Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Strawberry Banana Training

This one is easy. Note the side branching on this plant. Besides that it’s awesome, lol, it’s also mostly long and I want to keep and train it. These are going to be huge colas eventually.

All except the branch arrowed. In this case it is way clear and easy to see. This less dominant branch as compared to the others is pure garbage. Worthless for yield, or training.

I lose it. Now. The plant is plenty big enough to take that crap, and I believe just as we cut crappy buds to get more from the keepers, if we cut crappy branches that you know are not keepers the others are that much freed up.

Why make her work harder in veg than necessary developing nonkeepers, just as we all already know to help her exactly that way in flower? I believe it works the same way. In my opinion, the sooner you can lose anything you don’t need or want, throughout your whole grow, the better end results you will achieve. I always try to eliminate anything the plant is wasting energy on as early as I can.

Not leaves! I specifically am NOT referring to leaves. Just non keeper side branching.

Here’s a pic. Like I said, you can’t miss this one. Lol.

Strawberry Banana Training

This one is easy. Note the side branching on this plant. Besides that it’s awesome, lol, it’s also mostly long and I want to keep and train it. These are going to be huge colas eventually.

All except the branch arrowed. In this case it is way clear and easy to see. This less dominant branch as compared to the others is pure garbage. Worthless for yield, or training.

I lose it. Now. The plant is plenty big enough to take that crap, and I believe just as we cut crappy buds to get more from the keepers, if we cut crappy branches that you know are not keepers the others are that much freed up.

Why make her work harder in veg than necessary developing nonkeepers, just as we all already know to help her exactly that way in flower? I believe it works the same way. In my opinion, the sooner you can lose anything you don’t need or want, throughout your whole grow, the better end results you will achieve. I always try to eliminate anything the plant is wasting energy on as early as I can.

Not leaves! I specifically am NOT referring to leaves. Just non keeper side branching.

Here’s a pic. Like I said, you can’t miss this one. Lol.

Are you removing both node one branches, or just the shorter, less developed branch?
Are you removing both node one branches, or just the shorter, less developed branch?
Just the less dominant one. Actually, I find node one dominant branches to be super productive. Among the most she’ll provide in my experience.
Hey @InTheShed, this will make you laugh. The Brice Banner is coming down this morning. Know why? Not cuz she’s ready. (She’s close enough if she’s not). Nope. It’s cuz my Shed Timer finally went off in earnest.

I’m sick to death of looking at her.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Strawberry Banana Auto

A topping we will go
A topping we will go
Hi ho, the derry-o
A topping we will go

Now that’s an early one. I barely had enough stem to top. It barely past FIM. Lmao. But she’s ready for me to play now.



I top as early on the topping node as possible cuz it maxes the time for all the branches to catch up to one another. Since the top shoots are so small they’ll take a bit before I can do anything with them. In the meantime the lowers catch up.
Bruce Banner #3
Partial Harvest

I took about 30%, maybe 40%, of her. After I cut off what I burned ( :rofl:) she is like this. Heh. This is just fine. Better than that. And wow! She smells note for damn note precisely and exactly like pink and blue cotton candy right off the boardwalk. Very dense buds. I’ll let the rest go another day or two.

Cherry Pie
Cut Down Day

When they’re dry enough to hold their shape I cut them off the stems. If one is going to have bud rot inside, it’s often behind the bud where it is smashed against the stem. This way I determine that and eliminate the concern at the same time. So now I have no more stems and the buds are all ready for individual final trim when they finish drying.

It quite beautiful.


Changed my mind on this after counting colas. I took the other first node. Now with the first node gone this as pictured is a 12-cola plant. Whether I keep 12 or not idk. In a 7 I may go 10 or 8. We’ll see in the coming ten days or so.

My Phillies are tearing it up.



Happy birthday @Jon :happy-birthday: I hope you have a wonderful day and that all your wishes can come true. A bit early but this comes from the southern hemisphere where it is already morning! Enjoy your day.
Jeez you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for the bday wishes! I tend to forget my damn birthday is in my stuff somewhere. My initial reaction is always how the hell do these guys even know it’s my birthday? Lol. I appreciate it. One more day above ground.
Skywalker Auto organic
Day 124

Hard to believe this plant looks like this and is still clearly not finished. Not by these pics nor by trichomes. It’s pissing me off I’m so over it, and I already have jars of the same strain. I don’t even get the anticipation high with this one. I know exactly what she is and this one is exactly like the others. Seems to be an extremely consistent genetic. Not surprising, it’s been around a long time and has its well deserved reputation. But 124 days for a Skywalker auto when the first one at 78 days is awesome and was definitely all the way ready is a WTF for sure.


Trizkit Photo

This girl is just doing her thing. I don’t touch or affect this plant in any way. At 5 am I open the tent. I feed her two gallons. I get runoff but not enough to overflow the drip tray. That is astounding by itself. This tree drinks almost two gallons a day and in the morning barely runs off from another two. Then I make sure the floor is clean, check the fans, close the door except for a foot of hardly open at the top, and leave her. At 5pm the tent gets sealed and I don’t see her for 12 more hours. That my friends is autopilot supreme. It’s the entire point of why I try my best to get completely finished all affecting the plant or needing to before flower and then asap after she’s in it. The less I do the better I like it and the better the plants do too.

I’ve pared the Remo down to just what actually matters. She gets only the Micro, Bloom and Kelp. That is the important stuff in Remo (Grow in veg of course instead of Bloom). The rest is a can of whipped cream. All she’s getting is 6 ml each per gallon. Way light feed. It’s all she seems to want. Sensitive girl.

Man is she chunky. You have no idea how much I pray and hope I like this strain. Lmao.

Here’s the girl and an upper/lower bud shot duo. Note the remarkable consistency to the nuggets despite what level they’re on. That’s when you know you nailed her setup.



Jeez you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for the bday wishes! I tend to forget my damn birthday is in my stuff somewhere. My initial reaction is always how the hell do these guys even know it’s my birthday? Lol. I appreciate it. One more day above ground.
Happy B-Day Jon
Jeez you guys are awesome. Thanks so much for the bday wishes! I tend to forget my damn birthday is in my stuff somewhere. My initial reaction is always how the hell do these guys even know it’s my birthday? Lol. I appreciate it. One more day above ground.
In that case happy birthday bro 👊👊 I was holding fire as my details aren't accurate here so @CaptainLucky was wishing me happy birthday on some random date 🤣🤣
Have a nice day 💯👊
Flipping duplicates 🤣✌️
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