Bapple's 2016 Outdoor Adventures - Photo & Auto Strains

Hey Weasel! Thanks! Good to see you! :ciao:

Do you know I don't know if we have spider mites round these parts cos I've never had an infestation (I always have ladybugs in the garden) I hope we don't - they sound like the Borg 'resistance is futile' :rofl::grinjoint:

With their newly orange/reddish pistils, The two Blue Dreams are doing okay and really bulking up, the buds are hard and dense. Found a solitary male flower/nanner tried to take a pic but too much glare and I can't move the plant for the shot. Will try again when the light starts to go...

Hi Bapple... Did you get the canna chocolate thing going? I love seeing ladybugs around, my garden was full of them.. I do wonder though when they are at a mass, what the hell do I have that they are living on, lol... Hope everything is going well...
Hey Grizz! Everything is tickity boo! :ciao::high-five:

Did not get round to it this last weekend, maybe this weekend. I keep forgetting to go looking for silicone molds to make some cannabis chocolate truffles....maybe I'll just use some ice trays.

I trust you are enjoying the curing/drying process of Gargantua, the Multi headed hydra. Good luck with POTM. (Stones of the month; more like :rofl:)
Shots of the random nanner/male flower. I am leaving it - don't mind a few more BD seeds. If anymore appear I'll pinch them off.

I did not weigh the buds (and it was all popcorn buds with their sugar leaves attached) but after I nuked them in my food processor the buds came up to 2/3 of a one litre jar.

I brought a large pot of water to a rolling boil and turned the heat down.

I then heated up 500g of the butter and when it started to boil, I poured it over the buds in the jar.

I lowered the jar into the pot of boiling water (up to its neck - I had an empty tuna can at the bottom of the pot to act as a shelf and to stop the jar from touching the bottom of the pot)

When the contents of the jar started bubbling I. Opened the jar and added another 250g of butter and sealed the jar and returned it to the water bath, when the contents started bubbling again, I added the last 250g. Of butter and resealed the jar. I then left pot to simmer on very low heat (adding boiling water to the pot as needed) for 8 hours stirring the contents twice.

I then emptied the contents of the jar into a muslin clothe and squeezed the butter out into a Pyrex dish.

Refrigerate and hey presto!

Hey Bapple, I finally got everything I need. My question is, do you think I could go less than 8 hours on the simmer time?
Hey DeanB!

It's a steeping process...transferring the trichomes into the oil/butter. From a cooks point of view the longer the steep the more complete the transfer. I chose 8 hours arbitrarily - no reason why you can't experiment with less time.:yummy:
Thank you Captain! :thanks:

I hope the strain yields better outside as it looks as if the Green Crack is not going to that I know I can grow all year round, I am scaling back my in season grow so if she does not sprout will not replace her as I will start an ASD and a DP Power Plant in September or late August a month or so before this lot is harvested.

I'll swing by to see the 707 pics.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for those photos on my food thread. I like the scenery of the south US, the Carolinas anyway...:Namaste:

You got it on the food thread, I'll get around to some more soon. Read someone on here talking about the good smoke report of the 707 as well as the different size Phenos, gotta say they were right on. And let me tell you I was SHOCKED when I came home after just 4 days away at what my lil' shorty 707 had done between the nodes! She filled in and out all in 4 days, and still swelling, super frosty, can't wait to give her a nice slow burn. Thought I'd add a pic or two of her here, hope you don't mind. Also my Green Crack last year didn't pop well and some not at all, but next batch all popped and turned out marvelous. Thanks for complimenting the south, I love all things southern :circle-of-love:


Top of the day to you Captain! :ciao:

Feel free to post on here without worries.

I can't remember on whose thread, I also read a 707 smoke report, I think yesterday, but it sounds worthwhile.....hope she gets as big as last years in season photo plants did outdoors....can't have too much of a good strain :battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes:

Have a good one Sir :high-five:
I'm glad I saw you on another post. You got it going on here, I'll pull up a chair and watch for now.

Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Hey Spart! :ciao:

LOL it's just the one.....either the BD is genetically predisposed to self seed when it's on its last legs, or the stress from the cold nights early on....but as this two girls were from selfed seeds from the Autumn BD; it's not a shabby outcome at all if I get 4 - 6 seeds off each plant as the strain is very good and potent. I am liking HSO genetics more and more.

Hope your week has gone well :Namaste:
Good evening...glad I came across Yer journal(I think thru spitz and Weasel)...for two Spring is FINALLY starting to show... which will see me firing up my hillbilly grow in a couple weeks and I enjoy reading refreshing journals such as yours to stimulate the pre grow can be quite volatile round here at this point(indoor/outdoor grow), so starting too early could cost... adding warmth to the girlz...the finding your simple and seemingly effective method for making canna butter...I've just been making tincture the last couple of seasons with my popcorn/sugar trim...which is fine...but...I'm totally leaning towards some butter this fall!...Gracias!...Cheerz!...h00k...
Hey Dr.hook! :welcome::ciao:

I look forward to having you here for the season.

It's a pain when one starts things too early (I used to garden in the UK) and sometimes the whole season is a wash when it all goes pear-shaped cos of late frosts...

Thanks for dropping by. I look forward to checking out your garden :thumb::Namaste:
Hello 420 Magazine buddies! :ciao:

Lovely sunny windy day 26C here today.

The 2 Blue Dreams are thickening up; I will probably harvest early May; aiming to harvest at 60 days from showing pistils. They are both starting a gentle fade.


The two autos ( DP Auto Blackbery Kush and DP Auto DaquiriLime) were only watered once last week cos I was not up to going down to Narnia but they seem okay, considering they have been largely neglected from when they were brought outdoors. Today they got just water again.


The photoperiod girls (HSO Bubbas Gift, HSO 707 Truthband and R-kiems Portela) at day 12. The Bubbas Gift is a pit pouty - I think the Plagron Growmix is a bit hot for her, but she'll survive.


Hope everyone is having a serene Sunday wherever they are :Namaste::grinjoint:
Hope you and the sl are having a good 420.... Nice pj's, you live in Siberia? Looks like a thick onesie. Those Aussie ugg boots? Girls are looking good.. Going to be lots to watch again, awesome Bapple...
Hey Grizz! :ciao: happy 420 :high-five:

When I'm in and around the house, I live in my ugg boots until it's flip flop and crocs weather. :battingeyelashes::battingeyelashes: it's a fleece onesie Bapple the younger bought me for Xmas.

Certainly not Siberia, by any stretch of the imagination, but no matter what the weather is here, once the mosquitos start (about 2 weeks ago) going outside to attend to plants without long trousers and long sleeves means bites and I don't like being bitten.....

The SL is away but I have had a good day thanks :thumb::lot-o-toke::allgood::cough:

The plants are actually going through some weirdness as you will see in the following post.
When I checked on the plants yesterdAy, The three photo plants looked all twisted and had all their Leaves up in the air reaching for the sky. They looked okay until Sunday and then over the last 3 days they started this pattern. All I can think of is that I overdosed the Plagron power roots on Sunday as I measured by eye. If anyone has any ideas let me know, but as all three of them are having the same issue it looks like they did not like the Sunday watering. After I watered them this afternoon the leaves stopped reaching for the sky so I might give them another water tomorrow......

Bubbas Gift

707 Truthband




Happy 420 everybody! :volcano-smiley::grinjoint::rollit::yummy::lot-o-toke::Rasta::grinjoint::
Happy 420 B! :420:

I'm don't think that I've seen that mottling pattern before. If you are going to water them again, you should maybe flush them at the same time. Otherwise, I'd try letting them dry out almost completely. If I had to guess - if they go downhill fast, flush them, but if not - let them dry.

I'm sure they will turn around for ya. Bubba's Gift is nute sensitive, seemingly N and P, and didn't wake up for me until I flipped her. :thumb:
Happy 420 B! :420:

I'm don't think that I've seen that mottling pattern before. If you are going to water them again, you should maybe flush them at the same time. Otherwise, I'd try letting them dry out almost completely. If I had to guess - if they go downhill fast, flush them, but if not - let them dry.

I'm sure they will turn around for ya. Bubba's Gift is nute sensitive, seemingly N and P, and didn't wake up for me until I flipped her. :thumb:

It's weird - starting to doubt myself and wondering if I got the feeding wrong, cos they have only had root stimulator, nothing else. I don't feed them on the same day as the BD's but perhaps I was distracted......

Thanks Staker, always good to hear from you :thumb:

Happy 420
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