Cultivator's Perpetual Grows Return

reg seeds are much more stable and stronger genetics. Fem plants are weaker genes and thats why you get so many more herms and mutants with fem seeds. You can use fem seeds as mothers but its risky.

Powerplant is a skunk and ive never had trouble with it. yields well and is good weed. Regs are harder and harder to come by in uk as companies want to push femmed seeds and protect the genetics of their stock.
That's suprised me I've never heard that everyone where I am just grows mums from fem seeds
I always assumed reg seeds were more for breeding ya learn something new every day
There's a lot of strains is like to try I like the look of that critical 2.0 aswell
One of the biggest buds I grew was great white shark but they all Hermed so had to pick pox seeds out so I won't buy from greenhouse seeds anymore I've never had any other company's herm
That's suprised me I've never heard that everyone where I am just grows mums from fem seeds
I always assumed reg seeds were more for breeding ya learn something new every day
There's a lot of strains is like to try I like the look of that critical 2.0 aswell
One of the biggest buds I grew was great white shark but they all Hermed so had to pick pox seeds out so I won't buy from greenhouse seeds anymore I've never had any other company's herm

I also had alot of herms from greenhouse seeds so i no longer use them. Using fems for mothers makes for more risk of herms and over time yields and quality suffer. There are exceptions to the rule but as a general rule mothers are best from regs. I use fems for mothers when i am using the cuts myself cos then if there is a problem its on me. But for passing on to others i must be certain they are getting what they ask for.

Looking nice Cult.
That Incredible Bulk has a good structure for side by side plants.

Yes thats true but most strains are if you take the time to train even canopys.
The system is up and running now. Had a few teething problems with leaks and i forgot to make sure all of the air lines ran on the same side of the buckets. But its uo and running. Just need to add the chiller and res.

Right now I have 6 750w Gavita lights running but think its going to bee too much in that small tent. The plant is to run 8 in flower. I may just revert back to 6 600w hps in cool tubes and 2 gavitas. I will play around will it.

Here are a couple of pics but i will get a vid up soon.


3600 watts is a awesome large garden, I would be in heaven if I had that spaces.
ok so we are at day 49 of flip today. plants are really packing weight on now and i have started to flush.

My flush is to put 1 litre of water for every litre of medium through the pots. so in this case each plant has had 11litres water. I allow to dry out then the plants get 1.5litres of water each day till harvest. These will be ready to harvest in around 10 days.


Awesome looking Cultivator, what do your Trichomes look like for your harvest?

Bin having a nightmare trying to log in to this site
Them bulks look good are they heavy feeling me mates look ok but don't seem to have any weight to them they are a few days off 6 weeks

The plants I showed ya that was looking shit seem to be getting happier with the nutes you suggested I will snap ya a pic
I just got a load cuttings aswell an remembered this time to sprinkle the great white directly onto the roots so hopefully they should get a good start Of im putting 6 a light how long you think they will take to veg
I see them cuts you have in the rockwool look a good size an bushy for such a small cube
Bin having a nightmare trying to log in to this site
Them bulks look good are they heavy feeling me mates look ok but don't seem to have any weight to them they are a few days off 6 weeks

The plants I showed ya that was looking shit seem to be getting happier with the nutes you suggested I will snap ya a pic
I just got a load cuttings aswell an remembered this time to sprinkle the great white directly onto the roots so hopefully they should get a good start Of im putting 6 a light how long you think they will take to veg
I see them cuts you have in the rockwool look a good size an bushy for such a small cube

The bulk is really dense and heavy. They arent massive buds but very very dense. will have to keep an eye out for bud rot. From 6 weeks on they will start to dense out so no need to worry.

If you are going 6 plants per light id only veg 2 or 3 weeks max if the cuts are healthy and id only use 10 litre pots.

no i havent tried critical 2.0, not that i can remember anyway.
Had a real nightmare couple of days.

So i travelled 2000miles to harvest 1 crop and to prune and check another. Both are covered in spidermite extremely bad....

im pissed because my guys told me the plants were great and healthy. I walked into both grows and it looked like spiderman has been having a party in my gardens. impossible to miss.

Then i got something to treat the mites in the grow thats only just been flipped. mixed it up in the bath to dip the plants in as this is more effective than spraying. I slipped and banged my head and fell in bath. covered head to toe in killermite!!! needless too say there are some dead plants now in the flood and drain system and i threw a tantrum and started pulling them all out......

I am going to move all of my grows closer too me now so that i can keep on top of them myself. Jobs are being neglected when im away and im fed up of having troubles because people dont listen to me. Its going to be tough because im already super busy but i love my job even though its stressfull and im not prepared to close gardens down.

So probs have some new room builds coming soon.....
Hard to find good help
Ouch, its hard to do it all, all the time.

There comes a point in all small businesses where the business has expanded and the owner has to do one of the following:
A) Find a partner as passionate, dedicated, and with all the many skill sets the owner has - this almost never happens.
B) Create written rules and processes that anyone with an 8th grade education can understand and follow (think fast food franchise rules and processes.)
C) Stop growing the business and shrink a little until it can almost all be done by the owner.

Many small businesses fail when the owner believes they are doing plan A, but they have compromised and overlooked problems.
Many small businesses fail when they 'sort of' plan B, but don't write down all the rules and processes and enforce them.

The plan B processes may include steps for executive attention such as: "email a photo of 4 key views every 2 days." They have to cover every step, including lock doors. You must be willing to fire anyone unable to follow the rules and processes in plan B.

Disclaimer: This model of small business expansion is book learning, not from personal experience.
Sometimes.........Less is more......Radogast

The thing is people get lazy and think this job is easy and go into autopilot and dont really care about it. For me its a full time job. its what i know and im good at it. There are some sackings taking place today. I wouldnt care if bad things happen and im informed its bad so i can try fix problem. What annoys me is the fact they dont care and tell me everything is fine.

Oh well the show goes on.....
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