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A while back, I had found some tips from someone here (maybe Light Addict?) about gently spreading the tips of plants with a tiny paintbrush. Does anyone have that information readily available? I tried to find it but no luck. I have been spreading the tips of my plants very gently this time around, but I wanted to go back and re-read the information again.

Thank you,
Pacific Peach
One thing I made sure of before I put my SCROG in was that they were in their final pot, no more transplants. Soon as I did their final transplant is when I installed my screen.

My screen looks very funny, but has also been extremely useful, used rebar tie wire, pretty strong and heavy, plants aren't able to push through it, so I control exactly what path they grow.

Here it is when I installed it

This is it currently(down to 2 plants, 2 of them went male on me)

And here's what one male looks like when he was removed, pretty great structure to him

Your net itself can make all the difference in a scrog, the more resistance or stronger the net material the better LST the scrog will do for you
Ideally you would have a screen across the whole tent and have an even canopy for perfect light distribution and good penetration. Having it filled out is what makes scrog so great, you are using the entire grow area to it's maximum potential.

This is a future goal of mine - a 4x4 SCROG My tent is a little more than 4.5x4.5 and what a thrill it would be to see it FULL!

These 4 are my first set grown with the knowledge I've gained here.


I had one plant that was within weeks of harvest when I began my studies. She also spent the first 2/3 of her life under a T5 before we got the tent and HPS. Even with the lack of proper care, she gave us 83g dried - I was pleased ✌

What are you planning on feeding as far as nutes? I give mine a 1/4 dose of AN PH perfect grow every 3rd feeding when they are tiny and then go up from there. I am sure others here have more experience and can hopefully give you a more expert opinion.

Quick question guys
When should I begin to feed my seedlings ?

I'm fairly new too but from what I've read they don't need nutes until the round leaves turn yellow. I'd wait for confirmation from more experienced members to be sure. Also I don't know if the growing medium makes a difference in this.

Quick question guys
When should I begin to feed my seedlings ?

Quick question guys
When should I begin to feed my seedlings ?

Hi, i'm not sure about feeding nutes but they look ready for their grow medium to me. What are you planning to put them in? Are you doing Hydro, coco (in other of those cases I can't help at all really) or soil? If soil (and maybe coco too) I think into the pot and then what's in the soil, as long as it's good soil, should take care of them for a bit.

I know someone mentioned not until the first (round) leaves go yellow - mine never did that so I'm no sure that's a guide.

what's your planned medium?

Im having heat issues we have 5 more days of 90s, my tent has 4 fans running but I can't keep it below 90' I'm having to leave my tent open 1/4 way to keep it there. I'm in day 4 of flower.
Hi all - can anyone recommend for me good water testing devices for checking PH and PPM in my water. We have rain water, and a filter for our drinking water, and I'm wanting to check the PH of our different rainwater tanks (they come off different roofs).

I can only find ones that seem suspiciously cheap (less than 10AUD), or more expensive than I can afford (more than 50 AUD).

Any recommendations?

Hi, i'm not sure about feeding nutes but they look ready for their grow medium to me. What are you planning to put them in? Are you doing Hydro, coco (in other of those cases I can't help at all really) or soil? If soil (and maybe coco too) I think into the pot and then what's in the soil, as long as it's good soil, should take care of them for a bit.

I know someone mentioned not until the first (round) leaves go yellow - mine never did that so I'm no sure that's a guide.

what's your planned medium?


I plan to put the three of them into a RDWC and am currently hardening them off before they go In.
They will be hydroton and net pots
I plan to put the three of them into a RDWC and am currently hardening them off before they go In.
They will be hydroton and net pots
Growguro420 I topically put them in the net pots a few days after the tap root comes out of the rockwool. Or immediately depending on how much is sticking out. And I have heard not to start seedling on led lights but I started all of my seedling on a 1000w up high and a cfl right on them down low. Trying to get them used to the intense led as soon as possible. Mine did well and had very little stretch.
Now I have a question about water chillers.. And what the best option would be if you don't have one. Should I start making r.o. phed ice I thought about setting up a res. That pumps ice bucket of water through a copper pipe ill run through my buckets..copper pipe gets to be the same temp as water running through it and bam. Cooling off the water temps.. But there has to be an easier way?
help please.. im cant figure this shit out i have kinda neglected my plants the last few days with all thats going on here in vegas but i was having yellowing leaves from the bottom and think its a cal-mag def but now the tops of tge plants that were getting pretty frosty are now turning dark green and curling/wrinkling and its like the tricomes have gone away. i have 12 plants 32 days into flower and they all seem to bw doing differnt shit they are all autos

so heres a few days ago

and now

please any help is greatly appreciated

Youve got Russet Mites. Sounds like. Get a scope and get used to using it. If its Russets your in for some fun. Ive been battling them in the yard grow since July/Aug. I cured Spider Mites in 1 week with 2 applications. At your stage of flower I suggest Hot Pepper spray. If at least a month left I say some D.Earth. The Russets hate it. I dont want them in my tent!
Well I don't expect much my first time with the equipment I've started with. I'm ordering some seeds next week so maybe I can have luck with those for my buddy. I've read allot about seed banks and have narrowed it down. However any help and advice in seed banks I'll gladly listen too it, lol. A usa company in the usa with usa workers with great customer service. Check em out.

Another good thing about Fox Farm is their stuff is formulated for dense and potent bud.
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