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what's happening to her ? Should I feed half strength nutes ? I flushed with 2 1/2 gallons before I put them into flower.
(Today they got 12 hours of dark now 12 hours of light. 1200watt LED coming in July 6 it says but should come earlier.)

Is everything looking good ?
Should i prune?

Biggest plant was 61 days from
Seed and is blue dream
The other is cherry aK and it is 66 days from seed
And the other little one is 63 days from seed 3rd is unknown strain but I kept in a little pot to focus on better strains

Are those blotches actually purple or are they just looking purple from the LED light? The plant with the spotting/blotching on the leaves may be suffering from phosphorus deficiency but it's hard to tell for sure. If not phosphorus it looks like possible calcium deficiency or ozone damage. Do you have a generator nearby the plant by any chance? Generators in and around grow tents/rooms can cause ozone damage and rusting that looks like calcium deficiency. Hopefully you have it under control now anyway but I'd be guessing from those 3 options myself.
Hello, need help asap.
Today whrn I took her out for daily watering one bud in the middle is brown and extremely dry? Was fine yesterday. What do I do? Cheers
Hello, need help asap.
Today whrn I took her out for daily watering one bud in the middle is brown and extremely dry? Was fine yesterday. What do I do? Cheers

Bad luck dude. You need to isolate the outbreak of budrot and stop it spreading. You need to gently remove all the infected bud, put it in a plastic bag and dispose of it, you can't smoke the mouldy bud anyway. The key factor now is containment and not allowing the mould spores to spread as they are highly infectious and will spread the outbreak. It's better to lose the rotted areas now and try to save the rest of the plant. If she's nearly finished flowering you could cut your losses and chop her down. Bud rot is a complete nightmare, it spreads fast and destroys top colas for fun. Remove the infected areas fast. Do not leave anything with any mould on the plant and contain the mouldy bud when removing it. Sterilise everything that touches it including yourself. Once it's properly set in your crop is ruined but acting fast could save you some bud to smoke.
Bad luck dude. You need to isolate the outbreak of budrot and stop it spreading. You need to gently remove all the infected bud, put it in a plastic bag and dispose of it, you can't smoke the mouldy bud anyway. The key factor now is containment and not allowing the mould spores to spread as they are highly infectious and will spread the outbreak. It's better to lose the rotted areas now and try to save the rest of the plant. If she's nearly finished flowering you could cut your losses and chop her down. Bud rot is a complete nightmare, it spreads fast and destroys top colas for fun. Remove the infected areas fast. Do not leave anything with any mould on the plant and contain the mouldy bud when removing it. Sterilise everything that touches it including yourself. Once it's properly set in your crop is ruined but acting fast could save you some bud to smoke.
Okay mate.
Found maybe some more on the biggest buds? :(
Personally I think it's a female pre flower who's pistils haven't emerged yet. The shape of that preflower is female and nothing about it makes me think it's a male. I could be wrong but I think it's a female.
Thanks for your input. I was worried i stressed her out because there isn't a pistil. She just finished stretch and is defs female.
Okay mate.
Found maybe some more on the biggest buds? :(

If it's budrot those brown/yellow leaves should just pull away with ease if you give it a slight tug, is that the case? Have you tried to pull at any of the brown leaves to see if they do pull away easily? Heat/light burned buds can also turn brown and dry but it looks like botrytis to me. It can happen overnight, one day you have a lush green top cola and the next morning you spot a yellow/brown sugar leaf poking out so you give it a yank and it comes away revealing the slimy mess inside. Other than containment or harvest you are short of options I'm afraid mate
If it's budrot those brown/yellow leaves should just pull away with ease if you give it a slight tug, is that the case? Have you tried to pull at any of the brown leaves to see if they do pull away easily? Heat/light burned buds can also turn brown and dry but it looks like botrytis to me. It can happen overnight, one day you have a lush green top cola and the next morning you spot a yellow/brown sugar leaf poking out so you give it a yank and it comes away revealing the slimy mess inside. Other than containment or harvest you are short of options I'm afraid mate
Okay, yep they came right off when I pulled.
Pulled one little brown set off leaves on one of the big buds and it also came right out. Rest looks good. Harvest it?
If it's budrot those brown/yellow leaves should just pull away with ease if you give it a slight tug, is that the case? Have you tried to pull at any of the brown leaves to see if they do pull away easily? Heat/light burned buds can also turn brown and dry but it looks like botrytis to me. It can happen overnight, one day you have a lush green top cola and the next morning you spot a yellow/brown sugar leaf poking out so you give it a yank and it comes away revealing the slimy mess inside. Other than containment or harvest you are short of options I'm afraid mate

Could he just harvest that one stem for now if it's not spread on More buds on diff stems then just hope his girl pushes thru in her last stages?
Could he just harvest that one stem for now if it's not spread on More buds on diff stems then just hope his girl pushes thru in her last stages?
I have cut down the bud directly. Don't know what to do with rest :( I can pull some small leaves on the biggest nugs and they come out quite easy.
Are those blotches actually purple or are they just looking purple from the LED light? The plant with the spotting/blotching on the leaves may be suffering from phosphorus deficiency but it's hard to tell for sure. If not phosphorus it looks like possible calcium deficiency or ozone damage. Do you have a generator nearby the plant by any chance? Generators in and around grow tents/rooms can cause ozone damage and rusting that looks like calcium deficiency. Hopefully you have it under control now anyway but I'd be guessing from those 3 options myself.

The blotches are brown I just flushed her yesterday and no I'm ina apartment in a bedroom with the ac in the room always on but when I turn off the lights I seal the room and keep fans on for circulation and when I turn on light keep the slit open when the ac could make its way in the tent
For the amount of heat being given out is dissipating into my loft space and spreading over the full loft plus it's been rather hot lately would this help hide it
Is this Magnesium deficiency, Nitrogen deficiency, heat stress...? I'm at day 9 in flower and 3 out of 4 plants have lower leaves that are yellowing. The plants are in organic soil and have been fed full strength Earth Juice veg nutes. My first reaction was that this is Magnesium deficiency so I sprayed the leaves yesterday with dissolved Epsom salts. But then today I was thinking maybe a pH problem?? So I watered heavily with straight water at 6.8 pH and tested the runoff. The very first bit of runoff seemed high, maybe in the 7-8 range (I'm using the GH liquid test kit). After about two gallons of runoff from one pot, it was lower, maybe 7.





I'm wondering if I overdid it with 'pH Up' the last time I watered. EJ nutes seem to push the pH down into the 4.0-4.5 region. I had been ignoring that thinking that the organic soil will buffer it, and my runoff looked good. But then I started trying to get the nutrient mix up to ~6. So I added pH Up. It didn't change anything. Then I read that it takes a lot of pH Up to do anything. So I added 4 ml to the last watering (3 gal). Even that much pH Up didn't change the pH of the nutrient mix according to the test kit. So I went ahead and watered with it. Now three days later I'm seeing these yellow leaves. Might be the cause or might be coincidence.

Is this just Nitrogen deficiency due to flowering stretch? Please help!

This problem's getting worse. The previous responses I got all said N deficiency, so I gave them a heavier than usual dose of Earth Juice Grow (2-1-1) along with their normal feeding and the yellowing continued to worsen. Three days ago I flushed them thinking that maybe it's a pH problem or maybe even a N overdose instead of deficiency. Now I'm just confused and haven't a clue what to do next.

When I flushed, I used tap water, which is at ~7.5. The runoff was around 6-6.5. So that seems to indicate that the soil pH is good. I also tried making a soil slush, strained out the water, tested it and it showed about the same - 6.0-6.5.

These are bagseed, in a FFOF custom mix, and are in week 3 of flower.

Here's pictures from today - these are all of one plant, but the other 3 plants have the same problem to varying degrees:







Thanks for all the great advice you guys and gals provide.
Anybody got experience with police flir camera going over there property and how to mask heat signature from one 250w hps bulb

250 watts isn't going to create that much heat at all. I run opposing 600s and I'm not much concerned, but mostly because I dump light heat back into the house somewhere so that the heated HPS air can mix with house air before it finds its way out. FLIR is only a concern when you're dumping all your light heat right out the window.
Hello, need help asap.
Today whrn I took her out for daily watering one bud in the middle is brown and extremely dry? Was fine yesterday. What do I do? Cheers

Looks like really serious heat/light stress, the leaves are tacoed almost into a canoe shape.
250 watts isn't going to create that much heat at all. I run opposing 600s and I'm not much concerned, but mostly because I dump light heat back into the house somewhere so that the heated HPS air can mix with house air before it finds its way out. FLIR is only a concern when you're dumping all your light heat right out the window.
Not dumping out anywhere spread round house avoid the dumping outside to stop anyone seeing or noticing it
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