Colorado High - Soil - CFL - Super Skunk - 2013

Day 13 of flowering and the ladies are doing much, much better! In the last 3 days, they have each grown 1" so now the left lady is 16" in height while the right lady is 13" in height. The right lady appears to have completely recovered from the recent stress and has only minor burning evident on some of the older leaf tips. The left lady has newer growth looking much better than just a few days ago. The older damaged fan leaves are slowing wilting and dying which is covering up new growth. To rectify that, I removed all of the damaged fan leaves from the left lady sooner than anticipated hoping that it won't stunt her too much during the stretching portion of flowering. They came off with ease so it appears that she was wanting them gone anyway.

Single shot of the left lady on day 13 of flowering prior to the removal of damaged fan leaves -


Single shot of the left lady on day 13 of flowering after the removal of damaged fan leaves -


Single shot of the right lady on day 13 of flowering -


There are still older fan leaves which show N-deficiency and are clawed downwards on both plants, but newer growth is not exhibiting any of these issues. I've thoroughly checked both plants and there is no signs of hermaphroditism yet. (Knock on wood three times!) It is still at least a few days away from the first feeding since 1-13-2014, but I now think that once they begin with D&S Growology Step 3 sometime next week that they will finally take off and hopefully put all of this behind them.
Just removing those issue leaves makes for a total difference, a lot more available penetration to those lower sites, good stuff CH. I am looking at the new growth and it is looking nice and green, a lot more pronounced on the lady on the right. Another week and these girls will be back on track :high-five:
Yeah, since the right lady was less affected by the stress caused by the staples, I would've expected her to recover more quickly and it is reassuring to see that this is the case. The recovery was literally overnight for the right lady as by the next morning after staple removal, most of the older fan leaves started straightening out. Not only is the new growth on both ladies green and vibrant, but there is none of the burning/spotting/clawing issues that were impacting the new growth shortly after emergence.
Day 15 of flowering and it sure looks like the ladies have succesfully moved on from the last 4-6 weeks of hell that I've put them through. Both ladies grew 1" in the last 2 days so the left lady is now 17" in height and the right lady is 14" in height. The grow environment remains stable and unchanged since the last update. The soil still has not dried out enough yet since the flush 9 days ago. Based on the ladies' recovery, it appears that a second flush will not be necessary, which means I can proceed with feeding again once the soil dries out some more.

Group shot of the ladies on day 15 of flowering -


Single shot of the left lady -


Single shot of the right lady -


I hope that by the next update, I will have feed these ladies and be rewarded with some nice green, healthy growth all over. Time will tell!
they're looking good. so you didn't nuke them again, sorry about accusing you of that. they loved that flush and don't go thinking they're not dark cause they're hungry, they're not dark cause their roots are still rebuilding.
they're looking good. so you didn't nuke them again, sorry about accusing you of that. they loved that flush and don't go thinking they're not dark cause they're hungry, they're not dark cause their roots are still rebuilding.

Thanks and no worries b.real. I can understand your frustration when you think someone isn't listening to you after you've given them sound advice, I have a teenage son. ;) Actually, they are a good shade of green already, but could still use some more time to recover to their full potential. They're within an inch or two of the canopy CFLs which tends to lighten up the tops a bit. Don't worry, I'm done with vegging nutrients so I don't give them N-abundance like last time.

I like that both tops are looking perky and healthier. I have hope that their roots are improving. I bet waiting til the soil dries is really going to help.

Thanks CH! The right lady exploded overnight with nearly 1" in growth and its top is looking especially full and robust this morning. I'm just waiting for the left lady to reach the same point. The soil is drying out at a faster rate now so it does appear that the roots are rebuilding and improving as we speak.
Thanks, MisterTee! Yeah, all over the place, every node throughout both plants has a calyx and the tops, especially on the right lady, are starting to flower heavy enough to begin forming pre-buds.
Hell yeah man. How is the smell? Are you implementing some sort of carbon filter or is smell not really an issue.
The smell is just starting to build with these ladies. On my last grow, the ladies started to smell during the last week or two of vegging. This grow has started to smell about a month later and while it could be genetics, I think it has more to do with the fact that the ladies have been in survival mode for the last 4-6 weeks and haven't had a real chance to express themselves as they would do normally. I use a carbon filter/fan combo unit and when it is running, there is no smell at all outside of the grow box.
Thanks PinkyGreen! You should see them now, it is hard to believe they were so sickly just a week ago. Tomorrow, I will post a picture update showing the progress that they've made in the last few days.
I look forward to it! :thumb:
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