Cy's Organic Grow From Seed

Yeah I've had some interesting times for sure. Good times, bad times, sad times, and happy times.
Probably the combo of the neighborhood I grew up in and the fact that my parents gave me the freedom to pretty much do whatever I wanted as long as I wasn't brought home by the cops.
Hello everyone, been having technical difficulties with my device but worked it out. I would like to start off by giving the big middle finger to all the local dispensaries for charging an arm and a leg for some crap that they call excellent organics. I have seen idiots grow bag seed better than some of the stuff that they have the nerve to charge patients more than 300 dollars an oz when I know they paid about 100$ for... Ok now for an update. This weekend I will be taking some clones and will post some pics of them later. Talk to you all later. Cy
Yeah I've had some interesting times for sure. Good times, bad times, sad times, and happy times.
Probably the combo of the neighborhood I grew up in and the fact that my parents gave me the freedom to pretty much do whatever I wanted as long as I wasn't brought home by the cops.

Haha! We homeschooled ours, which was really unschooling in my house. So much more to learn from simply living life.

This was actually one of my directives to our son. Don't bring the cops home with you. Haha!
To me they look healthy and they seem to be growing quite fast despite having their light changed from hps to CFLs. I also made some bloom fertilizer today. Here is what i used.
1:blushsmile:1 watermelon, banana, squash. I blended it up and added an equal amount of molasses to the mixture. I covered it loosely and will let it ferment for 7 to 10 days. After fermentation strain it into a jar and let it sit for about 3weeks.I will use it as a soil drench and spray at a ratio of 2 tbl sp per gal. of water.
Hey CyTheElectric that looks like an interesting fertiliser. Nice and simple I think even I could manage that. Will this be enough for all the bloom phase? I've seen a lot of compost teas and they all seem a bit messy and having to use aerating stones and bubbling in a pan for days. It's a bit impractical for me to be messing with that as the missus would be climbing the walls lol. Something like this I wouldn't mind using at all. Will it give enough nutrients for the flowering period or will you be mixing other stuff up? If it's a case of making this then leaving it to ferment and it's enough for bloom I'll definitely be in for it. Thanks in advance for any reply, all the best :thumb:
kriaze, I believe this should be enough. When plants go into bloom they need quite a bit of calcium, phosphate, and potassium. Im going to use the CalPhos during the transition from veg to bloom for about 2 weeks. Then I will use the bloom fertilizer which is high in potassium. All this to go along with the soil that is packed with Nitrogen, kelp meal, crab meal, micorobes, worms and other stuff, I think they shoujld be good.
Sounds great Cy. I'm going to keep your recipe and hopefully put it to good use. I've got some form of compost brewing in the back garden, my first ever batch so I'm hoping to go full organic in a few months when it's cooked/brewed whatever it's called. I need some gardening lessons lol. Thanks for the info, I've marked it up for future reference and I'll be having it in my journal asap. I love this place :thumb:

Hi people! So I took some clones yesterday. The first time I have ever done this so I'm not sure if they will survive. When I woke up this morning the seemed like they were in shock, but that might be because I just butchered them away from a happy plant. I called my dad and he said its because they no longer have trans-something or another anymore. (He said the proper term, I just forgot). Anyways, I'm pretty confident they'll pull through, and if they don't, I will keep taking more until I get it right. Peace Out guys and girls--Cy
Sounds great Cy. I'm going to keep your recipe and hopefully put it to good use. I've got some form of compost brewing in the back garden, my first ever batch so I'm hoping to go full organic in a few months when it's cooked/brewed whatever it's called. I need some gardening lessons lol. Thanks for the info, I've marked it up for future reference and I'll be having it in my journal asap. I love this place :thumb:

Kriaze, will you be using malted Barley Grain? I ask because many people bubble it and this valuable additive is actually just as effective powdered and sprinkled on the surface to be watered in. No messy tea brewing and all the goodness from the barley. Made my life so much easier.
Hey Sweetsue, I've no idea what I'll be using as of yet as my gardening knowledge is absolutely zero. The closest I ever got to having a green thumb as a child was either watering the house plants or pinching sprouts from a nearby allotment so I'm literally just reading everything I can and throwing whatever is handy into the mix. If anyone asked me what was in the compost I'm currently making (first ever) I could list a few of the boxed stuff I bought and that would be it. I grew up in amongst the midst of a sterile concrete housing estate so gardening was never really something that went on much, apart from those strange old men who used to clear us off their allotments (can't blame them really). Now that malted barley has been mentioned in such a positive light I'll be sure to get some in. Thanks and I hope you are all having a great day, all the best :thumb:
Checked on the clones this afternoon and 3of4 have come around. This is encouraging to me because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. It's Something I have seen done first hand, but as a youth, I don't think you pay attention to you parents until you get older and realize that "maybe your old man was right." I know I am not quite out of the woods yet, but all signs are pointing in a good direction. Thank you sue for sending me to check out TOAST's journal, and although I don't think he knows I exist thank you TOAST for passing along your technique. One thing I didn't consider before I started LST on them was how difficult it would be to take clones. I ended up taking smaller clones because most of the bigger branches were really fat and woody. Nonetheless, I still think they will make healthy plants and I will remember this next time around. I plan to make the clone from #1 my future mother plant as long as its a female. One thing I do remember about this strain from my youth is that the males would never get leaves with more than 5 prongs. I'm not sure if this is scientifically proven or anything, but I remember my dad starting maybe 30 seeds and narrowing them down to about 5. When I would ask him why he'd pull certain ones he'd say "because that's a male."
"How do ya know?"
"Well males grow faster, taller and skinnier than the females. Females start off shorter and bushier, and look at the leaves." He'd point to one that didn't get more than 5 prongs. "Male." Then he'd make me pull it because he didn't want his plants to get mad at him. "Look at this one. See it has 7 or 9, or sometimes 12 prongs. Female." This is what he did to great success, but I have seen him fooled maybe twice, and to my recollection thats it.
So thats what Im going off of. #1 will be a mom, but would have no regrets if #2 becomes a mom, as she would also make a formidable mother if need be.
Until next time, hope everyone has a good evening---Cy
" Then he'd make me pull it because he didn't want his plants to get mad at him."

:rofl: I really like your Dad. I also like the way you like your Dad. These quirky stories are filled with the obvious pride you feel for him. That's the greatest gift a parent can hope for.

I was pleased to notice the bags. I thought "Geez, he listened and went to TOAST." TOAST gets really excited to be able to pass on what he's learned and he's so damned good at it you'd be crazy not to listen to him.

Hmmm. She thought. I could say that about PeeJay. Hmmmmm.

Sorry. Slipped away there. Gotta go. Watching for Graytail's update, which should be up anytime now. I'll see you later Cy. :love:
Hey cy i had a quick question maybe you had the answer to. Can you pollinate a female with a hermi? And if so do you think it would come out as if it were a true male? Or you think genetics would get mixed with being a hermi?

My first grow i ever did was a hermi. I remember pulling bananas off it every day. Anyways it was just a thought i had maybe you or your dad know :) thanks cy
DV! Yes you can pollinate a female with a hermi with no ill effects to genetics. Sometimes a female will turn hermi if there is no male, or if you let a female flower past its peak the stress will cause it to create pollen sacks as a last resort. Self preservation. Most of the seed from a hermi will also be female, as it is easier for one male to pollinate multiple females. Hope this helps. Cy

Good morning everyone, not really much to report, the plants are healthy and have been growing well after having some clones taken from them the other day. About once or twice a week I will re-tie the branches to keep them low. I also check under the leaves for critters, and have none to report. Also, there is no sign of fungus gnats in the soil. I attribute this to the health of the soil. Even the soil that I have outside, in which I water and turn 2-3 times a week has no signs of any type of infestation. No powder mildew to report. I've had powder mildew before and it was nasty, hard to get rid of and the stuff to get rid of it was nasty. Then, one day I read someones thread on another page, and he was talking about lactobacillus. So, I did some research on it and found out how beneficial it is to plants. It enhances the plants uptake of nutrients as both a drench and a spray. And it also sets up colonies of micro organisms on the leaves to defend agaist diseases. I found a recipe on the unconventional farmer. You basically take a mason's jar, fill it with rice wash and let it sit until it seperates into 3 layers. Extract the middle layer and add milk to it at a ratio of 10-1 milk to whey. Put a little molasses in there pack it with some rice bran close the lid and let it sit until you have milk curds. Take out the curds throw them into your compost and add more molasses to the serum at a 1-1 ratio. Thats it. Put it in the fridge, it will store for up to 6 months. Apply as a drench or spray at 1-2 tbl spoons per gal. I use it once a week, but will stop using it about two weeks into flower. These are the first plants I have used it on, and it seems to be doing the trick. Thats it for now. Cy
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