Birdie's Return To Life

OK, haven't heard back. Are you having issues Birdie and need some help? Anything I can do over here? Brakes have gotten a lot easier over the years, and being disc brakes should be the easiest of the two to change the pads or rotors. Are there any leaks in the brake lines that you need to address? Or are things just stuck on there and you can't budge the bolts?
Being a freezing -10ish Celcius and no heat in the garage, I stopped for today..
Got the radiator out.
Fortunately I had gone to a hardware store the other day. Got myself a rubver hammer and a sturdy big screwdriver.
Came in handy, since the connectors to the fluid pipes were pretty jammed.
Im going to take a look at my babies and tell you about them too in a sec.
After all, it is a grow journal :)
Need to wash my hands first.
Nice going FreeBird. Your babies are showing some resolve to live. Maybe life will be sweeter for them now. Stand tall, babies! Cheers
For those of you that followed my pre flight adventures, might remember that I had gone to the courthouse to have a long chat with the head of court.
He was the one that sat on my trial today :yahoo:
The ruling will be out pretty fast.
He knows the whole story and remembered me.
He was asking questions if I was here or not.
I had told my lawyer to not reveal country, just the fact that I was out of Greece.
She felt good and we will see the outcome.
Divorce is being filed next week.

Sorry I missed all the stress of this, Birdie. :love:

But, I'm so happy it appears to be a solid deal that will protect you and your girls and that's the best news! :yahoo:

So, this is OG the fighter
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