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What's happened to the tips of my plants turning dark brown and beginning to curl up
I planted these in my friend's yard. He claimed it had 'good soil'. I put a little potting mix in the hole when I planted the seed. I haven't checked the PH because I don't really know how I can check the PH in the soil.

Could it be from sunlight? I thought it might be an iron deficiency but I'm not sure. It's definitely coming from the inner part of the leaves. The color seems to be filling in.

I took pictures of both plants yesterday. One of the plants is doing great and doesn't have the problem.
Any ideas?

So I'm fine for now? Both seeds just sprouted last night and were placed in cubes and in a dome overnight. Just so it all caught up lol
Seedlings and clones need a bit more humidity for the first couple weeks than plants that are good an established... maybe try to get the temperature down a little bit but the RH for now should be good
I'd try to get the RH down a bit, especially since it'll rise as your plants naturally grow.
I don't think seedling need high RH like clones do, the high RH is to help for rooting on clones, whereas seedling begin as roots, so don't require it
Temps a bit high but not too bad, what does it drop down to at night for you?
That not to far off Swagg, but when the plants start to get bigger, humidity will increase. If you can open you grow space while lights are on and blow air into it with a fan that will help. Just the temperature that need to come down.
Normally the tent is down in the mid 30's so later on I'm not too worried about rh. Just trying to find a sweet spot in this dome. Won't be able to make frequent checks on them going forward.
Has anyone here started in Coco and up potted and added organic soil?
Would I run into any problems mixing Coco and organic soil?
I just don't have $25 for another bag of Coco right now. Thanks
Has anyone here started in Coco and up potted and added organic soil?
Would I run into any problems mixing Coco and organic soil?
I just don't have $25 for another bag of Coco right now. Thanks
Yeah you can. Your Just going to need to put your ph lower than a normal soil run but higher than a straight coco run. So aim for the 6.1 to 6.5 range. Hope this helped.✌
Hello, this is my second growth and I've decided to try autoflowering strains (I think I'll go back to normal after this incident).
Btw everything was good and green till day 40, when some of the leaves started yellowing "from the outside".
I would have departed for a weekend of vacation in a few day so there was little I could do, didn't know if it could be nutrient deficiency or burn, thing is when I got back home on day 47 i opened my grow space to a nightmare.

I trimmed it a bit, now I'm on day 50 and it looks like this.

I think it was a ph issue after some overwatering incident that might have occurred.
Flushed it good, then let it dry, and begansupplying iwth nutes again, she seems to be recovering.
Or is she?

Point is she looks weird.
My former growth had shown many more pistils than this, and some more resin, which is almost absent here.
I'm afraid the stress might have made her a hermie, what do you guys think?

Now I just feel like scrapping it all and begin a new cycle anew. But she still has some weeks to go even though leaves are running out.
I was thinking about planting a new one since I have some space in there, then transplant into a bigger pot once this is finished.

What do you guys suggest?
Thanks you for listening and sorry for the long post.
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