Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You getting used to the sativas yet? I was wondering how the psychoactivity is going for you now young man.
You're a warrior my friend. Keep on keeping on.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Bunch of kids. I just got back from my exercise class (I'm 69 years young) and hear you kids talking about age.... Exercise, eat smart, do your oil, and we'll still be here talking about turning 80 in no time!!!

BTW The dose for our pets is the same as for us.....start very small and increase as needed.

What I think Mo meant by half dose is half dose by weight. If I weigh 200 lbs and my dog weighs 100 lbs, then the half dose for half the weight would then be cut in half. If the dog weighs half what I weigh, he gets 1/4 the dose (half of half).

If you OD your dog, he'll just take a's just not that critical, but be careful anyway, for their comfort. No dog (or anything) has ever died of a pot OD (that we know of). Small end of flat tooth pick holds a perfect daily dose for Chihuahuas. Your volume may very by how many Chihuahuas your dog equals. My Shroder (terripoo) is equal to 5 Chihuahuas, but I'll start him on the same 'tooth pick dose' and work up if need be. And, no, I don't know how to tell 'if need be'. I'll increase slowly until I see a slow-down, then back off slightly.

My cat Epee (calico) has allergies or something. She scratches her face and makes scabs. Vets don't know what it is. They guess it's mold from living in a Redwood grove. We'll see if the oil will help with that!!!

Up potting, I think y'all call it, today. Plus making oil. I hope you're having fun, too.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Bunch of kids. I just got back from my exercise class (I'm 69 years young) and hear you kids talking about age.... Exercise, eat smart, do your oil, and we'll still be here talking about turning 80 in no time!!!

BTW The dose for our pets is the same as for us.....start very small and increase as needed.

What I think Mo meant by half dose is half dose by weight. If I weigh 200 lbs and my dog weighs 100 lbs, then the half dose for half the weight would then be cut in half. If the dog weighs half what I weigh, he gets 1/4 the dose (half of half).

If you OD your dog, he'll just take a's just not that critical, but be careful anyway, for their comfort. No dog (or anything) has ever died of a pot OD (that we know of). Small end of flat tooth pick holds a perfect daily dose for Chihuahuas. Your volume may very by how many Chihuahuas your dog equals. My Shroder (terripoo) is equal to 5 Chihuahuas, but I'll start him on the same 'tooth pick dose' and work up if need be. And, no, I don't know how to tell 'if need be'. I'll increase slowly until I see a slow-down, then back off slightly.

My cat Epee (calico) has allergies or something. She scratches her face and makes scabs. Vets don't know what it is. They guess it's mold from living in a Redwood grove. We'll see if the oil will help with that!!!

Up potting, I think y'all call it, today. Plus making oil. I hope you're having fun, too.


Thanks for the info Johnnyonthespot :)
I actually feel pretty good coming around here lately, despite not having my oil. I appear to be younger than most of you! Albeit, not by much. :laugh:

I'm having fun, just got done with a harvest and realize I have another to harvest. Busy busy busy bees
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

hey all, i am new as a member but I have been lurking as a guest for yrs.. my mom(71yrs) just diagnosed with lung cancer is refusing conventional treatment but she is willing to try cco. I have a few questions and it was suggested I ask them here.

I am trying to keep it non euphoric and she has dentures so I'm not sure if tacking will work so questions are:

1. If I keep the oil from being activated by heat will it still have the proper THC levels to fight lung cancer?

2. If I have to activate it by decarb will the Backdoor delivery method still produce euphoria.

3. vaping is direct lung exposure, is this considered the best delivery for lung cancer minus the euphoria

4. i know this is a tricky topic but what is the best or favored carrier, I found Naptha at local paint store but I'm not sure if its pure and or safe but it is much cheaper than grain alcohol plus I am a recovering alcoholic so no booze in the house is a good thing

Thank you in advance,
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

hey all, i am new as a member but I have been lurking as a guest for yrs.. my mom(71yrs) just diagnosed with lung cancer is refusing conventional treatment but she is willing to try cco. I have a few questions and it was suggested I ask them here.

I am trying to keep it non euphoric and she has dentures so I'm not sure if tacking will work so questions are:

1. If I keep the oil from being activated by heat will it still have the proper THC levels to fight lung cancer?

2. If I have to activate it by decarb will the Backdoor delivery method still produce euphoria.

3. vaping is direct lung exposure, is this considered the best delivery for lung cancer minus the euphoria

4. i know this is a tricky topic but what is the best or favored carrier, I found Naptha at local paint store but I'm not sure if its pure and or safe but it is much cheaper than grain alcohol plus I am a recovering alcoholic so no booze in the house is a good thing

Thank you in advance,

Welcome OU8one2. I saw your post in the oil making thread and tried to answer your oil making questions there. If you go to the "Tacking tread, we can discuss the "non-euphoric" questions. The back-door delivery would be in Cajun's Base Treatment for Cancer thread. You are in the right place to find your answers.

As far as vaping, IMHO you will not get the concentration of cannabinoids that you need to treat cancer by vaping. A friend of mine who does a lot with essential oils made a comment over the weekend (when cooking) that 3 drops of her Lemon essential oil was the same as 100 drops of straight lemon. That is what you are doing when you make CCO. :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Thanks for the info Johnnyonthespot :)
I actually feel pretty good coming around here lately, despite not having my oil. I appear to be younger than most of you! Albeit, not by much. :laugh:

I'm having fun, just got done with a harvest and realize I have another to harvest. Busy busy busy bees

Ha... And I'm just a Y'all made my day...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

hey all, i am new as a member but I have been lurking as a guest for yrs.. my mom(71yrs) just diagnosed with lung cancer is refusing conventional treatment but she is willing to try cco. I have a few questions and it was suggested I ask them here.

I am trying to keep it non euphoric and she has dentures so I'm not sure if tacking will work so questions are:

1. If I keep the oil from being activated by heat will it still have the proper THC levels to fight lung cancer?

No. You'll need to decarb/activate the cannabinoids to fuss with cancer.

2. If I have to activate it by decarb will the Backdoor delivery method still produce euphoria.

No. Not if inserted correctly... 2".

3. vaping is direct lung exposure, is this considered the best delivery for lung cancer minus the euphoria

The vapor does get it to the lungs, but as SG stated, there's not enough meds for cancer.

4. i know this is a tricky topic but what is the best or favored carrier, I found Naptha at local paint store...

Unless your in Canada where naptha is entirely different than in the US...DO NOT even touch the stuff.
Use ethanol/grain alcohol
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

"The Designated driver program, it's not the most desirable job. But if you ever got sucked into doing it, drop them off at the wrong house"
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

OU8one2...see my answer in the oil making thread if you like. I wish good health to you and your Mom.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You getting used to the sativas yet? I was wondering how the psychoactivity is going for you now young man.
You're a warrior my friend. Keep on keeping on.

A few months of curing mellowed out the jitters. How are you doing out there in the Springs? We are all warriors Pal!

Just that some of us are Vets!

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I think I may have found my edge to get my Uncle with the Diabetes onto this oil. He is an amputee, and he suffers PLP (Phantom Limb Pain) and phantom itching. This is a neurological disorder common with amputees. We keep his weight down and try to be sure he eats healthy and monitors himself sufficiently, as a responsible concerned family should do, but this is something out of our realm of controlling.

I ran into an article about treating this with Cannabis, thought it was quite interesting:


Here's the abstract/study:

Low-dose vaporized cannabis significantly improves neuropathic pain. - PubMed - NCBI

Question here is, are any of you currently treating anyone, or have actually treated someone with PLP using CCO? I'm looking for actual results of someone having tried this, and what your thoughts are.

Would I be looking for the same strains as I would for treating someone with chronic pain, or would it be something a little different?


Just a note here, he is addicted to Oxycontin now as a result of this. He has a little black book of numerous doctors that he can call for a script when others try to wean him off. He has even manufactured illnesses to get himself to the emergency room so he can get his Oxy's.
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