Nick Hardy's Skunk Works #3 5x5 - Dissertation Grow

Yeeah baby. I think the seeds from the awesome @Canuk Seeds are actually in country. I’m not getting the comparitive bit (just got the one strain, but “eh” some will be ladies and some will be me so the ladies live and the men die. <shrug>

There’s your comparison.

But its such a generous offer from Canuk I’ve gone a bit cray cray.
I am just finishing 15 solo cups in a 4x4 under a 1000w HPS and for a time a 315W CMH light. Old skool mofo

I realise this is stupid. 15 Solo cups and 1000w minimum of hot, hot, oh so hot lights is frankly ridiculous. In a 4x4! Stupid.

So I’ve grown up. Just ask @Jon I’m a serious and sensible young man 😂

Bought a 5x5 from @Mars Hydro with 6” thermostatic controlled fan

I bought (I got a discount but I actually worked for these people taking meetings and hanging out so honestly underpaid!) a Meijiu 1000w Triple dimmer Samsung LMB301H top bin with the wifi controller I probably don’t need.

I bought a Pulse Pro for added sensors (I don’t need. It does PAR, Co2 all that jazz

Its costing $569 USD and I don’t need it - me you, and nearly everyone has skin and eyes. That’s all we need to grow top draw weed.

Its the environment, stupid. The holy pyramid of light, food and gases.

But yeah lets go huge.

Solo cups are so passé. I need 12 ladies from my 25 regs.

I got a new tent, a new light, some banging seeds on their way, close now. Fans, skin and eyes.

Canuk btw - reckon its part Hawaiian off the old Polynesian sealer trade. Probably just a stoner thing, shrug. @Bill284 and @Braddah Waiheesohai are like possible literal brothers from back in the day that makes perfect sense.

@KeithLemon I missed yah! Like the Sox - next season bro!

@Absorber literally finds streets paved with gold, @InTheShed a sorry another one, but very much last one!

Dearest @Carmen Ray @Lerugged the weirdly gruff but lovable @Wastei the cheeky and lively @StoneOtter and lovely @Greenvein

@Kanno26 with your Swedish crazy too! @ReservoirDog or myriad others….

Against you all and and many others I mark myself,

Anyway about them new pots and trays?

I’ve grown up. Honest and @Azimuth yes - I already ordered the bamboo feed tube - the SIP will be beautiful. .

This is my dissertation grow.

Thank you @420 and @Canuk Seeds - its gonna be banging. Drop mic.

But like I say I’ve grown up. Gonna grow with eyes and skin. i reader have been growing for 363 days with just skin and eyes. Lets see what all the sensor stuff says?

Nick & Brass Balls

Yeeah baby. I think the seeds from the awesome @Canuk Seeds are actually in country. I’m not getting the comparitive bit (just got the one strain, but “eh” some will be ladies and some will be me so the ladies live and the men die. <shrug>

There’s your comparison.

But its such a generous offer from Canuk I’ve gone a bit cray cray.
I am just finishing 15 solo cups in a 4x4 under a 1000w HPS and for a time a 315W CMH light. Old skool mofo

I realise this is stupid. 15 Solo cups and 1000w minimum of hot, hot, oh so hot lights is frankly ridiculous. In a 4x4! Stupid.

So I’ve grown up. Just ask @Jon I’m a serious and sensible young man 😂

Bought a 5x5 from @Mars Hydro with 6” thermostatic controlled fan

I bought (I got a discount but I actually worked for these people taking meetings and hanging out so honestly underpaid!) a Meijiu 1000w Triple dimmer Samsung LMB301H top bin with the wifi controller I probably don’t need.

I bought a Pulse Pro for added sensors (I don’t need. It does PAR, Co2 all that jazz

Its costing $569 USD and I don’t need it - me you, and nearly everyone has skin and eyes. That’s all we need to grow top draw weed.

Its the environment, stupid. The holy pyramid of light, food and gases.

But yeah lets go huge.

Solo cups are so passé. I need 12 ladies from my 25 regs.

I got a new tent, a new light, some banging seeds on their way, close now. Fans, skin and eyes.

Canuk btw - reckon its part Hawaiian off the old Polynesian sealer trade. Probably just a stoner thing, shrug. @Bill284 and @Braddah Waiheesohai are like possible literal brothers from back in the day that makes perfect sense.

@KeithLemon I missed yah! Like the Sox - next season bro!

@Absorber literally finds streets paved with gold, @InTheShed a sorry another one, but very much last one!

Dearest @Carmen Ray @Lerugged the weirdly gruff but lovable @Wastei the cheeky and lively @StoneOtter and lovely @Greenvein

@Kanno26 with your Swedish crazy too! @ReservoirDog or myriad others….

Against you all and and many others I mark myself,

Anyway about them new pots and trays?

I’ve grown up. Honest and @Azimuth yes - I already ordered the bamboo feed tube - the SIP will be beautiful. .

This is my dissertation grow.

Thank you @420 and @Canuk Seeds - its gonna be banging. Drop mic.

But like I say I’ve grown up. Gonna grow with eyes and skin. i reader have been growing for 363 days with just skin and eyes. Lets see what all the sensor stuff says?

Nick & Brass Balls

Welcome back brother good to see you 🍻
Welcome back?

a Meijiu 1000w Triple dimmer Samsung LMB301H top bin with the wifi controller I probably don’t need.

I bought a Pulse Pro for added sensors (I don’t need. It does PAR, Co2 all that jazz
It's not about need. It's about want. ;)

Carry on...
It's not about need. It's about want. ;)

The SIP version is gonna be so beautiful. Getting some bamboo for the feed pipe and air hole and bamboo weave for the grate. Natural to counter the beautiful red and white Americana.

Those are 120mm Netafim collars, we use the 250mm on our 5 gallon airpots in the main grow. I bought these way back when and never used them.

Need/want? Its a fair question.

The best advice I have had about growing, bar none, was

Learn to read the plants, your eyes and skin

From my master grower mate. About the only advice he gave me apart from strain tips. He see’s a picture of a problem and insta, insta tells you what it is. No doubt.

I can do it now pretty much. My arm touches the air in the room and my eyes undress the plant. Disease and problems less good at, lack of experience. I’m useless at diagnosis by photo. Just doesn’t click for me.

So why the fancy $560 sensor and just got an email tack on another $50 import duty 🤣 ?

It does VPD amongst other things. Running a boss level light with Co2 in an AC’d to the max closed loop system I really want to mark myself. Lets see what me old faded blue eyes and and 45 year old skin can tell me versus what the science says. I can’t see myself needing to change much but there’s always missed grams out there - even coming off probably a kilo in a 4x4 😂

I’m committed to the smaller pots though. 3L - 110oz indoor as big as you need to go. Unless you want to grow a single plant but you ain’t getting a kilo off it, well actually maybe but that’s a special strain and a different grow.

Share the love and get a whole harem of ladies in little dresses in a hot small space. Ex seed cost (clones?) its a way bigger bang for your buck. As I hope to demonstrate. But really - the value of the sensor I’m very unsure of. But I was high when ordered it and I really want to do the Canuk grow justice. Gives some numbers and charts to throw about!

Jeez - it came super quick 😂.

Ordered Friday afternoon arrived from Cali-forn-I-A Monday afternoon,

& Co paid the $60 import duty at the door and came upstairs to my lair with a look that says “You owe me $60 bucks honey”

It quickly dawned on her from my shifty look and the fact it was DHL that the 60 bucks might only be part of the story! 🤣

“What in the box babe and how much you pay?!”

- Ummm 21000 baht

- include the 2000 baht I just pay for stupid taxes?

- Ummm, do you want it to?


(It didn’t, obvs)

So yeah gonna set it up and give it a go in the main flower room.

Meijiu messaged to say the light is clearing Thai customs this morning (that’s sent DPD no tax doorstepping) so 3 days out.

Mars Hydro said a week after you paid and we didn’t give you any discount or refund your money their warehouse staff might send today. But they are busy 😂 so Thai style. Should be here in 2-3 days.

We just need some @Canuk Seeds to arrive and we’ll get this teetering ship afloat!


Give us a mo - my ears still ringing from the slap & Co gave me!

Its the orange sensor and an app shot.

Allegedly senses everything you need but no controls without the hub type stuff PPFD, Co2, Temp, Rh

Build quality its flimsy as - feels like home pro 3D printing but then if they spent money on the sensors that’s OK. Not a USB adaptor into the device - old school 5v circular which seems lame. I don’t think it has batteries built in - too light.

But yeah just first thoughts. App seems slick. Cheesy sticker!

Its very cool - not even logged in to the cloud version yet.

Dew Point is magic for us. Handling the Rh burst overnight is gonna be a thing with this grow. Lights out numbers at 2 minutes after lights out and earlier after stabilisation of the sensor. Turns out 1.4 is ideal. We have 1.41-1.37 seems like skin and eyes ain’t so far out!

I am just wowed to how close we are to what various sources call optimal. Like this isn’t a “flex” I’m not trying at all to look cool. I just dumped the thing in there.

Please please anyone knows this stuff better than me chine in! Imposter Syndrome is kicking in. 😅


That would be an interesting test.

Someone here had a giant Co2 bag - I’d like to try and get one like that rather than the small pouches I bought once before. Its a more realistic thing to do that the cylinders we get for 95% of growers.

But yeah - skin and eyes the best sensors in the world apart from for Co2!

I dunno - 6 years in hot, dry but temperate SA, then mega humid and hot HK but cold in winter and now Thai and year round warm but not as humid. My skin is pretty dialled in. Unless the temp goes below 15 degrees celsius. Then I need to be wrapped in a blanket and have my thumb planted in my mouth 🤣
Give us a mo - my ears still ringing from the slap & Co gave me!

Its the orange sensor and an app shot.

Allegedly senses everything you need but no controls without the hub type stuff PPFD, Co2, Temp, Rh

Build quality its flimsy as - feels like home pro 3D printing but then if they spent money on the sensors that’s OK. Not a USB adaptor into the device - old school 5v circular which seems lame. I don’t think it has batteries built in - too light.

But yeah just first thoughts. App seems slick. Cheesy sticker!

So is there any other parts to it that you brought like hub or different sensors? Or is it just the orange part and it has everything built in it to give you all that feedback on an app ?
Ho hum. So from Canuk Surface International really means on the surface. I have someone calculating the voyage time, they may even be able to guestimate the actual vessel and track it. It left Canuk 13/9 but only left Canada a week ago. It’ll be stopping all round the region, Phillipines, Japan, China, HK, Vietnam, Singapore I expect. My guess is a 4-5 week journey time. Then when it gets here probably a guy on a bicycle from Bangkok 😂

That’s potentially 6-7 weeks from here and then 14 weeks to harvest. That’s in 5 months and its time I dinnae have.

I’ll think I’ll contact them and buy the seeds and pay for international express which is 3-4 days. Bummer.

Or buy 12 more feminised seeds locally and grow them while I wait. The think Meijiu would quite like to see me have something growing before next month when I’m seeing them in BKK.

Any opinions out there?
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