Big Buddha Blue Cheese

Hi bill hope your well and thanks for your info. Well I was speaking with shed about ph situation on mediums and with mine which is sphagnum peat, peat moss and perlite apparantly you dont have to ph. So maybe i didn't give them enough amounts or they haven't had a lot of nutrients to feed off .not sure but they do seem to still have a nice green colour to them just drooped so probs thirsty lol. I phd it to 6.1 and ppm was 490 so they should bounce back with this feed.
I thought you were in soil. :Namaste:
Are you running Pro Mix?
If so that's a ph of 5.8.
It's basicallyhydroponic.
No soil.
Do you have a pic of the bag?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I thought you were in soil. :Namaste:
Are you running Pro Mix?
If so that's a ph of 5.8.
It's basicallyhydroponic.
No soil.
Do you have a pic of the bag?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hey bill I was confused as to what it was I was using tbh I thought it was soil but turns out its sphagnum peat, peat moss and perlite. I will grab a pic soon and show you. It's called biobizz lightmix.
Hey bill I was confused as to what it was I was using tbh I thought it was soil but turns out its sphagnum peat, peat moss and perlite. I will grab a pic soon and show you. It's called biobizz lightmix.
I use that in all my 'soil' grows. I pH to 6.3. Whether I need to or not I haven't fully tested but sure I did get more issues when I wasn't checking the pH on my feeds. Doesn't take long to do and it can't do any harm.
Big update.... got the girls uppotted into there final homes using the @Bill284 menthod. Layering the medium and perlite with added mykos. They definitely needed it too as you can see from the pics. Only thing I should of done is prep my water going in beforehand insted of using cold water (possible root shock). I gave them 2.5 litres with a ph of 6.1 plain water.

Also @Bill284 i will add a picture of the bag of medium like we mentioned before.






They look great!

I find my veg plants droop if my light is too close.
Thanks trala, when I ppopped the plant out I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those roots! They're the best roots I've ever developed. using that pot size for the first time was a game changer for me. That's 1 thing I've not put as much time on tbh it's at 26inches from them atm on about 65% power so roughly 150w.
the roots , the roots , the roots healthy roots = Happy Plants your off to a good start something about those huge leaves always a sign of a good strain. looking good :headbanger:
the roots , the roots , the roots healthy roots = Happy Plants your off to a good start something about those huge leaves always a sign of a good strain. looking good :headbanger:
Thanks savvagggee with those roots they should take off with all that room to play with and im possibly going to top them tomorrow also.
Big update.... got the girls uppotted into there final homes using the @Bill284 menthod. Layering the medium and perlite with added mykos. They definitely needed it too as you can see from the pics. Only thing I should of done is prep my water going in beforehand insted of using cold water (possible root shock). I gave them 2.5 litres with a ph of 6.1 plain water.

Also @Bill284 i will add a picture of the bag of medium like we mentioned before.






That's fantastic. :thumb:
Great root ball, good job on the up pot.
That will settle a bit now giving you room to water with out overflowing.
What I do is soak the topnof the pot first.
Walk away and wait a bit.
Then flood the exterior moat all at once, soak it good.
Wait again let that flush into the pot.
Waiting in-between is important.
So now flood the entire Moat again.
Stop and wait.
This water will push old air out.
Then by stopping your letting suck fresh air in behind each flood.
Repeat this process Waiting each time until you see water coming out the bottom.
Then stop.
The roots will shoot through the perlite right to the outside of the pot.
It only takes a couple days.
Then they get exterior air aswell, from the bag.
So it's flood and wait.
You may need a little dirt with the top layer of perlite, just enough to keep it steady.
Otherwise it floats.
Let me know what I didn't explain properly. :rofl:
But I'll walk you through it if need be at first.
Talk soon, take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hey @GreenFingaz.

I've been lurking here enjoying your work but haven't said anything.

I hope you don't mind me chiming in now.

It's about these:

While @Carcass is the expert, I've been working with his sticks for long enough to know that the construction of these is a little deficient.

The hooks need to fit tightly to the skewer. They need to fit so snugly that they can be moved up or down on the skewer but will stay put once you stop moving them. As you work with them on a growing plant you'll see why.

I use plant ties to attach the wire to the skewer. It's easy to wrap it real tight and get a nice firm fit.

That will be 2 cents, please.

Have a great day dude!
That's fantastic. :thumb:
Great root ball, good job on the up pot.
That will settle a bit now giving you room to water with out overflowing.
What I do is soak the topnof the pot first.
Walk away and wait a bit.
Then flood the exterior moat all at once, soak it good.
Wait again let that flush into the pot.
Waiting in-between is important.
So now flood the entire Moat again.
Stop and wait.
This water will push old air out.
Then by stopping your letting suck fresh air in behind each flood.
Repeat this process Waiting each time until you see water coming out the bottom.
Then stop.
The roots will shoot through the perlite right to the outside of the pot.
It only takes a couple days.
Then they get exterior air aswell, from the bag.
So it's flood and wait.
You may need a little dirt with the top layer of perlite, just enough to keep it steady.
Otherwise it floats.
Let me know what I didn't explain properly. :rofl:
But I'll walk you through it if need be at first.
Talk soon, take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hi there bill good to hear from you, thanks for the wizardry advice it sounds like a plan. I'm going to weigh these every couple of days too to see how quick they're drinking. My next feed/water will be mixed in 10litres of water do you think 5 litres each would cover all that soak in these 20itre pots? Is wait a bit like 10 minutes or are we talkin half hour? Do you normally have gaps down your fabrics?
Hey @GreenFingaz.

I've been lurking here enjoying your work but haven't said anything.

I hope you don't mind me chiming in now.

It's about these:

While @Carcass is the expert, I've been working with his sticks for long enough to know that the construction of these is a little deficient.

The hooks need to fit tightly to the skewer. They need to fit so snugly that they can be moved up or down on the skewer but will stay put once you stop moving them. As you work with them on a growing plant you'll see why.

I use plant ties to attach the wire to the skewer. It's easy to wrap it real tight and get a nice firm fit.

That will be 2 cents, please.

Have a great day dude!
Sup man ye jump in anytime you like more the merrier. When I made them up i checked to see if there was a little give there, thinking they could end up slippin maybe. Thanks for your advice, I appreciate the support man big respect. :thumb:
They forever changed the style of plant I grow.
I wanted to really try push side growth this round, thats why I dropped to just the 2 girls and not 3. I did notice what looked like the leaves were standing up a bit so I raised the light a bit higher and left it at 65%.
Hi there bill good to hear from you, thanks for the wizardry advice it sounds like a plan. I'm going to weigh these every couple of days too to see how quick they're drinking. My next feed/water will be mixed in 10litres of water do you think 5 litres each would cover all that soak in these 20itre pots? Is wait a bit like 10 minutes or are we talkin half hour? Do you normally have gaps down your fabrics?
Try the 10 litres, it should be plenty to start.
When I say wait, I just mean long enough for water to drain through.
At first it will be fairly quick.
As she builds roots it will take longer, maby a few minutes.
You can see when you water.
Where is the gap?
Between the soil and bag.
It should settle and be fine.
Got a pic of gap?
Talk soon Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Try the 10 litres, it should be plenty to start.
When I say wait, I just mean long enough for water to drain through.
At first it will be fairly quick.
As she builds roots it will take longer, maby a few minutes.
You can see when you water.
Where is the gap?
Between the soilmand bag.
It should settle and be fine.
Got a pic of gap?
Talk soon Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Morning bill hope your well my friend, i see what you mean when i gave them 2.5 litres each there wasn't any run off just damp at the bottom. I just meant the gap between the soil and the fabric maybe it should do that it's only the 2nd time I've used them. Also i topped at the 5th node too and made up more carhooks.





Morning bill hope your well my friend, i see what you mean when i gave them 2.5 litres each there wasn't any run off just damp at the bottom. I just meant the gap between the soil and the fabric maybe it should do that it's only the 2nd time I've used them. Also i topped at the 5th node too and made up more carhooks.





I don't see a problem.
Just a couple absolutely perfect looking ladies.
And now the training begins. :thumb:
Have a wonderful day Amigo.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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