Cultivator's Perpetual Grows Return

The issues are most likely down to your grow nutes. Switch to advanced nutes ph perfect grow micro bloom and you will see the difference for def. Should get less ph swings with that as well but you do still need to ph

Spot on Cult... I only use AN's PH balanced nutrients. I wanted to take some of the guess work out. The first grow I used it was water temp issues. Got a chiller and the last 3 grows have been awesome.
Yeah the 3 part AN ph perfect range really is great. I dont need to change to anything else now. really gets young plants growing strong and large plants take it well as well. It can be used start to finish no prob but i do get better results switching to diff bloom nutes.

Take a look at their extended line of nutrients. The "Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master Grower Level" nutrients. From the first grow using just the GMB, then using the hobbyist and next grow the expert and so on. I would used the next level extended line each time after that with great results. Cost is crazy though. I only have 3 grows using this line and haven't used the GMG level due to cost but will eventually. The only other thing I use in my grows is the "Snow Storm Ultra"....its down right amazing.
I dont use the bundles as i think there is a better way. AN is very expensive. I swear by Ph perfect GMB, bud ignitor, voodoo juice. The rest are optional but i think there are better alternatives.

The most important thing with nutes is a complete base nute that plants can use.

There's always something better. It's more or less a preference thing. I like AN but always willing to try something else when it comes down to cost.
Finally managed to upload a couple pics! these were taken 5 days ago at day 23 of flower.



They looking super super frosty and filling out nicely. Tis is only 1 of 2 that i do completely on my own.

Im going to go do a vid of the girls now at day 28 of flower.
You really should be getting sponsorship deals Cult. You show amazing results in your grows and suppliers would fall over themselves to have you endorse their products. You mentioned Bud Ignitor to me and I ended up with loads of bud sites, even though I was a fool and didn't read up well enough - they only got 1ml/litre instead of the recommended 2ml
thanks mate.

dont worry about that. you shouldnt really go off bottle full strength. it should be done on ec and diff mediums and diff plant sizes require diff doses. so 1ml/l was prob spot on for soil. Dont look into things too much mate.

Just relax and try to mimic the good grows you see. It will save you so much time in trial and error. I understand people wanting to feel things out. But you wouldnt just build a house without having a clue or if you did it probs wouldnt stand long. There is a wealth of knowledge about if you can weed out who is bullshitting or who is just trying to push business for companies. But if you are going to mimic someone just make sure they are backing up what they are saying and those good guys are around this forum.

Rememeber i have experience growing in just about all mediums and system types at a commercial level. Not saying im the best but i def have experience on my side. So just ask what ever you like, if there is something i dont know i will say so, instead of trying to wing it lol
So here is day 28 of flower. Plants are looking great, buds are formed and are now just starting to build weight and terpene content. This strain really is amazing.



I havent done this strain in RDWC yet but thats all about to change. I think these will be unreal in deep water culture. They just develop so fast and are so hardy. Remember these are only 11litre pots and 1 feed per day.

Video is being uploaded to youtube now but my internet is terrible as i live in the mountains away from civilisation. so will prob be tomorro when i get it up..........

I am looking for sponsors now. Seed, lights, nutes or whatever. Im not interested in small stuff. 1 plant or 1 light does not perk my interest but if anyone is wanting some brand awareness here or on youtube hit me a pm.

Great job, tent looks crazy. I'm not a leaf cutter, I did side by side and when I cut lower growth plant was much smaller and yield was suspect. But I understand that mold and other issues will cause people to trim leaves. Myself, I don't veg long enough to grow large plants. I learned that lesson when my grow got hit with mites. Small plants are easily defended when needed. But that's my grow, you are doing well and my current garden is defensible.

I think cutting back the plants increases yield by around 30-40% easily but more the bigger the plants get.

Id say one side by side isnt enough to go off because could be other factors at play. I have no idea how many plants ive grown but its many 10's of thousands if not more im guessing. And for sure it not only increases yield but quality also. Done correctly it will channel all energy into big heads.

As for mites they are a problem for any size plant. But if you are struggling with mites i would rip room apart and scrub with strong bleach then treat with killer might everywhere. Then use the killer might once weekly throughout veg cycle and you def wont get mites.

Each to their own l guess but taking time to prune correctly has great benefits. I do it exactly the same whether its a tent or a 30 light room.
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