Tbsp of molasses per gallon every third feeding or so, so it would get flushed pretty well before the next dose. Never had any problems with it. I think Pit has also used molasses regularly with hydro and has no problems either.

The problems I've had using molasses, seaweed extract, FF Big Bloom (which I believe you used), etc., is with the runoff.

The runoff turns into a sticky sweet mess that attracts bugs like crazy. When I water with carb products, I avoid overspray at all costs. I water carefully, so all of it goes in the pots and there's no splashing, and I empty and rinse off any trays, saucers, catch basins, etc., *immediately* after the containers are done draining.

Otherwise, it just creates a delicious borg soup, and if you let things dry up, everything gets glued together, lol.

I can't speak for recirculating systems, because I haven't run any yet, but in passive hydro, I had no problems.

The immediate cleanup after watering is kind of a hassle, but the results are worth it, IMO.

M&M, Maxicrop and molasses. Cheap, kicks ass in soil, will also kick ass in Hempy ;).

just rinse things off and get that runoff out of your grow room asap.

Those girls are pin up worthy :bravo:

I am continually impressed by how perfectly marijuana-like your plants are :) :welldone:


Every grower's plants have a certain look, no matter the strain, so I'll take "marijuana-like" as a very nice compliment.

I'm still quite amazed myself every time I unzip the tent ;).
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I know it can work. Back in the day when I was running lava rock in tubs, I used molasses with no problems and nice results.

What I would do is use 1 Tbsp of molasses per gallon every third feeding or so, so it would get flushed pretty well before the next dose. Never had any problems with it. I think Pit has also used molasses regularly with hydro and has no problems either.

The problems I've had using molasses, seaweed extract, FF Big Bloom (which I believe you used), etc., is with the runoff.

The runoff turns into a sticky sweet mess that attracts bugs like crazy. When I water with carb products, I avoid overspray at all costs. I water carefully, so all of it goes in the pots and there's no splashing, and I empty and rinse off any trays, saucers, catch basins, etc., *immediately* after the containers are done draining.

Otherwise, it just creates a delicious borg soup, and if you let things dry up, everything gets glued together, lol.

I can't speak for recirculating systems, because I haven't run any yet, but in passive hydro, I had no problems.

The immediate cleanup after watering is kind of a hassle, but the results are worth it, IMO.

M&M, Maxicrop and molasses. Cheap, kicks ass in soil, will also kick ass in Hempy ;).

just rinse things off and get that runoff out of your grow room asap.

A good case for a hosed hempy... and could the ladies lick the buckets clean? :)

Every grower's plants have a certain look, no matter the strain,

It's not like a dog and their owner thing, is it? :)

so I'll take "marijuana-like" as a very nice compliment.

Exactly the spirit in which it was intended. :bravo:

I'm still quite amazed myself every time I unzip the tent ;).

I'm baked and have to leave that one alone :ganjamon:, but I can imagine it's like Midnight at the Oasis :rollit:

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Yep, a hosed hempy, lol. I need that T-shirt.

Need to clarify that the only two "organic" supplements I've run in passive hydro without problems are seaweed extract and molasses.

As far as the dog-owner thing, now that you mention it ;).
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S







I tightened the ties/supports on Vicky a little to bring her together and get her more coverage.

They're drinking more and still swelling at a good rate.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Holy fatness Batman!

SS, I always knew you could produce some huge buds with LED given the right conditions! These plants look amazing and the LED unit can definitely compete with 400w HPS.

You are truly the man. :welldone:
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Mr. Sun - do you think they are comparably dense?

I love the big finish and can't wait for the numbers
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Very Swell! SS. Very NICE!

What's the trich color at this point? I am very interested in that...

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Holy fatness Batman!

SS, I always knew you could produce some huge buds with LED given the right conditions! These plants look amazing and the LED unit can definitely compete with 400w HPS.

You are truly the man. :welldone:

Thank you sweetherb!

They are looking nice, and I've never grown with a 400w HID before, but based on this grow, this LED light easily seems to outgrow a 250w HID, results of which I am familiar with. It should compete nicely with a 400w HID, which is theoretical for me at this point, but not for long ;).

Wow looking very sweet!

thanks Tmac12!



the girls are look good:bravo:

the nice thing about shorter plants that i like is you dont have to sit their trimming 10+ hours of leaves.. its allot easier to trim just fat ass colas then tons of multiple buds sites.

Yep, it's gonna be a fun harvest. I like shorter plants for lots of reasons, but I hadn't thought of the one you mentioned. The previous harvest was a lot of work, and that makes sense. I was doing my best to harvest and trim every single tiny little bud, and there were a lot of them ;).

In these two plants, the internode spaces are filled in, so I'll be trimming mostly colas instead of dozens of small buds.

Mr. Sun - do you think they are comparably dense?

I love the big finish and can't wait for the numbers

I was squeezing the charmin last night, and the buds are dense and hard. Been concerned about mold since they are so solid, but the extra ventilation fan I added a few weeks ago seems to have helped prevent that. I snipped a lower bud from Shrub last night and have it drying for a prelim smoke test.

Very Swell! SS. Very NICE!

What's the trich color at this point? I am very interested in that...


Gonna check trichs again tonight and take some pics, so stay tuned brother Go ;).
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Do you have a target date ?

How's the aroma ?

I'm really pleased with the LED lights showing and can't wait to see the final numbers. It's been a long time coming with all the early days arguments about Chevy vs. Toyota, but we're all finally going to see objective data from a controlled run ;)

First rate effort my friend
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

And the nice thing is that it looks like a fair fight with this LED and a 400watt HPS.

There is one thing, however. SS says he's never grown with a 400watt HPS before.

So, there may be a learning curve there. Fortunately, there's like 6 dozen people who will be watching that grow who HAVE grown with that set up, so things should be dialed in.

These are just some sweet, gorgeous buds!
LED, OC+, Tap water.....that's a recipe for success. The money saved on nutes and electricity make the price of the LED a moot point.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Hello everyone, I've been following up on all this hempy stuff and I'm hooked. I actually change my entire set up from three 38 gallon totes with individual pumps and aero system to hempy pots I made. The funny thing is I started reading your threads about hempy grows the day after I spent the time and money for the aero system and switch out the next day. I do have one question about something you guys discussed on this thread. If I use tap water, do I still need the cal mag or should I stay away from it? Sorry to but in but you guys sound like your having to much fun. Thanks in advance for the replies.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

I use tap water and still have to use cal/mag plus BUT only when using LED's... I think it depends on if your nutuirent line has cal/mag in it OR dose the grower have to sublement it..... hope that helps;)
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Yep, it's gonna be a fun harvest. I like shorter plants for lots of reasons, but I hadn't thought of the one you mentioned. The previous harvest was a lot of work, and that makes sense. I was doing my best to harvest and trim every single tiny little bud, and there were a lot of them ;).

In these two plants, the internode spaces are filled in, so I'll be trimming mostly colas instead of dozens of small buds.

ya trimming will be a breeze for you.. just grab a fat cola and start down low and run the clippers all the way up top and ur done.. its the many bud sites that take forever.. i always trim for at least 10+ hours in one sitting.. drives me crazy .. next grow i am going with shorter plants like yours for sure.. i just want to trim fat ass colas from now on.. i am very very picky on my trim jobs so its takes me forever..lol
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

Thanks for the reply dogs. I was planning on using the Botanicare line of nutes which I bought before I fell in love with hempy buckets. And now that I've read this thread from start to finish I'm wondering if I should just go with the OC instead. LOL And I thought I had it all planned out just one week ago.
By the way SS, I apologize for not giving you kudos on those beautiful girls. I hope I can get to that point someday. How rude of me to just jump in and start asking questions. My bad.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

The funny thing is I was a foreman at a nursery back in the early 90's and we started using OC back then. I used it on outdoor grows and it was great since very little maintenance was needed. Here I am 20 yrs later and I read about it on here. Funny how things work.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - GrowLEDHydro Spectra 300w LED / Sunset Kush by Setting S

The funny thing is I was a foreman at a nursery back in the early 90's and we started using OC back then. I used it on outdoor grows and it was great since very little maintenance was needed. Here I am 20 yrs later and I read about it on here. Funny how things work.

that is ironic.....nurseries still use CRF's all the time. But I don't know of a single nursery that uses Bud Factor X, or Kushie Kush.... :hmmmm:

Regarding your question on Cal/mag a few posts up....it depends. Setting Sun solved his mild magnesium problem by going back to tap water and adding the full dose of OC+. You could probably do the same.
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