B.I.D.'s Mysterious 8.0 Featuring? Come See If You Dare!

Do you think you will use some kind of Heater unit that has a temperature setting so that the plants never get to cold? Best to have all your ducks in a row before hand. Would hate to see a repeat of a plant not flowering..that just sounds like a sucky situation their..

oh that situation was the fact that i had 3 different rooms going the ones that got too cold were off on their own with no heat since then i got heaters, normally i would not have run that rm this time of year for flower but i was trying a fem seed project and didnt anticipate the cold, now its so warm i should have waited lol its all good:thumb:
Hi B.I.D , just coming on ! Subbed .
Got to page 7 and ran out of time , but I'll be back . I only run L.e.d ( sponsor lights):party: and looking for some more ( Hopefully he can shipped North of the Border ?:hmmmm:. I'll pm later to order !
This new L.e.d looks like it will fill in the blanks ( I like the timer , it'll for-sure to increase the size yields ) I like to playing with photoperiod , I think its the next best thing to mother Nature:drool: !
Great journal B.I.D !
P.s , thanks for ur help on my journals:grinjoint:

i have some 30+ yr old seeds i soaked and treated with a solution like the one they used to sprout those 6000 yr old cannabis seeds, so im hopeful i will have some old thai/columbian etc genetics to play with, yesterday i discovered a few of the seedlings croaked they got to dry, so i decided to try the ancient beans

Good Luck
i have some 30+ yr old seeds i soaked and treated with a solution like the one they used to sprout those 6000 yr old cannabis seeds, so im hopeful i will have some old thai/columbian etc genetics to play with, yesterday i discovered a few of the seedlings croaked they got to dry, so i decided to try the ancient beans

I have a few thousand, too. If it works, I want to know how you did it! :cheesygrinsmiley:
How cool would that be if you could pop some old school beans and run them under the new lights..... Beautiful girls ya got going now..:circle-of-love:
welcome and glad to have you yah im really hoping one of theres methods gets me at least 1 so i can bring the genetics back to this era, i have seen a few pull it off so im hopeful and it would be very cool to meet very old with very new, reminds me of those movies where the person wakes up in the future after 50-500 yrs of cryo sleep lol

Hi B.I.D , just coming on ! Subbed .
Got to page 7 and ran out of time , but I'll be back . I only run L.e.d ( sponsor lights):party: and looking for some more ( Hopefully he can shipped North of the Border ?:hmmmm:. I'll pm later to order !
This new L.e.d looks like it will fill in the blanks ( I like the timer , it'll for-sure to increase the size yields ) I like to playing with photoperiod , I think its the next best thing to mother Nature:drool: !
Great journal B.I.D !
P.s , thanks for ur help on my journals:grinjoint:

hey there welcome and glad tidings im super excited for this new journal to get rolling im soon to me led exclusive i am really looking fwd to the time and spectrum control ability im glad i could help with anything i can, thats why im here
Good Luck

I have a few thousand, too. If it works, I want to know how you did it! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here is a list of what is left for each Size Unit that is not pre-sold as of 02/13/2014:
114w units Qty left 17
228w units Qty left 14
342w units Qty left 13
456w units Qty left 5
684w units Qty left 2

Product details can be found on the website. The prices are listed on their as well.

the 420mag discount is:
15% for single unit purchase
20% discount with the purchase of 2-3 units and a free Intelligent-Gro LED controller($99 value)
25% discount with the purchase 4+ units and a free Intelligent-Gro LED controller($99 value)
*Note Intelligent Controllers are sold as an optional upgrade for $60 ea. for one, $50 ea. for two and $40 ea. for three or more Intelligent controllers.

Pre-Order an Intelligent-Gro Intensity LED panel now and you will get an additional 5% off bonus and a guarantee unit reserved just for you.

I am down to less than half our product now...and I just want to thank all of the wonderful people here on 420mag for supporting the I-Gro family!
I am still looking for someone in Connecticut to sponsor and smoke some dank with! Hit me up!

Danky, how have you not found somebody? I'd move there for a weed growing sponsorship, live in Australia is a small problem with that, lol
Danky, how have you not found somebody? I'd move there for a weed growing sponsorship, live in Australia is a small problem with that, lol

I have no idea... I thought for sure this idea was perfect and I will find my own personal local hook-up that we could mutually benefit from!.. Man I hate living in CT. Worse laws for MJ and no growers around apparently.
How sad :(
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