First Berry White Closet Grow

With my healthcare about to be revoked I'm glad to have my medicine growing! I have a good handful of preexisting conditions listed on the new bill that will keep me from being able to get healthcare now... I'm so glad I was able to wean off the literal hundreds of meds a day... over 100 pills a day~ thank you God for this beautiful plant!
I am 100% narcotic free and almost 100% pill free. Good job Vesp! I'm really glad youve found this medicine and have an obvious talent for growing it.
It's funny because now that I've been clean for 7 years i could get all the legal narcotics through a doctor if I wanted. Good job Jesse! The pain is difficult but worth the clean living!
I commend you guys, im very lucky in that I've never had a chronic sickness, but i can only imagine what you go through on a day to day basis, sadly i like pills for all the wrong reasons so i go out of my way to stay away from narcotic prescriptions, although i tell my twin sister all the time that when i get really old I'm taking all the drugs the doctors give me ( or at least the good stuff)
I'm with Leo on this, no need for pills for me, except for the wrong reasons, so I stay away. I have a bit of an addicting personality, so I could see how easy it would be to get hooked on them. It is so awesome that you guys have been able to be free of that as well. My wife has chronic back issues from a car accident when she was a teanager (got rear-ended). she gets pills, but tries not to take them. they drug test her to make sure she is not doing anything else, smoking weed would get her script revoked,, aint that some s... but now, since her back will never get better, they now recommended her to try medicinal, the kicker is,, if she gets her med card, they will yank her license to carry. It is BS. So take opiods and keep your gun, or smoke weed and lose it. Take opiods and keep your DOT med card, get a MJ med card though, and lose the DOT one.

Nothing like mother nature to provide the medicine the body needs. Way better than big pharma, that's for sure.
Seriously! It's crazy how backwards the law is.

Thank you all for all the great vibes~ this plant is medicine for a lot of us~ I actually believe it's medicine for everyone. I'm blessed to have an opportunity to keep clean & grow my own~
Good morning 420 fam! I hope everyones weekend was full of joy & laughter~ My bestie came over this weekend & I finally got some medicine! I feel like a whole different person~ my tolerance is nil so one hit & I'm good for half the day!

Getting super excited about flip day!
Claudette is 20" tall so I think she's itching to flip too~ I'd read that leaving them under the MH bulb in the first couple weeks will help minimize the stretch so I was thinking about waiting to change to the new bulb. Any thoughts on this appreciated~
Good morning 420 fam! I hope everyones weekend was full of joy & laughter~ My bestie came over this weekend & I finally got some medicine! I feel like a whole different person~ my tolerance is nil so one hit & I'm good for half the day!

Getting super excited about flip day!
Claudette is 20" tall so I think she's itching to flip too~ I'd read that leaving them under the MH bulb in the first couple weeks will help minimize the stretch so I was thinking about waiting to change to the new bulb. Any thoughts on this appreciated~

Awesome that you got to spend time with bestie and get medicated at the same time. :thumb:
I'm strictly LED, so someone else will have to help you with MH thingy. I'm as excited as you are about the flip, already started the journal.
High everyone! Glad your'e feeling better Vesp'. Had a few rough days myself lately ugh. :icon_roll

You can run your MH for a while in flower. It will add bulk in the end. Going straight to a red spectrum HPS at flip can end up with looser more spindly buds because of no compensation for stretch which is still a more vegetative state. You could even run the whole way on MH, but you'd miss out on what the red spectrum will add. If you are only option is one at a time then switch to red HPS after the stretch and the buds are well established.

I use both LED and HID sometimes both at once and sometimes either or.. just depends. Either way I tend to think of it as spectrum rather than so much type of light. My usual approach is mostly blue for seedlings, cloning and early to mid veg. Then I add more red spectrum for late veg, transition and early flower. Typically by the final two to four weeks of flower I'm running dominantly red spectrum. Nice thing is both red types of lights, HPS or LED in flower mode, run cooler than the MH or the LED with both switches on. Those cooler temps really pay off in the final product.

Thank you for all the great info gypsy! I think I'll run the mh for the stretch transition. They're so tall already & I haven't got the light pulleys yet so leaving the light where it is will be easier for now. After the transition is done I'll change to the hps bulb~

Hey Leo~ my girls haven't flashed a thing... except Claudette but she was a mature clone when I got her~ I'll be staring at them during transition until I'm sure~ lol

Thanks for the good vibes gang!
Wishing you all beautiful girls vesp! Hope your feeling better, we've been missing your presence on our journals!
Yes we have vesp. It's good to have our bully, er...I mean our pillar back :)
Not sure if you saw it but snarly threatened to send you after me if i didn't sub to the flip journal, so i immediately subbed because.......I'm scared of you . .
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