CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

Sorry, bro for my ADD. But thought the Sour G flowering in the tent with the rest of them. :ciao::hmmmm:
Sorry if I missed that
Nope I’ve been removing her everyday before lights out. Then in the closet until lights come on again in the tent. CL🍀
Sour G Update: I hope I didn’t get carried away but you said spare n spoil. CL🍀







A bit more than I would have taken but in two weeks you'll never know you did it! And now you can supercrop your tallest branch into the middle to fill in the space. :thumb:
Yeah I kept trying to even it and well you see the outcome. lol CL🍀
That sativa strain you have growing is something else CL!:eek: What's the finish time on that gal if you don't mind me asking?:hmmmm:
I have two more beans of regs of "old timer haze" has your name written all over it,if you want them
I love Sativas but with my back pain need a little indica in the mix.
You might want to edit the part given seeds, the powers that be frown on such things. CL🍀
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