Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I've been in my own little world lately myself Light...:circle-of-love:
I know the feeling you twos, I'm coming off a little 420mag sabbatical myself and trying to catch up on all my subs. SHEESH! 50 plus behind...

I will help you in any way I can......:circle-of-love:
That's the 420 way. Congrats on your recent harvests Fifi. :circle-of-love:
Oh how I just love a harvest. :goodjob:


Killer ashtray!:thumb:

Even if you just told me, I love hearin' it again. And, oh, by the way, I love you too!:love:

Morning D. I sincerely hope you are entering that monster in POTM!!! You got my vote. :peace:
Thanks Super... She is drying as I type and will be jarred up on Sat..... I will most likely enter it in next moths contest......:circle-of-love:
Lovely plant you grew there Denise!!

Fantastic looking bud too!

Make sure you hotbox the place so the cat also can enjoy herself...sharing is caring! :rofl:

Good job! :thumb:
She gets the oil off my finger in the mornings....:) and my Rat terriers eat my buds if I'm not careful...:straightface:....:circle-of-love:
Damn, Lady. Nice haul. :circle-of-love:
Thanks PJ.... Happy soil...:)....:circle-of-love:
I know the feeling you twos, I'm coming off a little 420mag sabbatical myself and trying to catch up on all my subs. SHEESH! 50 plus behind...

That's the 420 way. Congrats on your recent harvests Fifi. :circle-of-love:
Thanks Broke Ass....:circle-of-love:
Hope you can sleep better now.

Your trimmed buds look quite dense and yummy.
Actually I don't know what to do with myself... I spent a lot of time in my garden... I don't know how long this is going to last... I'm seriously considering popping a bean...:;):.....:circle-of-love:
Hey D. Did the WW get the essential oil treatment? How do you think it is working? I have several weeks before I will be ready for the oil. :peace:
Yes it did and it most certainly made a large difference.... IMO it works every bit as well as the USS.....:circle-of-love:
Outstanding pictures of the harvest and the plant before/After Dennise! Ya got reps for that for sure!
Looking forward to the dried result and the smoke report. :)
I'll be harvesting one of my own in the next couple weeks, I 'spect.

Beautiful growing job my friend!

Thank you so much Sunshine.....:circle-of-love:
Beautiful Dennise! Can't wait to see a report :goodjob:
Oh how I just love a harvest. :goodjob:


:passitleft: High Magic....:party:.....:circle-of-love:
Killer ashtray!:thumb:

Even if you just told me, I love hearin' it again. And, oh, by the way, I love you too!:love:

My x brother in law sent it to me yesterday...:) I love it too.....:high-five:.....:circle-of-love:
OK I have the final weight on the auto Ultra Lemon Haze and the first real smoke report on this one..... Dammmnnnnn what a difference...:yikes: She hits very smoothly already on inhale without any noticeable taste but on exhale.... it taste like someone squeezed a lemon in your mouth... it's amazing and by far the best tasting I have ever grown...:) It is also already a one hit wonder... It hits ya hard and the bells start ringing immediately.... without any cure whatsoever I would give this girl a very strong 7+ and can't wait till she been cured.... Her buds are drying up beautifully too... Unless I have just forgotten something I think these are probably the hardest and densest buds I have ever grown... the Purple Trainwreck was close but these are awesome...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
Then I was sitting on my dead azz this morning wringing my hands cause I didn't have a garden to go play in...:thedoubletake: Soooo I decided I'm going to take everything down for a while except the little tent and will just grow 1 girl at a time.... soooo I went through all my beans and looked them all up and decided to go with this one....:) I just can't help myself....:straightface:.....:circle-of-love:

Now I'm going to cross my fingers that my bean pops cause when I was storing everything away I meant to put them in the crisper in the refrigerator and I accidentally put them in the freezer :oops:.... so we shall see what happens....:circle-of-love:
Here's the info on my bean....:circle-of-love:

Tutankhamon Seeds | Pyramid Seeds
If you were only ever to buy one strain in your life from Original Sensible Seeds, then it would have to be Tutankhamon weed seeds. The phrase ‘Top Drawer’ was probably created for Tutankhamon cannabis. And if it wasn’t, it certainly should have been. Staggering THC levels of fast acting cannabis have been recorded at levels as high as 33% in just 63 days flowering. But even that only tells part of the story.
It is the ease of growth, the quality of the social effect and the sheer genius in their creativity that make these feminised seeds so special. Tutankhamon is euphoric, she is happy, in a flavour of pungent lemons that is totally sublime. Just don’t be surprised if you can’t finish a whole joint of Tutankhamon. With strength like this, even veterans can meet their match.
Also known as King Tut, Tutankhamon cannabis seeds are brimming over with Sativa dominance from the high quality AK 47 genetics inside. She offers relief from almost ailment you could ever think of. And even a few you can’t. And with the quantity of side branches available, whether you are growing weed indoors or out, you can get almost as many clones as you want. Just make sure you put a few stakes in the ground, because weights like this need support.
If you haven’t tried Tutankhamon cannabis seeds, then you simply do not know what you’re missing. Get some of these beauties in your basket and see King Tut at his very best.
Now I only have to figure out what to do with myself for 3 days then I can start playing again.... I think I will go mix up a batch of soil.... I just got a present from one of the boys of 35 lbs of Red Bud Farms worm castings...:yahoo: so what's a mom to do...:confused: I can't let him think I don't appreciate his gift....:) I hope they don't go bad cause I think this should be enough for quite a while.... He is going to be on leave before being deployed in January so I think he is trying to tell me something....:circle-of-love:
PJ I love you and I will never ever be able to repay you for giving me the recipe to grow the most amazing herb I have ever in my best of dreams imagined growing.... and for making it so easy even an idget like me can grow some amazing meds and amazing just get ripped smoke....:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
PJ I will never ever be able to repay you for giving me the recipe to grow the most amazing herb I have ever in my best of dreams imagined growing.... and for making it so easy
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