Bapple's 2016 Outdoor Adventures - Photo & Auto Strains

Top of the day to you Grizz!

Sadly neither I nor the supreme leader would know a 'manual release' if it sat on our nose and took a d#*p :rofl:

Once we established neighbours didn't have light either, we Sent the staff home and went back to bed.....:allgood:
So quick Sunday update - it's warm and sunny 23 C

On Tuesday I put 4 seeds (Bubba's Gift, Green Crack, Portela and 707 Truthband) in soil outside (did not pre soak them as I wanted to see how much longer they would take to sprout) the BG and Portela are already peeping out, the other two I can't see any sign of yet.

After going through my grow journal from last year and revisiting Conradinos and other outdoor growers journals past and present, I have decided to start the Photo plants now, but to do it outside as starting them indoors seems to have something to do with the reveg situation.....Also if I don't get my plants growing and big and robust by June when the super heat starts, I don't think they will survive the heat unless they are watered daily and I have neither the inclination nor the energy or time to water daily.

The four basking in the sun - no point photographing the inside of the pots as even I nearly missed the emerging seed shells......


Random and very bad shot of the two hidden autos. Gardening guys have now assured me that Narnia will be clear by Tuesday.


This shot of one of the Blue Dreams is just me troubleshooting the photo orientation issue....


Happy Sunday everyone :ciao::Namaste:
You on phone? If so just edit the photo in some way then it'll be sweet.. Works for me... If not ignore previous comment, lol and accept my pleasantries of, have a good day :passitleft:
So Narnia is finally ready.

Yesterday morning just before 6 went down with the SL and dug 3 pretty big holes ( this year I want to have backup holes)

Repotted the two very neglected Autos and put them in Narnia. I did not water them as a thunderstorm was predicted ( it rained like mad from about 7pm) have not checked on them today but hope they are fine as they needed staking to support their stems.


The freshman girls are looking fine, I left them out for the first 30 mins of the rain and then brought them indoors as the storm became more violent...


The two Blue Dreams are just dandy and don't seem too affected by the overnight rains (gave them both a good shake this morning) it looks like they will be ready for early May :yahoo::yahoo:

Happy start to the weekend all :Namaste:
Looks like the walk through the wardrobe is just starting. It's been really crazy weather here as well one day rain the next windy the next rain rain rain. I haven't bother with any outside really well got a re-veg auto thing and a sweet skunk auto but nothing major. The girls are looking nice Baps :goodjob:
Ms. Bapple an update on my 707's they both are kinda spacey between the nodes, but the buds are really huge in diameter and rock solid, don't expect them to yield as well as I originally did, but who cares if the smoke as good as they look. I'll post you some shots when I get back home. Of course they are indoors as you know.


Wishing you and SL a fantabulous weekend, glad we're all getting to go back to Narnia :yahoo:
Looks like the walk through the wardrobe is just starting. It's been really crazy weather here as well one day rain the next windy the next rain rain rain. I haven't bother with any outside really well got a re-veg auto thing and a sweet skunk auto but nothing major. The girls are looking nice Baps :goodjob:

Hey Spart how's life? :ciao::ciao:

Thank you! :thumb: Some good rain on its way here and that works for me re Narnia's camo, only problem is my two Blue Dreams; would be a shame if they moulded.....

Ms. Bapple an update on my 707's they both are kinda spacey between the nodes, but the buds are really huge in diameter and rock solid, don't expect them to yield as well as I originally did, but who cares if the smoke as good as they look. I'll post you some shots when I get back home. Of course they are indoors as you know.


Wishing you and SL a fantabulous weekend, glad we're all getting to go back to Narnia :yahoo:

Thank you Captain! :thanks:

I hope the strain yields better outside as it looks as if the Green Crack is not going to that I know I can grow all year round, I am scaling back my in season grow so if she does not sprout will not replace her as I will start an ASD and a DP Power Plant in September or late August a month or so before this lot is harvested.

I'll swing by to see the 707 pics.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks for those photos on my food thread. I like the scenery of the south US, the Carolinas anyway...:Namaste:
Just noticed my sweet skunk started flowering today as well but mine come in at night still as it's to cold outside still. Yeah mold is always an issue though.
Just noticed my sweet skunk started flowering today as well but mine come in at night still as it's to cold outside still. Yeah mold is always an issue though.

Hey Spart! :ciao:

Yeah, mould is a pain in the tuchus but inevitable where I am. The Portela and Hollands Hope last year were mould free, and the Blue Dream I grew from September to December? Did not mould either; if anything is going to get me breeding, it's the mould situation.

I am interested in exploring a World of Seeds landrace called South African Kwazulu which sounds like a great smoke but she is also mould resistant, I will start four regular seeds in January '17 and harvest pollen from any males and freeze, if the smoke is what I want then in 2018 will pollinate lower branches of a Hollands Hope with her and see what I end up with.

It's wet and miserable here right now, hope weather is better where you are. Have a great weekend Spart! :rollit::green_heart::cough:
Hey B! Just caught up, I don't know how I missed this. Your Blue Dreams phenos look like the clone-only version, which is very sativa, so you should be in for a treat. I also found that the ASD really came together in the cure, and became more elevated and balanced. The 707 though, I have to tell you. It's a super nice Indica leaner, that blends a powerful body high, with a peaceful and clear minded euphoria. I have seen 2-3 phenos, and they are different in size/shape, but the buds look the same. I've been testing it, and Ms. Staker had some before she had to report to the work camps today, and she's blazing through her work day with a smile. ;) It does have a little indica drag, but she didn't make it past one hit, so moderation is important if you have things to do. Excellent smoke, on par if not better than ASD imo.

I don't have pics of the 707 plants, but believe me, they are stunning. Easy feeder too. I did take a snaphot of the lower tester bud I took for sampling, which I posted below. Her main buds though, are so much bigger, denser and all around amazing. She's resistant to mold and pests too. :cheer: Sorry it took me so long to find your new journal, I don't know what happened lol.

Tester bud for smoke analysis taken from 707 Truthband at day 49 flower.

Hey Staker long time no see! :ciao:

After Autumn harvests I think we all go into varying degrees of hibernation and with lots of bud and edibles, well, it's easy to miss a few things :rofl:

Good to see you! :thumb:

It's been raining for 2 days, I hope the Blue Dream copes, her pistils have gone orange overnight..... Is that normal? She showed pistils 10th March

Keepem green Staker :Namaste:
Hey Staker long time no see! :ciao:

After Autumn harvests I think we all go into varying degrees of hibernation and with lots of bud and edibles, well, it's easy to miss a few things :rofl:

Good to see you! :thumb:

It's been raining for 2 days, I hope the Blue Dream copes, her pistils have gone orange overnight..... Is that normal? She showed pistils 10th March

Keepem green Staker :Namaste:

Great to see you back at it. :cheer: It's normal for the pistils to orange after a slight injury, or even on their own after a couple of weeks. If you had some heavy rain, that might be enough to cause it -- wouldn't worry about it at all. If they go red and burnt looking quickly, you might have some rouge/feral pollination going on - but it's distinctive.

I'm definitely enjoying the MB2 machine, and edibles in general. I extract exclusively into coconut oil, with a little bit of lecithin. Substitute for Veg oil, and it makes the best brownies you have ever had, and the have almost zero weed taste to them - simply scrumptious. :circle-of-love: I'm excited for your upcoming season, you are going to LOVE the 707. :volcano-smiley:
Not much to report, did not do my Sunday update cos it was our wedding anniversary last week and we went out for a meal to celebrate yesterday afternoon. It was a long and boozy lunch and we made our way back home at about 7.30 - sparked up some Portela ( it was overkill) and then got the munchies at 10.30. - had some food and it was all over before midnight.

Closeup shot of the larger BD after her pistils changed t orange.


Nothing new or exciting happening to the other plants so will do next full update next Sunday.

Have a great week 420 mag chums :Namaste:
Whew. Finally caught up as promised, (to myself mainly).
The garden is looking great. Yes a water spray, or presumably a hard rain, will kill pistils and turn them red. I don't grow outdoors much because of the mold, but managed to turn all the pistils red in the past by spraying, way back in the times of the spider mite wars. Do you have mites outdoors there?
Feel much better and more complete now that I'm up to date here :)
It's bedtime for me. Have a great day Ms B.
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