Colorado High - Soil - CFL - Super Skunk - 2013

Day 20 of flowering and the ladies are certainly loving life. They are both lush and dark green with flowers popping out all over the place. The right lady has fully recovered and is flourishing like never before. The left lady took a bigger hit in the stress department so has taken longer to recover and while she is much improved, she's not quite fully recovered yet.

2 days ago I took some pictures of the ladies on day 18 of flowering. The left lady was 18" in height and the right lady was 16" in height and closing the 4" gap that existed at the start of flowering. Seeing that both ladies are recovering well, I re-implemented the LSTing, without the stakes this time.

Group shot of the ladies at day 18 of flowering -


Single shot of the left lady at day 18 of flowering -


Close-up of the top node of the left lady -


Single shot of the right lady on day 18 of flowering -


Close-up of the top node of the right lady -


When I checked the soil I found it quite dry and since it had been 12 days since the flush with no food or water I decided to give each lady a quart of water with Doggett & Simpson Growology Step 3 and Molasses, both at 1 Tbsp/Gallon.


Over the next 2 days I checked on the ladies frequently to make sure that did not have any issues with their first feed in nearly 2 months. But as you can see in the following pictures, they absolutely loved it. The left lady is now 19" in height and the right lady is now 18" in height.

Group shot of the ladies on day 20 of flowering -


Single shots of the left lady on day 20 of flowering -



Close-up shot of the top node of the left lady -


Close-up shot of a side shoot of the left lady -


Single shots of the right lady on day 20 of flowering -



Close-up shot of the top node of the right lady -


Close-up shot of a side shoot of the right lady -


Close-up shot of pre-buds forming in the middle of the right lady -


I plan to follow the D&S Growology philosophy of feeding everytime you water. I want these ladies to put the last 2 months behind them and reach their full potential over the next 2 months. My goal is to equal, if not better, my first harvest total of 2 ounces with half the plants this time around and I think with the help of D&S Growology I can get there.
You sure got that right! They drank up that last feed so quickly that I gave them another quart each of the same G/M mixture yesterday, just 3 days after their first feed in a long time. In the last 2 days, the left lady has grown almost 2" and is now just shy of 21" in height. The right lady has shot up 3" and has surpassed the left lady for the first time, by just a pistil, and is now 21" in height. The pre-buds on the right lady have almost doubled in size in the last two days. The left lady, while still behind in the recovery process, is doing much better and there are pre-buds, although much smaller than the right lady's pre-buds, all over her as well.
excellent. if you want you could bend them over and lower the top lights. if you break her don't even remember that I suggested it lol. you gotta be gentle, slow, and massage.

if not then dont they are still branching out which is cool. branching out means your yield is gonna be nice.

stretch lasts me 3 weeks when I count from pistil. I lst 1 week into stretch.
Day 23 of flowering and all is well. It appears that the stretch phase is close to an end as there was not much growth in height over the last 24 hours, not compared to the last 2 days anyways. For all intents and purposes they clock in at 21" although the right lady is a smidge taller. That means that the left lady increased her height by 75% from 12" to 21" and the right lady increased her height by 162.5% from 8" to 21" in ~3 weeks. The ladies took the last feed well although I see some dark green on some of the new growth around both ladies so I will wait until they are well dried out before I feed/water them again.

I did some more LSTing to spread out the branches around each lady to give them maximum access to light and air. The first and second nodes I tied down near the top of the node moving up the branch as it grew. The third and fourth nodes I tied down but at an angle to fill in the gaps between the tied down branches of nodes 1 and 2.

Close-ups showing the tie downs on the branches of nodes 1-4 -



For the nodes above node 4, I decided to use branch spreaders I made from equal lengths of garden soft ties twisted together with the ends spread out into a "Y" shape as shown below -


Here they are in use on nodes 5-7 of the left lady -


And for all you (pre-)bud porn enthusiasts here are a few pre-bud shots of the ladies.

Close-up of the top of the left lady -


Close-up of the top of the right lady -


Close-up of pre-buds in the middle of the right lady -


I'm continually amazed at how sativa-like her leaves are yet she is short in stature like an indica. It will be interesting to see how these ladies flower and mature. I really don't know if I'm looking at another 7 weeks like my last grow or if I've got another 10+ weeks to go! Either way it's going to be a fun and interesting ride!!
CH, this is so, so great to see. Your grow is a testament to the resilience of this plant and the support of this community! Fantastic recovery and they are looking great. We're happy to be a part of it!

Interesting ties CH, Im going to give that a go on my outdoor season, I can see some good training with those braces applied early on, kudos. Thanks for that! & also, nice new avatar, you now have the CO and the HIGH :laugh:
I think your analyzing of the leafs is spot on, she looks more sativa to me, just gunna throw out, 9 weeks left :party:
Stay safe :joint:
I had the leaf in the middle of the "C" on the flag on my last avatar it was just a little too small to be that noticeable. Those ties are incredibly soft and light but the hold their own quite well. I think you might just be right about the harvest CA!
Later this month we will be going on spring break vacation for 9 days and my ladies will be in week 7 of flowering during that time. Initially, I was thinking of getting some sort of watering system for when we were away but decided to try something different. I'm getting the ladies use to large infrequent feedings/waterings every 8 days in order for them to get used to that routine. If they do well during this pre-vacation trial period, I'm hoping that this will cause them much less stress during the time we are away.

To that end, yesterday, March 6th, I gave each lady one-half gallon each of Growology Step 3 & Molasses (both at 1 Tbsp/gallon). For the remainder of this month I plan to feed/water on March 14th, March 22nd and March 31st. Once we return from vacation I plan to resume regular feedings/waterings on an as needed basis.
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