First Grow Guidance: 400w MH/600w HPS & Soil

Well, they say bad news comes in three's so I guess I have another coming. :(

Turns out Olive Oil turned into Popeye. I thought I saw a nanner last night and I checked closely again today and found a few growing on various buds. It doesn't look like any had dropped yet but I can't be certain. I pulled it out and chopped it up. I'm not interested in taking chances. I've got my fingers crossed that nothing had yet dropped. I hope that isn't bad news number 3. :(

Anyway, here is what I chopped.





A couple boxes of small stuff..

At least I'm gonna have something to smoke soon. :smokin:

Beautiful work Harry.. That amazon woman must be half u should definatly put that photo of her in the Creme de la Creme thread:ganjamon:
Harry, HY WHT'S UP???,,,,,,,,,Amazing Plant!!!!!,,,,,,The Leaves Wiill Die, & Fall Off,,That Natural,,,Stay With Checking The Trich.'s,,Tell You The Truth,, I Feel Like It Need's To Go Another 20 To 25 Day's,Total Like 65 To 70 Day's Flowering,,It Will Be Some Terrifying Smoke With 50%/50%!!!!,,,Great Job Bro, Stay With It!!!!:grinjoint::grinjoint:
Thank you RLM. You're right about that. 65 to 70 days is what these ladies really need to mature. Miss Burly, quite a bit more. Fast Betty was dying fast so I really didn't have much choice with her.

I'm just hoping the hermie didn't spew pollen all over on Miss Burley. That would really suck.

Deez Nuts. :(



Beautiful work Harry.. That amazon woman must be half u should definatly put that photo of her in the Creme de la Creme thread:ganjamon:
Thanks for the kind words man. It might be a little premature for that thread but who knows, maybe it will finish well and be deserving of being there.


Thank ya KS!!

Now that the dust (or should I say pollen) has settled, it's time to take stock of where I'm at with this grow.

This is day 51 or 12/12 and I still have 3 plants in the flower area. Sheena, Roxy and Miss Burley.

Sheena and Roxy seem to be maturing well and I'm seeing a few amber trichs scattered in there. I'm thinking I'll flush around Day 60, depending on the how things go and the state of the trichs.

Here's some bud pix...











You can see her tucked back in the corner.


Some of her buds...






Miss Burley hasn't changed much. She's a growing girl. :smokin:

Wow those are some huge plants, it sucks when you have to harvest early.Miss Burley is looking sexy.
Thanks 420 & MOTAvation. That Herm was really sneaky and popped at those pods while I wasn't paying attention. I think there may have been more pollen spread around than what I originally thought. Good thing I'm far enough along in the grow so that I can salvage something.

Read Something About A Hermie???,,,,,,I Got In-Trouble This Summer With Heat!!!,,,,I Had About 10 Plant Go Hermie On Me!!!~~~~,,,& These Are Established Female Strain's I Have Been Cloning For 7 Or More Year's!!!
Whoa, that's a bummer. I guess what Moose said recently about stress came into play with the heat issues you had.

A few smaller buds have dried out enough to test, so I did.



Fast Bettey is pretty tasty already, with a piney flavor & the smell of wild grapes (and something danky). Too bad I had to take it early. I can imagine what might have been. It also appeared to be just starting to grow a few nano seeds in some of the buds. A sign the hermie pollen may have gotten to it at the end. It may also explain why the buds on this one seemed to stretch and crown in the last few days before it faded.

Now I'm concerned about Sheena and Roxy. They may have gotten pollinated as well. Sheena is gonna be ready in a couple of days anyway and Roxy a few days after that. Maybe they aren't pollinated as badly as I fear. My biggest concern is that Miss Burley took some pollen. I hope not. That would be very disappointing. She's just getting started budding.

Here's that Damn herm!! HeShe turned bright red when I dried it out.

Looks like just starting to grow nano seeds..

Oh well, guess there is only one thing to do!!


There!! Problem solved!! :smokin:

Harry, even if there are a few nano seeds it still looks tasty as hell, congrats on the harvest! Hopefully the pollen did not spread to the others and they will still be glorious virgins for ya ;-) Can't wait to see the others finish.
:peace: :ganjamon:
Thx 4204all!!

You're right, all is not lost!! I believe the other two will turn out OK and I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that Miss Burley avoided the bulk of the pollen. :smokin:

Oh, and the hermie has a slightly sweet taste with a little harsh aftertaste which I'm sure will get a little better after some curing. The high is a mid-level up buzz.

Fast Betty's high is a notch above the mids. It's a good sativa buzz, where ya' get a nice stream of thought and creativity going. Being I took it early, I'm well pleased with it.

Might have to do another test. :smokin:

Good growing! It does suck you had to harvest early, but at least you're making the best of it! ;-) Curing is the cure all for making bud flavor better, so I'm with ya there!
Thanks MsFox and Kevin. I'm rollin' phat!! :smokin:

Yeah RLMCHATCH, the herm really messed me up. Oh, well. I got a pretty good yield from Fast Betty and I'm expecting more than twice this amount from Sheena and Roxy. The look to have much harder, more mature buds too. I'll be taking Sheena in the next couple of days. I believe she's ran her course and has nothing left to give. Roxy soon after..

Here's the total haul from the HeShe and Fast Betty.


I'll probably keep the best buds from Betty and screen the rest for hash. :smokin:


thanks for sharing your grow with us brother!

many will benefit from it, for years to come...;)

i am moving this to completed journals now.

looking forward to your next grow!...;)
Well, thanks 420 but this journal is nowhere near complete. I harvested one hermie and Fast Betty (who was dying) early. I still have three more plants to harvest in this grow.

I'm just getting to the good part. :smokin:

Day 58 of 12/12


Well, it's harvest time for Sheena. She's quite a large gal, topping out at around 6'. I'm really glad she was able to finish up this nicely. The buds are very sticky and the smell is sweet pine with a hint of wild grapes.

Here's some pix..

The full plant

Main Cola Shots


Secondary Colas

Bud porn










Hanging to dry


I can't want to get a taste of this one. :smokin:

I'll be harvesting Roxy in a couple more days...

Re: Day 58 of 12/12

Wow, bro that's phenominal, congratulations! Outstanding! I smell a bud of the month contest heating up. This is gonna be a hard contest to decide on. There have been some brutal buds growing out on the site lately. Do you have a wet harvest weight.
Once again, nice job Mr. Harry.... What beautiful pictures those are.... I can't wait to see whats next.... You have done a hell of a job, so enjoy those meds and I shall be waiting for the next one to come down... They just keep getting better and better... :clap: :peace:
Harry Red ...
Drool, Drool and more Drool....
LOL !! Most beautiful mano ! Gratz and looking foward to more.

Peace :roorrip:
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