Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I was with cold for the first time since .... since .... a long time! I am 'strong like bull' now, my's you?:thumb:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I was with cold for the first time since .... since .... a long time! I am 'strong like bull' now, my's you?:thumb:

Still kicking Johnny, great to hear your feeling better, and helping so many people with the oil. Have a great night Sir.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey Oilers, are we having fun yet? Good to be with you all, my closest family. My confidants and friends. An update and ramble.

A friend has leukemia.
He's been taking that new Hep C drug and telling me about it.
I've been taking that pot oil for cancer and telling him about it.
It's been 9 months and he's just telling me about the cancer now.
They stopped his chemo to treat the Hep C and he DOES NOT want to start it back up.
He wants to use what I used to kill my cancer !!!
After they run tests Monday.

By the way...all oil using friends doing VERY well and send their love, each and every.
Chihuahuas with epilepsy...not one single seizure since beginning oil treatment !!!
Lymie (friend with Lyme) dosing 4-5 times daily and doing excellently.
Athlete all smiles at one evening dose every other muscle lock-up.

I've got 7 clones going for Tim's grow: 3 or 4 platinum blue dream and 3 or 4 Jack Herer, and I have no idea which is which!
No seeds yet.
Making day and night oil tomorrow...:love:day
How are y'all?


Nice update Johnnyhelpsthemall!

So glad your patients are doing well, such a good feeling reading that.

I am happy also that you have some plants going for the grow. Did you learn how to upload pics yet? I know you've been down with the cold, let us know when you're ready and we'll destruct ....errr...instruct you how. ;-)

My mom is doing wonderful.....I have to say she is actually doing better than me right now. Being without the oil has brought back lots of troubles with sleep and copd symptoms among other things.
Sure hope I get back to work soon and get those P tests over with!

Have you read Dennise's virtual couch thread on giving the tacking to her dog? He was injured quite badly recently and the oil has really helped him!
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I sure go Paco....good boy!

I (with neighbors help) just finished taking the dry bud branches down and into 6 five gallon buckets with air tight screw on lids. Thought we'd have to get more buckets, but we made it all fit. This is last summer's grow. Hung and drying for 4 months. I guess it's cured already. It's a little harsh to smoke but makes GREAT oil. Very strong with a complex crystal structure in all strains (Mazar, Gorilla Glue, Sour D and OG). Only one GDP plant split in two, sooooo, no oil from it, I'll just smoke it...or vap it.

My friend with Lyme just called and we talked a while. I told her I was posting and she said to be sure to tell you all that she has absolutely no depression anymore. It used to rule her life before the oil. She says she gets a little mud on the bottom of her shoes, but she no longer wallows in it, getting stuck in it day in and day out. When she started tacking, she started volunteering at a senior center because she felt like getting out of the house for the first time in years! They recently hired her for 20 paid hours a week. Swollen joints are near normal, melanoma so light you can barely see it, neck and throat lumps almost gone, pain much lower, and energy through the roof with real good sleep at night. Very Good God... Thank You. PTL.

I'll be taking on a woman with a liver transplant soon. She ownes the Chihuahuas. She takes about a hundred pills a day and doesn't like it. She thinks she can reduce them with the oil. Does anyone have any experience with liver transplantation? Helping people with the oil feels great, but it sure means a lot of studying some complex issues. Eats into my time here, sorry. Can't be avoided. Peace.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Fanny, I'm so glad to hear of your Mom!!! Another win for the oil!!!

I say screw that NEED your oil. We can keep you busy here.

Who can pay this girl for her time here? There must be one of us with money!

Mods, could you hire Cannafanny for us, please?...we need her here....she holds us together!!!

Thanks for your timely consideration in this matter.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Fanny, I'm so glad to hear of your Mom!!! Another win for the oil!!!

I say screw that NEED your oil. We can keep you busy here.

Who can pay this girl for her time here? There must be one of us with money!

Mods, could you hire Cannafanny for us, please?...we need her here....she holds us together!!!

Thanks for your timely consideration in this matter.


LOL, You sure do make a gal feel good Johnnycake. And a huge valentines' hug being sent your way!
I'm afraid that cheer leading pay would not quite keep me going here. LOL
I'm just hanging on waiting for the call back, there are no other jobs in my area that could even come close to the pay. It's a terrible job market around here. I take things one day at a time.
Unemployment runs 20 weeks, so that is going to help for sure. ;-)
No worries on me, I'm a pick yerself up by the bootstraps kind of gal. When retirement kicks in, things will change and I won't have to worry about P tests anymore. I'm counting on that, in the meantime I use the oil when I can do it without worrying.

I don't know anyone with a liver transplant, so can't help you there with any info.
The uncle with diabetes has a kidney transplant, but he's not ready to try the oil yet. Kind of funny, because he keeps telling my Mom how much better she looks.

I'm going to put that question in to Mo and see what she says. :)

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hello to all! I've been down in the dumps lately. Got a new diagnosis that hit me like a ton of bricks and it appears that I have had it for quite a long time. Giant Cell Arteritis, not a good prognosis and medication is Prednisone for long term, yuck. Getting old isn't as enjoyable as it once was. Glaucoma and the blindness coming from the GCA makes it pretty difficult to read a lot of pages and threads to find information. I never was a headache person, but now the GCA has started causing extreme headaches that are not related to Migraine headaches. I have been reading a lot about the GCA since the Dx and have been neglecting my friends here. So sorry to everyone.

Now to my question. I plan on upping my oil use to include using it for the GCA if it can be of any help. Has anyone heard of anyone using the CCO for vasculitis or GCA or Temporal Arteritis? Much appreciation for any help.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

No need to be sorry and I wasn't 'liking' the Dx, just like hearing from you, Wildjim.

Don't know about your issues, sorry, but I bet the oil will help with that too.

You sound like you need one of those 'type to audio' reading programs.

Peace, luck, and health Jim and Happy Valentines Day.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hello to all! I've been down in the dumps lately. Got a new diagnosis that hit me like a ton of bricks and it appears that I have had it for quite a long time. Giant Cell Arteritis, not a good prognosis and medication is Prednisone for long term, yuck. Getting old isn't as enjoyable as it once was. Glaucoma and the blindness coming from the GCA makes it pretty difficult to read a lot of pages and threads to find information. I never was a headache person, but now the GCA has started causing extreme headaches that are not related to Migraine headaches. I have been reading a lot about the GCA since the Dx and have been neglecting my friends here. So sorry to everyone.

Now to my question. I plan on upping my oil use to include using it for the GCA if it can be of any help. Has anyone heard of anyone using the CCO for vasculitis or GCA or Temporal Arteritis? Much appreciation for any help.


I feel the same way WJ. I just could not press the like button. I know the CCO won't hurt. How much it will help, we will have to see who else chimes in. Hang in there and remember we are here for you. :circle-of-love::peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Welcome aboard Colesdad, are you thinking of making some oil after your harvest?

:love::cco::love: 116 pages now :thedoubletake:
Yup, sure am!
I promised my sister and sister-in-law a little piece to enjoy as a gift, they are rec users.
I've much reading to do on the oil threads, I figure I have about 30 till I chop.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

The only thing I could find in relation to treating Giant Cell Arteritis was that high CBD strains are best. Everything else suggests the prednisone.
I'll keep looking, if I find anything documented I will post it up here.

Hopefully someone else here has some knowledge on this.

Thank you so very much Cannafan. :circle-of-love:

Evidently I have had this quite a long time. Plenty of misdiagnoses in the past year or two. I started on the prednisone yesterday and will probably be on it for a couple years, so the doctor says. Dangerous stuff, I have heard. Especially for people with diabetes and compromised liver and kidneys and all my other cardiac and seizure problems. Want to stay around, so I'll do what I have to. My 66th is coming up and I would like to see my 76th.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Up the Oil WildJim, lets get you to at least 86 years young

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thank you so very much Cannafan. :circle-of-love:

Evidently I have had this quite a long time. Plenty of misdiagnoses in the past year or two. I started on the prednisone yesterday and will probably be on it for a couple years, so the doctor says. Dangerous stuff, I have heard. Especially for people with diabetes and compromised liver and kidneys and all my other cardiac and seizure problems. Want to stay around, so I'll do what I have to. My 66th is coming up and I would like to see my 76th.


Best wishes wildjim. We have age in common. End of March and I'll be right there.

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